Regardless of your status, it's all about how many opportunities you can get and create.


Jun 23, 2014
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Lately I have heard some decent material from @da dynamically about what matters most if you want to get hot girls and I think to an extent he is on to something. I have also argued with @RangerMIke about this very thing as well when we talked about college versus the real world for men. This is an argument I have had with @bigneil which has him thinking that I want older guys to do poorly. Why would I if I am going to be an older guy one day?

Regardless of your looks, status, game, and money; it's all about the opportunities you can get and create with attractive women if you want to sleep with a lot of them.

I think the reason college gets pedestalized as much as it does is because college guys are in a unique environment where the vast majority of the women they run into are single and bangable. Being in a top tier fraternity, in my opinion, is one of the biggest boosts out there for a guy who wants to sleep with a lot of hot girls because it simply provides him a lot of opportunities. For the vast majority of guys in college though, the opportunity isn't normally as good.

Lets break the situation down even more.

You have one guy who is 19, drinks a lot, parties a lot, isn't that charming, and looks okay. That guy happens to be at a party school where most girls have a high sex drive and hookup culture is big. At some point, even that guy is going to score.

You have another guy who is older, out of college, works 50+ hours a week, and doesn't interact with women nearly as much as the former. He is handsome, makes a nice salary, and is a smooth talker but there is an issue; the opportunities are just not there.

Guy 2 is much better on paper than guy 1.

Guy 2 is better looking, probably even has better game, a better salary, and generally better than guy 1 but who is really getting laid more?

This is why whenever someone says women love older men, while I can see that as being true, it's different in the way it plays out.

I am sure most hot girls in the 18-25 age range would be open to sleeping with an older guy that his life together, doesn't mean it happens that often.

Because who are they running more into and who is a part of their world?

In all likelihood, it's a guy around their age.

Most attractive women have social circles they are a part of and as a result, they go for guys who are a part of their social world.

So while another guy might objectively be better on paper, in her world he does not have status.

That is why bartenders and club promoters get way more hot girls than software engineers and most white collar guys, because the opportunity is there.

Club promoters work in an environment that promotes hooking up, sleeping around, and having random sex while software engineers? Not as much.

It doesn't matter that on paper, club promoter is a lot less appealing to society than some guy working at Google but it's all about the opportunities.

Given enough opportunities being thrown at your face, the vast majority of guys with decent looking and an ounce of game could get an above average looking girl every now and then.

Which is why we need to talk more about this too.

Cold approach and online dating are ways to create opportunities but I do think that guys can do way more too. I think a guy that is good on paper who CAN create a lot of opportunities for himself will truly swim in p-ssy.
ALL of this is great, and I know that I would have a shyt more chicks I'm "spinning" if I had:

- More time to meet more chicks
- More time to entertain/manage more chicks on rotation

The situation here is that I have something called "priorities" in life. That is, I have a career, a real career, as well as real financial goals that I'm looking to accomplish. I also want to stay healthy, so that requires some time spent in the gym/working out.

Accomplished men don't have all of this time on their hands to spin 10 women at once, sit around fvcking chicks all day, and sit around meeting women all day.

It's all about BALANCE. Because my time is limited, I'm actually at the place of limiting the type of women I rotate/spin and entertain, because I don't have the time to entertain all of them anyway and I'm damn sure not sacrificing my career progression for something as meaningless as a piece of ran through pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Now you're getting it.

How to get hot women:

  1. Put yourself around hot women as much as possible.
  2. Don't f*ck it up.
Ding ding ding! Correct answer here, folks. /thread

The average bartender makes $22,000 per year ($11 an hour). I made $220,000 in the past 8 months as a software engineer ($165 an hour). Meaning I now make 15 times as much as a bartender. Historically I make about 7.5 times as much.That's over an order of
magnitude on average. Try again.
Men who brag about money have low self esteem. Whatchu compensating for, buddy?


Oct 20, 2006
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Ding ding ding! Correct answer here, folks. /thread

Men who brag about money have low self esteem. Whatchu compensating for, buddy?
I'm helping to compensate for a poor education system and too many people unemployed by providing a working example of how much money you can make (let's face it, close to the most you can hope to make) by being a software engineer. If anyone makes more, please tell me how, I won't pretend you are bragging because I won't be jealous.

I've been bankrupt, homeless, and lived in shady hotels for months and had years where I only earned $5,000. This has been my best 2 year period so far.


Oct 20, 2006
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It's not bragging if it's true. I think it's essential to have some working examples of how to earn money.

Most rich people have money but don't actually earn any money (except interest and inflation on assets). A lot of them run businesses that are actually losing money, but everyone assumes they are earning money because the person is rich.

There is something to be said about being able to generate (versus be handed) money. Being self made is the best, being a trustafarian is the worst. I'd rather die!

I'm by no means in the richest 1%. I'm in the top 20% (to put it in perspective I've earned as much in the past 8 months as my total assets at age 46, not counting my software).


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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It's not bragging if it's true. I think it's essential to have some working examples of how to earn money.

Most rich people have money but don't actually earn any money (except interest and inflation on assets). A lot of them run businesses that are actually losing money, but everyone assumes they are earning money because the person is rich.

There is something to be said about being able to generate (versus be handed) money. Being self made is the best, being a trustafarian is the worst. I'd rather die!

I'm by no means in the richest 1%. I'm in the top 20% (to put it in perspective I've earned as much in the past 8 months as my total assets at age 46, not counting my software).
For starters, wealth and income are two different things. $220,000 / year is in the top 1% of income for most states in this country, and top 5% for every state in this country. $220,000 in total net worth is far from wealthy and no one here ever implied such.

The point is, you are the quickest one on this forum to derail topics into a sermon about how much you make and how women should prefer you because if it. Women don't think that way, pal. It's great to be proud of your accomplishments, but the woman sitting across from you really doesn't care until she has real feelings for you. Judging by your willingness to brandish your income, I'm sure you do this on dates. The only women that aren't turned off by this behavior are gold digging trashbags. Men who brag about income are insecure and everyone can pick up on it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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ALL of this is great, and I know that I would have a shyt more chicks I'm "spinning" if I had:

- More time to meet more chicks
- More time to entertain/manage more chicks on rotation

The situation here is that I have something called "priorities" in life. That is, I have a career, a real career, as well as real financial goals that I'm looking to accomplish. I also want to stay healthy, so that requires some time spent in the gym/working out.

Accomplished men don't have all of this time on their hands to spin 10 women at once, sit around fvcking chicks all day, and sit around meeting women all day.

It's all about BALANCE. Because my time is limited, I'm actually at the place of limiting the type of women I rotate/spin and entertain, because I don't have the time to entertain all of them anyway and I'm damn sure not sacrificing my career progression for something as meaningless as a piece of ran through pvssy.
I used to think like that...that if I could work 40 hours and get X accomplished, that meant if I worked 60 hours, I could get 1.5X accomplished. However, humans simply don't work like that. Study after study continues to show that 40 hours is pretty close to the limit humans can work in a week and maintain productivity. To the point that additional hours worked reduce their efficiency so that they end up getting roughly the same amount of work accomplished in however many hours they worked as they did in 40 hours.

I already had a knack for being efficient just by way of my personality, but what I learned is that I can be HYPER-eficient in 40 hours and get MORE work done in that time than I could if I worked 50 hours or 55 hours. That means keeping any non-productive thing to a minimum and staying glued to my seat most of the day. Take lunch breaks only as long as you need to eat(or none at all many times). Keep BS'ing, water-cooler talk, and any non-productive talk to a minimum. Not only do you stay on task,you actually become HYPER focused on task because you are not stopping and starting all the time which tends to ruin your flow so that it takes you a few minutes each time you start again to get back into the groove you were in.

So for me, working over 40 hours is just not happening, because I can work 40 hours and get more accomplished than most people who work 50 or 55 hours, and that is the truth because I know I get more accomplished this way than I did working 50 or 55 hours myself, and I was already getting more done than most other people working the same hours...

So now I'm of the belief that if you can't do it in 40 hours in a week, you just aren't good enough at your job.


Jun 23, 2014
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I used to think like that...that if I could work 40 hours and get X accomplished, that meant if I worked 60 hours, I could get 1.5X accomplished. However, humans simply don't work like that. Study after study continues to show that 40 hours is pretty close to the limit humans can work in a week and maintain productivity. To the point that additional hours worked reduce their efficiency so that they end up getting roughly the same amount of work accomplished in however many hours they worked as they did in 40 hours.
Tell that to Doctors, Lawyers, Business Owners, Nurses, Professional Salesmen, and those that work in Investment Banking. All of these careers routinely go into the 50 - 60 (PLUS) hours per week level.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Tell that to Doctors, Lawyers, Business Owners, Nurses, Professional Salesmen, and those that work in Investment Banking. All of these careers routinely go into the 50 - 60 (PLUS) hours per week level.
Add Bar and/or Restaurant Managers in there too..

Most of those are because you are at the mercy of other people, so yeah, they don't have a choice. I'm referring to the people who DO have a choice and work longer hours because they can't get enough done.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Tell that to Doctors, Lawyers, Business Owners, Nurses, Professional Salesmen, and those that work in Investment Banking. All of these careers routinely go into the 50 - 60 (PLUS) hours per week level.
That's less than ideal. Yes, they do work longer hours due to demands of their clients but that doesn't mean you should choose to. The only way one should work more than 40 hours per week is if they they are building their side business. Your primary employer can pound sand.
Oct 6, 2016
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Nobody understood the OP .

To make it simple, it doesn't matter how much you earn , how good you look and how many possessions you own , it's all about creating opportunities.

Op used the bartender example to show that even if you're not earning much , since you are around many women , the possibility to sleep with some is much higher .

If i make 500k a year , I'm healthy and good looking but never going out to meet hot females, it's stupid to complain why i never get a woman .

I see in my neighbourhood some very low value guys , with no job , skinny as fck and no money , going out with some of the finest chicks in town. Why? Because their cycle includes a lot of hot women. Meanwhile me who's more attractive, I'm bigger than them and i have more value , never did anything with those chicks because i never created an opportunity to meet them or enter their cycle.
The thing is , you have to try many different approach methods and improve your conversation skills. That's all.
Op is right .
this guy got the point of the ENTIRE thread
Oct 6, 2016
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The elusive obvious that most guys who dont have abundance miss is that once you become this high status guy surrounded by women, you will actually feel pathetic for doing anything for women. You would realize that 90% of women are not worth your time and will tell guys to focus on their careers instead. If you go down the path of being a no life seducer, you will wish you had balance and focused all your time being sucessful in life and doing things you are passionate about. The first thing i did when i had abundance was going back to my life and trying to achieve great things. Why? Because of realization. The realization is that most american women are intolerable and it is pathetic to do anything for them. It is your sexual desperation that prevents you from realizing this. When you achieve status and abundance you actually go hybrid MTGTOW while having 1-2 fvck buddies and focusing 90% of your time trying to achieve greatness while being open for the possibility of a unicorn chick.
Except you more or less HAVE to want to get hot girls if you are to be the "high status" guy that they want to sleep with.

The high status guy is not the doctor, lawyer, or banker but it is the bar owner of a popular bar, nightclub owner, or the bartender at one of those places. It is the model photographer and the guy who controls what girls get the modeling contract and which ones don't.

That is high status.

So I don't know what you're trying to peddle here but the truth is, you have to want to get hot girls if you are going to be that high status guy.

Sure, after a while it gets old, just like being rich and famous and successful gets old, but you have to experience it first.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
this guy got the point of the ENTIRE thread
It's annoying when you start a very interesting topic and instead of people giving their opinions on how somebody can fix that , i see comparisons about lawers , bartenders, doctors , waiters whatever .

It's also very interesting because it proves one theory of mine which says that people read/hear only what they want to read/hear and not what you are writing/saying.


Master Don Juan
Feb 23, 2012
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There is NO such thing.

Once you think this way, you have shifted your focus from you to her. And once you do this, you are screwed. The only thing you should be focused on is doing your own thing and she comes along for the ride.
Shifting your focus to her would be ****ing up.
Every post? It's boring.
Oct 6, 2016
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That's not true at all.
Since the post was too long to quote.

Lets break it down to prove that I am right and you clearly didn't get the point of my thread, it's not about LTRing a 10.

This thread was not about locking down a 10, I have said countless times in the past that a doctor or banker can get a trophy wife but here is what you don't mention. The bartender was smashing that same piece of a$$ for next to nothing while the doctor and banker is paying for it. Most guys on here prefer to sleep with a lot of hot girls as opposed to locking one down for an LTR, the vast majority just don't care to date a hot girl long term as it is generally a bad idea anyways.

Hot girls WOULD choose the bartender, club promoter, or DJ for a one night stand and fling but they will choose a doctor for an LTR.

But that is when these women are in their 30s, way past their prime, see that biological clock ticking, and need a free meal ticket.

Next up, it's not about being a high status guy in society with my post, it's about being a high status guy that gets laid and to hot girls that want d1ck, high status is club promoter, bartender, DJ, and along those lines.

Stop trying to make this into some dumb post about morals and stop trying to guilt trip people down a career path, since when did you become an Asian parent all of a sudden?

The reality is that bartenders and club promoters are sleeping with more hot girls than doctors, no one actually wants to be the guy who locks her a$$ down when she is 30 and way past her prime.

Plus, having to PAY for dates with the same piece of puss that split her legs for free for a club promoter? Come on now and I actually thought you knew stuff.
Oct 6, 2016
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Do you honestly think anyone is going to read your post and think to themselves "Olly has a point. I am going to become a bartender now because they have status among hot girls." Or a DJ. Or whatever "high status" occupation that pays you sh!t.
What crap are you trying to sell?

Anyone with life experience knows that you are practically telling men to be meal tickets. I never told guys to be bartenders so stop putting words into my mouth but the truth stands, those doctors and wealthy men are PAYING for dates and they aren't getting that much play. Line them up right now, doctors and bankers do not have a long list of hot girls they have slept with and they don't.

Let me repeat what I said a million times since you don't get it, being a doctor or white collar profession is ideal for LTRs and marriage, even you say that so I don't know why you're so angry.

Hot girls will marry the doctor.

Hot girls will go on an expensive date with the doctor.

But hot girls will not readily sleep with a doctor unless money is thrown in.

The guy working at bar, playing in a band, club promoting, and doing all those types of jobs is getting the same piece of pu$$y at almost no cost.

When are bartenders broke anyways?

Tons of them earn great money bartending and can easily jump to other careers that pay well if they have a college degree. I have worked in the business world where guys who bartended in their 20s got a corporate job right after.

We can agree that being one in your 30s is a bad idea but I will also say not to expect your white collar job to bring you pu$$y AND to take a hit on your wallet if you want to get hot girls.
Oct 6, 2016
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@da dynamically

You're being rational and I like that. I do agree with you that being a bartender past the age of 30 (think anywhere in your 20s is good though) is not ideal but I guess now we can talk more rationally about it. I also agree with you that men should put their focus on the big goals like money, paying rent, and doing those important things.

FYI, I was in a good house in college (fraternity) so I had success in that regard.

My main point is the fact that those rich guys you speak of, they are having to spend their money on women indirectly.

The bartender in college is not spending a dime on women, that's my very point right there.

I think that the injustice here and one I would love for men of all ages to work around is to be able to get hot girls without having to spend even a dime.

To me, the doctor taking the model out on an expensive date is a loser, he truly is. The b-tch is eating up the poor guy's wallet, I don't even care if it is a drop in the ocean, that is money out of his pocket going to women.

Respectable men and in this case DJs should be able to get hot girls without having to spend even a dime, create a lifestyle that gets them that life without having to spend a dime from their wallet.

That is why it is important to have that lifestyle that gets hot girls but you don't have to spend a dime for.


Oct 20, 2006
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@da dynamically .
The bartender in college is not spending a dime on women, that's my very point right there...
Let's see:

The bartender spends 8 hours at the bar and earns $88 on average. He goes home with $88 and a free (trashy bar) girl. He can only afford McDonald's and has an ulcer so he voted for Hillary to get free health care.

The software engineer works 8 hours and earns $400 on average. He takes a (sophisticated career) girl out to dinner for $150.00 and still has $250 left over. He eats organic and goes on to have a healthy family.

Both have a girl. One has $88 and is unhealthy and the other has $250 and is healthy (no wonder Olly's theory only sort of works when you are in your 20's), and you are saying the one with $88 saved money?

Has anyone ever in the history of SS worshipped male bartenders this way? Olivia will never get over Bruce, will she? Sad.



Oct 20, 2006
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@da dynamically
To me, the doctor taking the model out on an expensive date is a loser, he truly is. The b-tch is eating up the poor guy's wallet.
And to us, Olly is a bitter, broke 30-something, non-white, welfare-collecting Feminist parading as the male college bartender she had a crush on in 2009.

He'd much rather have less money than the doctor (after his date) and a much skankier woman. Great idea.
@da dynamically I would love for men of all ages to... be able to get hot girls without having to spend even a dime.
Ha! That's like saying "I just want women who will have my children without my having to provide ANY food!"

No WONDER you want cheap women. You are broke as a 33 year old career bartender (with a beer belly).

Subtitled: Olly doesn't have even a dime.
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