No matter what you are or who you are.... you'll never have a girl if you don't go where girls are.
You want more chances ? Improve your status, your life, your attitude, your game, your health.
Status is a concept.... it varies depending on the person... some people will rank ''high'' what you rank ''low'' etc...
The important part is being the ''status'' you want!
Why? If you are what you ''want'', your confidence will be boosted or your ''frame'' will be more solid because you have a ''foundation''
Now! Most people complain about what they don't have (doctor complaint they don't meet chicks or have a social life, Lawyer they work too much for no pay + they have no social life, Bartender: they have a expiry date) etc....
Status goes to impact your frame but its a self concept.
Now you want to have success? (note: Girl and Business are in this topic interrelated)
You need: 1. Frame 2. Location 3. Opportunities 4. Action
1. Frame = have yourself put together, always look good inside and out, your ''game'' face is on
2. Location = Have to go where stuff happens
3. Opportunities = Like location, you have to put in your way where social life is happening.... or... YOU MAKE THE SOCIAL life happens (like Dadynamic wrote)... so opportunities is both Location and Social Skills... instead of being home... go out... instead of SoSuave, make approachs... study in a coffee shop, take a class.... have a good frame, wear something that attracts attention, have money to host parties... It's about how many opportunities you can make happen or receive
4. Action = Now you have your ''status'' (location, opportunities, frame) .... you have to ACT and make it happen.... only you can make it happen and you need to want it
PS: Girls have also a ''variation and unique outlook'' on their concept of status, like we divergence on HB level (in this post... HB level is your own)