A couple of questions for older guys (30+) that manage to get laid and avoid being monogamous.


Feb 12, 2015
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Call this me planning for the future so I want to ask all guys over the age of 30 about this. I am looking to hear from guys who actually have sex with a lot of different women and not guys in LTRs or anything of the sort. Please answer these questions as honestly as you can as I will describe them in great detail as to what I am looking for.

1. How much money do you find yourself actually spending on women?

I find that so as women get older, they expect men to be able to spend cash on them while in their younger days, they would have split their legs for free to some football player or frat bro. What I am asking is if you find yourself having to spend money on a date or anything of the sort in regards to women and what advice you would give to men that want to avoid having to drop a dime on a girl.

2. How easy is it for you to get recognition for being player?

I find that in high school for example, you knew who the players were because it was a small bubble. TBH, I kinda want that recognition of being the guy who has hot women in his life but I hardly see any older players having this sort of an image. The idea of keeping it discrete annoys me, I want others to know that I have hot girls in my life. So how easy or hard is it for you to get that recognition?

I know I said a couple of questions but I do have one more.

3. Other than the sex alone, how tough is it to actually live the player lifestyle?

I don't mean just sleeping with random women, I mean going out to a bar with a couple of hot girls by your arm or going to a social event with a couple of hot girls. I mean having hot girls on your instagram page in pics with you and having a lot of cool friends in your circle.

Thanks in advance older players and I hope for a tomorrow where we live in a world in which players over the age of 30 are the norm instead of unicorns.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Call this me planning for the future so I want to ask all guys over the age of 30 about this. I am looking to hear from guys who actually have sex with a lot of different women and not guys in LTRs or anything of the sort. Please answer these questions as honestly as you can as I will describe them in great detail as to what I am looking for.

1. How much money do you find yourself actually spending on women?

I find that so as women get older, they expect men to be able to spend cash on them while in their younger days, they would have split their legs for free to some football player or frat bro. What I am asking is if you find yourself having to spend money on a date or anything of the sort in regards to women and what advice you would give to men that want to avoid having to drop a dime on a girl.

2. How easy is it for you to get recognition for being player?

I find that in high school for example, you knew who the players were because it was a small bubble. TBH, I kinda want that recognition of being the guy who has hot women in his life but I hardly see any older players having this sort of an image. The idea of keeping it discrete annoys me, I want others to know that I have hot girls in my life. So how easy or hard is it for you to get that recognition?

I know I said a couple of questions but I do have one more.

3. Other than the sex alone, how tough is it to actually live the player lifestyle?

I don't mean just sleeping with random women, I mean going out to a bar with a couple of hot girls by your arm or going to a social event with a couple of hot girls. I mean having hot girls on your instagram page in pics with you and having a lot of cool friends in your circle.

Thanks in advance older players and I hope for a tomorrow where we live in a world in which players over the age of 30 are the norm instead of unicorns.
Players like that are marketed as pimps. But women run th show and decide.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2015
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Your thinking of an image like that dude from social media. I forget his name.

Buy a Ferrari.


Master Don Juan
Feb 23, 2012
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1. How much money do you find yourself actually spending on women?
Nothing exorbitant. I spend what it costs to go out and have a good time. I don't buy fancy gifts, but I do buy corny gifts, so not much there either.
2. How easy is it for you to get recognition for being player?
From girls? They know the second I start talking. From guys? Don't know, don't care.
3. Other than the sex alone, how tough is it to actually live the player lifestyle?
Tough? If I wanted a tough life, I'd get married.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City

Depends. I invite girls to do things I want to do. Sometimes it costs money and sometimes not. I don't go out of my way to spend money on women and I don't go out of my way to avoid spending money on women. I just try to have fun.


Most girls don't assume I'm a player. I don't really think of myself that way either. No one is getting played really. Women like sex too.


I don't understand the question.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Oh my...

1. Tends to be around 20-50 per date, 2-3 dates... They better be chipping in along the way... my dates tend to cost more because a) I live in an expensive region and b) I like to do fun things (i.e. rock climbing, yoga, wine bars, quality restaurants, etc.)

2. Don't take this the wrong way, but nobody gives a $hit about you or your player lifestyle. If you need external validation from people,. you have a looooooooooonnnnnnnngggggg way to go! Start working on yourself. A good indicator of how much you need to work on yourself is how often you post on Facebook/social media... more posts = more work
"I want recognition..." screams that you need to work on yourself... better start working!

3. Juggling women is not really that difficult unless you are super busy with work, activities, etc. If you have a life and good friends you see regularly, you likely have time for 2-3 women on rotation with an occasional ONS or two.

Now, I have only been at it 5 months, so some of the more seasoned vets probably have more to chip in....


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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How many guys here actually go to bars with a hot chick on each arm? Sounds cartoonish, and seems like the local "AFCs" would be looking to knock you off your high horse by beating your brains in by night's end.

I can see going to the bar with a few hot chicks who are friends, but arriving like a big shot with a hot girl on each arm who are both there to adore you the whole night? Do guys really do that here? I'd like to hear the stories. In the movies, this only happens with billionaires, and even Bruce Wayne had to hire a few hookers. Just how realistic is this?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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1. How much money do you find yourself actually spending on women?
I've spent nothing on girls at times. Other times I took them on a weekend get-a-way and paid all the lodging, meals, and entertainment because I wanted to. I've also had them pay for half or all of it many times. A few weeks ago, I had a girl on a first date pay for the entire $130 restaurant bill. I bought $30 worth of drinks at the second venue. Most of the girls I date have good jobs/income so its not like I am some provider. I'd say I end up paying 60% of the time, she pays 40% of the time. I bet on average I spend $30/date.

2. How easy is it for you to get recognition for being player?

There was a time when I wanted the world to know I was a player so I posted all the pics of the girls I dated/partied with on my social media. All it did was create a bunch of drama for me.

Girls will pickup on if you are a player or not. You won't need to advertise it. I have a buddy who gives off the player vibe naturally plus tries to advertise himself as one. All it does is turn women off. Just be yourself, no need to self promote.

3. Other than the sex alone, how tough is it to actually live the player lifestyle?
I always took girls with me to the lake and $trip club. It was really easy to do so. However get a few drinks in them and drama ensued. Its best to not intermix your girls. They will start to gossip/compare notes when you aren't standing right there with them.
