I just read your latest update and it reminded me of my own experience . I was more or less in the same situation (programming an app toolkit though) and also had those feelings of burnout afterw working 1/2 year with little to no fun in between.
What's most importantly: how many beta testers / potential clients do you have?
If I were to set up my start up again, I'd start from the customer site (ie: pitch your product to potential customers => get them interested to comment on pitch => first mock up => new customer reactions => get reactions => and only then start actually programming)
I figured this thread needs an update as it has been a while and so much has changed since the start. At the beginning, the goal was to build some idea I had in order to learn the skills needed to make an actual software start up, and maybe work on a real idea. Outside of academics, I had no real professional experience in development and figured there is no better way than I simply start building things.
Along the way, I pretty much abandoned two of the ideas I had. The first idea was the original topic of this thread , while still seeming like a fun idea, never got off the ground. I learned a bit about front end and backend development but realized I put the cart before the horse. The second idea was built, but I didn't like it. Yup, I built something that I wouldn't even use.
That takes us to where I ( we really) are today. In august, I was approached with an business/ecommerce idea that resonated with me. Rather than build the Minimum software product first, me and my business partner has put together the hypothesis we wish to test and the basic elements of our business plan. We also sourced white label manufacturers and began getting our product in front of end users. The premise is simple - we found a niche market we understand well and are offering a membership based service involving selling a product for one half to one third the price of normal retail prices on a product that wears out quickly. We already have prototypes in prospective customer's hands and the response is very positive. In fact, someone offered to buy one, even though it wasn't for sale. their offer price was twice our proposed price point which will give us a gross margin initially of 30-40%. But to respond to the quote above - this will be our exact roadmap to build the business.
Was the previous work really a 'waste of time'? The answer is most certainly not. Having built elements of software systems in practice work, I was able to quickly build a full web application pretty much from scratch. I elected to use python/Django with a sql back end, and host on Amazon Web Services. Rather than use a Content management like wordpress, I build the ecommerce part using a customization open source framework named Oscar. By using Oscar, I learned much more about Django and development than could be learned from classes, books, or tutorials. This has proven to be invaluable, and I recommend anyone with intermediate experience to do this. A quicker solution would have been to build a ecommerce platform using Magento or WP, but given our somewhat extended timeline and desired customization for products, I felt developing it on my own was a smarter move.
Because our timeline is still about a year out ( the other business partner needs to finish college), I successfully got a new job in software largely due to the skills attained from this process. While I am sure some people did it quicker, at the ripe age of 36, I was able to switch my field. The job is something I wanted because it would be nice to learn how a company in this space works. The company I will work for owns the lions share of its niche market so the learning will make up for the cut in pay I receive. They generate a lot of free cash flow on a yearly basis, and everyone who has worked there has a tenure of 10-15+ years easily.
Going forward - Much has been done but still more needs to be completed. Just an overview - site functionality, functional and unit testing, logging, Web Security, payment gateways, order fulfillment , debugging, user experience, and product customization to name a few. Once these are in place, we will have something we can show investors along with our business plan ( which is really our customer development roadmap). We will be approaching this from a viewpoint of finding and learning from early customers in order to tune the product offering. Will the price points work? How will users respond to online purchase of our product? Warrantees? Sales channel? Customer awareness? How effective will we be? Every problem solved results in 3 more questions to ask.
I plan on working in the software space for a little while in order to build new skills and learn the industry. If this takes off, than working for someone might not be the most ideal thing. We also plan on going past simply selling product, and will be delving into analytics in the space, which is a untapped market at present. We will have the intellectual firepower since the other co founder is getting his PHD in this space. I'll be sure to post the link to the site once its starting to look presentable!
Advice to others - Simply having a good "idea" and wishing for it aren't enough. If you think the idea is good, and dont plan it, odds are you'll hit a snag and the idea won't take off. Without putting in the time, you won't learn the skills needed to get past the idea stage. Having persistence to get through the bad times is necessary, but don't forget to get away from the computer and get out there. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason, so listening to potential clients is key. For those looking to get into software, just make something and have an open mind to (1) switch/pivot if need be and (2) keep ****ing up until it starts to make sense. I know someone who can pick up technologies like reactJS in a weekend , but don't beat yourself up too much if they don't make sense from the start. Learn the basics, build something, and see how others have built things. All the screw ups and nuisances of a language are infinity more important for learning than a cute video that prints "hello world" to a web browser.
Skills that helped land the software gig:
Front end - html/css/javascript.
Frameworks - Angular, ReactJS, Laravel, Django.
Languages - Python (Interview question), php, JS.
Key Concepts - DRY, Object Oriented programming, MVC (interview question) and general design patterns.
System admin - linux (Centos, Ubuntu), bash scripts.
Dev Ops - AWS EC2, RDS hosting.
Specific skills- Data analysis, web scraping, time series analysis (Interview Question), documentation/writing, machine learning, predictive algorithms (Interview question).
Testing - functional/ unit test concepts ( interview question).
Projects Built - Securities Database, predictive time series analysis (was offered a job on this one), web scrapping (didn't get this job), two web applications for investing, and my ongoing ecommerce platform.
Its a lot of work. Some might be able to get somewhere doing less. Others might have the capacity to do more with less time. Either way, I didn't post it to brag, but to give people a real world example of what its taken so far to 'make it happen'. My hopes are that someone in a similar situation can read this an understand the level of effort needed in one instance for some degree of success.