Men have been used to being caretakers and providers for a looooooooong time. Along comes feminism and makes women "independent", mainly meaning financially because a lot of other things stem from that. You are right when you say there are a lot of co-dependant people out there, but it is partially not their fault/responsabilit (****ed up childhood, ****ed up parents relationship play a huuuuge role in this).
Moreover, it is not like men do not want women who need nothing from them, but "independent" women tend to not wanna have babies in general because it messes with their oh so important career, you know. And when you don't wanna have a baby or you wanna have one but let an unknown woman/man raise him/her for you, what is a man supposed to do? Women, in general, are bad handlers of power, especially financial power. When a woman earns more than a man, it is quite usual that she will abuse that fact and either shame him in subtle or direct ways or she will one day leave the ****er. On the other hand, we have had men earn more than women for a loooong time and nothing bad happened and that because taking care of a family, kids and wife, comes naturally to men.
If you don't wanna have our babies or you wanna have them but keep on focusing your career, treating our family and our children and our interests/causes as secondary, why would I wanna be with you long term? What for?