Lately, I am starting to see some women putting, "Not to be rude, if I don't feel an attraction, I waste time by responding to out of politeness saying I'm on if I don't respond, take the hint and stop emailing me when I don't answer the initial email."
I have to admit, I'm guilty of this, because women get so many emails, some get overlooked and I'll follow-up a few weeks later if they haven't answered, although, I'm not sure if that post was directed at me or not, because she had put "This is an update..." because before she had a very short list of likes/hobbies, and not much else.
So basically now women are admitting openly IN their profiles why they aren't responding, and "If I don't answer, I'm not interested, so stop emailing me!"
Of course, where I live there's a very finite amount of available people in the area, so I'm bound to bump into them again. lol
I have to admit, I'm guilty of this, because women get so many emails, some get overlooked and I'll follow-up a few weeks later if they haven't answered, although, I'm not sure if that post was directed at me or not, because she had put "This is an update..." because before she had a very short list of likes/hobbies, and not much else.
So basically now women are admitting openly IN their profiles why they aren't responding, and "If I don't answer, I'm not interested, so stop emailing me!"
Of course, where I live there's a very finite amount of available people in the area, so I'm bound to bump into them again. lol