A lot of women can't put out when the time comes but they do still acquire feelgood from "rejecting".
Today, she prolly feels like a hotshot for "not being a slut" and "being hit on".
People telling him to do whatever he wants, that's bad advice. He wants advice and wants to hear the processes behind the ideas... he obviously is down to fck her but he's totally aware that she's lower grade. That's why he's here and that's a good step toward redpill/alpha.
Like I said, going after or even just giving attention to girls like that will only damage your own self weither she accept, or as you can prolly tell and feel by now, weither she rejects.
Nicely nod at her (as you would to anyone you know) when you cross her in the hallway. You don't want her against you; you prolly wanna bang her hotter friends!
Do not let her "LJBF" you... if she comes to talk to you, be nice, chill like you don't care (and you shouldn't anyways) about what happened, as if it didn't happened. If she wants to talk about that, tell her to forget about it, that you were drunk /with a big friendly smile
It's also time to reflect on all of this too... do you have an idea why she blew you off? Did you fck up? Was she just seeking attention? Is she just awkward? Were you awkward?
Take this as a learning experience cause this is what it really is in the end... my life has been a path of successful and not so successful experiences which in the end made me a better person, specially towards women.