Having a "connection" or not with any human being has nothing to with being a white knight, a dj, alpha, beta, omega....emo....etc etc
In my opinion, to have a connection with
anyone requires that both people be
fully present in their interaction (whatever it may be)....or however brief or however long it may be....
Can cro magnon man have a one night stand and have a connection with the woman? Sure he can, if he was fully present and savoring the experience. Can a suave dj have a one night stand and have a connection with the woman? Think about it: did you ever have a one night stand and think "that was fvcking amazing experience"? (If you answered no, then you seriously need to elevate your life experiences to the level of art). If yes, it was because you were both fully present in the experience........
This is nothing to do with disney or blue pill......
Have you ever shared a really decent bottle of wine with someone and the wine blew you away but your companion simply says "it was alright". And you knew they just threw it down their throat without fully savoring, tasting and experiencing it.
@ubercat touched on something very relevant: The Smartphone generation. A fvcking world of smart phone zombies with their heads glued to their phones. I was walking through the centre last night, through some bars and restaurants and I observed a lot of couples sitting at tables, a glass of wine in front of them and each of them on their smart phones. Now who knows what they were doing, reading newspapers, checking stocks, football results, reviews on the wine....but you can be sure that some of them were chatting to other people via whatsapp or Facebook. Quite sad to be sitting there with a live human being yet failing to connect (be present) because you have your head in your smart phone.....
Failure to be fully present in the moment with "a loved one" (be it a partner, a family member, a kid, a friend) results it in it all feeling like a dream years later when they look back. This is quite common when a partner dies and the other looks back and in fact it was just a dream because they were some where else instead of being fully present. How many of them lament and wish for some of that lost time back so they could be fully present.....
"Most" modern women are social media addicts and are generally narcissistic and self obsessed. This, in my opinion, is why "most" dj's can't connect to a woman...