How much of your time and effort do you spend on "game" and "chicks" to your own life.


Apr 21, 2015
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How much of your time and effort do you spend on "game", and chicks in comparison to your own life.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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It's all cumulative--success in one area of your life carries over into other aspects of your life. I spend probably around 10 hours a week in venues with the main purpose of meeting girls--so around 11% of my waking hours (assuming 112 waking hours in a week). But this also, for me, qualifies as general recreation & socialization (I often go out with people from various social groups). And it's not like that's not time spent as an investment in myself.

When I first started getting success with cold approach, I realized that I didn't need money or career prestige or a preexisting social network/peer approval to get laid regularly (which is, let's be honest, the reason most guys work as hard & as long as they do). I was also forced to confront Fear of Failure & Fear of Success and to view myself as someone who takes action/risks. Those three factors led to me quitting my day job and going to work for myself, taking up a part time gig to cover any nonnegotiable expenses that couldn't be guaranteed by the particular line of work I chose. Had I not taken that initial plunge, I could've spent years grinding away at some job I didn't even like to have enough external confidence to sell myself as a good provider.

But the general breakdown for my weekly time budget is:
  • 65 hours working (40 for me, ~25 for a company)
  • 10 hours a week meeting new girls
  • 4 hours a week with girls I'm already seeing
  • 8 hours a week exercising
  • 10 hours a week working on a hobby that I think I'll eventually be able to monetize
  • That still leaves me with 16 hours for eating, hanging out with friends, reading, wasting time on the internet (my biggest waste, by far). I don't have time to watch TV but that's about the biggest sacrifice I've had to make to keep my life abundant with women.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
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Exactly Zero %


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
How much of your time and effort do you spend on "game", and chicks in comparison to your own life.
Hey bro. I think maybe 4 hours. Including texting girls on social media. Btw can anyone tell me how to post in this forum?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
For me, it's not something one 'spends time on'. That's the old school theory of game, whereby geeks and nerds 'spent time' going out approaching women for the sake of getting laid or finding a girlfriend.

I believe that success with women is just a by-product of a successful and happy life - meeting women is an ongoing process running in the background that never really stops. I'm going about my business, having a good time with family and friends, enjoying life and meeting women along the way. I will occasionally go out on my own, if I'm at a loose end on a Saturday night. Even then, my primary focus is to go out and enjoy myself, then meeting people just happens naturally.

Caring about your career can be a b-tch!
There is more universal truth in this than meet the eye. Caring too much goes for everything in life.

The moment that you are most in control is the moment that you realise that you never really will be.