Don't confuse economic stability with being a relatively high income dude. You don't have to be loaded, but all common sense says it's probably a bad idea to enter a relationship with someone who does not have a stable economy. You don't have to be "rich" to achieve that. A man's wallet is NOT the only important thing that matters, you're not automatically set if you've got money but lack in most other areas. Of course it matters, it also matters to men that women aren't poor, unemployed and otherwise doesn't have much to contribute with.
Another thing, in the very good old times people moved when there wasn't anything for them where they were. Today guys just go government this and government that expecting someone else to fix their problems. Another option is to see if and what there is a need for and create the jobs. No wonder there's few jobs when everyone is sitting around demanding them and too few create them, because it's us, the people who create jobs.