When did you swallow the white pill


Apr 21, 2015
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To the race complainers. When did you swallow the white pill? You know. That white women are the best better than any other race. That white dudes get everything and anything in life just by holding their white card. etc.

Tell us at what point in life did you decide that being anything other than white was some "curse" and that nothing in life could possibly be better than scoring your very own white chick.

What is it about the white pill that has you obsessed with all that is white as if that's the most important and only thing in life?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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I dating a Mexican after my divorce and she was hands down better than any of the other white broads. So not sure what you are talking about Willis!


To the race complainers. When did you swallow the white pill? You know. That white women are the best better than any other race. That white dudes get everything and anything in life just by holding their white card. etc.

Tell us at what point in life did you decide that being anything other than white was some "curse" and that nothing in life could possibly be better than scoring your very own white chick.

What is it about the white pill that has you obsessed with all that is white as if that's the most important and only thing in life?
It was from "dating" 30 strippers.

Oh wait, wrong thread...


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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I'm Caucasian and have to marvel at those threads where the white woman is thought the goddess. Personally, I worry I may have a case of the 'yellow fever'. :rolleyes: So much so, I make a point of looking at white women to see if I find myself attracted at all. And, phew, I find few attractive.
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Master Don Juan
May 20, 2016
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I think I like white girls the least in most cases

Also, I feel like darker skin would allow a guy to be seen as "lover" over "provider." It just seems guys who aren't white get those SNLs and casual sex more easily.


Apr 21, 2015
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I'm Caucasian and have to marvel at those threads where the white woman is thought the goddess. Personally, I worry I may have a case of the 'yellow fever'. :rolleyes: So much so, I make a point of looking at white women to see if I find myself attracted at all. And, phew, I find few attractive.
I don't get it either. These supposed "minorities" with no other reason to lose their minds over them than "white, hot, blond, blue eyes, date chad's".

They almost sound like dudes who are white supremacist posing as "minorities" who could never get the whitest of white in order to put minorities down.

If they are Asian or Indian dudes I don't get what the fuss is about these chicks as they have no valid reasons for what these chicks would bring to the table for them except some bizarre form of "validation".


I don't get it either. These supposed "minorities" with no other reason to lose their minds over them than "white, hot, blond, blue eyes, date chad's".

They almost sound like dudes who are white supremacist posing as "minorities" who could never get the whitest of white in order to put minorities down.

If they are Asian or Indian dudes I don't get what the fuss is about these chicks as they have no valid reasons for what these chicks would bring to the table for them except some bizarre form of "validation".
There is a myth that white people have formulated a mass conspiracy that is white-centered and where white people hold a monopoly on money supply, policy, and in this case, beauty standards. In reality all it really is ethnic pride that every race has.

White people prop up white women because self-segregation is a very natural impulse. White women are the beauty standard in a white majority country for the same reasons black people use a black Santa Claus on their lawn. But if European people do this, it's "white supremacy". Since Santa doesn't exist, does decorating with a black Santa make a black person a black supremacist? Of course not. It's normal behavior.

Minorities who complain about not getting white women are just looking for a scapegoat for their failures, and white people are the easy target as usual.


Apr 21, 2015
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Swallow the White Pill = Throw up the White Flag. If you're not perfect like white people or can't get your fantasy blond haired, blue eyed, white party girl Goddess that only dates "Chad's" life is pointless.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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I'm Caucasian and have to marvel at those threads where the white woman is thought the goddess. Personally, I worry I may have a case of the 'yellow fever'. :rolleyes: So much so, I make a point of looking at white women to see if I find myself attracted at all. And, phew, I find few attractive.
Ha ha ha. I notice a moderator edited my post. I thought it was spelling or something. Re-reading it, the article 'a' has been perhaps deleted from the last line to give an opposite meaning. Or perhaps I omitted it. Anyway, "And, phew, I find few attractive" should be "And, phew, I find a few attractive".:D


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Where are these people looking for these standards? Cause its rare in Chicago


Feb 12, 2015
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Since he is not ruining the other thread.

Because I am allowed to be attracted to whoever I am attracted to. I don't get it, why is it that when white guys express their preference for Asian women and latinas, no one cares? Why is it that white guys are allowed to have a racial preference but men of color aren't?

Why is it that despite all the complaints from Trump supporters about the liberal left, we still live in American society where it is taboo for minorities to want some white pu$$y?

I'll answer your question if you answer mines.

Why is it that a white guy is allowed to prefer latinas, openly express his preference for latinas, and no one cares yet if I say I want to sleep with blondes, it's an issue?


Feb 12, 2015
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Minorities who complain about not getting white women are just looking for a scapegoat for their failures, and white people are the easy target as usual.
I don't exclusively blame white people but I do blame Anglo society and the way its set up, not just white people but also minorities themselves. The amount of times I've seen a latina that chase white men but turn into racial pride whenever she sees a latino with a white woman? Countless.

We think that women are attracted to men based on physical attraction but that is BS. The truth is that women can be taught to be attracted to and date just about any sort of guy. In the same manner, women can also be taught to avoid certain groups of men.

The way American society is set up, outside of some awesome big cities like Chicago and Seattle, is that it is made very taboo for white women to date interracial. An exception is made in uber liberal areas towards black men but that same push is not applied for white women to date men of other minority groups.

This underlying push is very powerful in controlling women.

The fact is if this stigma did not exist, attractive white women would be dating attractive guys of minority groups like they do in some European countries where there is no such powerful stigma.

No one is going to call it out because:

1. White men benefit from it, white women stay loyal to them out of fear of having their character destroyed and women of minority groups chase after them as well.

2. Women of minority groups get their taste of different types of **** so its okay.

It is men of color who are the ultimate losers as they have to fight to get with women of their own race while having to live with the fact that Anglo society is making a powerful push to stop attractive white women from dating them.

We're all buddies and "anti-feminist" until the issue of race comes up, then the same white guys who are berating feminism are lining up right behind the feminists to stop men of color from chasing white women. Even the discussion itself has everyone up in arms, we can't even talk about it, yet you want to attack the liberals for being sensitive about race.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
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The same dumb thinking that some men have that Asian woman are somehow these mythical creatures... submissive, sweet, horny and perfect wife material......

I've never understood why some men limit their options for *****....

All women are..... women.


I don't exclusively blame white people but I do blame Anglo society and the way its set up, not just white people but also minorities themselves. The amount of times I've seen a latina that chase white men but turn into racial pride whenever she sees a latino with a white woman? Countless.
You should thank "Anglo society" for the first world upbringing you got. You could have been porn in a cesspool in Africa or Arabia, or a communist, murderous dictatorship in Asia. It's very ungrateful of you to nitpick over imaginary handicaps. If you were born after 1970, you've actually benefited from your minority status - born into a system of reparations for atrocities you weren't alive to see.

The way American society is set up, outside of some awesome big cities like Chicago and Seattle, is that it is made very taboo for white women to date interracial.
Yeah, right. Who do you think is going to have it harder, a black woman visiting her suburban white in laws in Tucson, or the white man visiting his in laws in Bushwick/Baltimore/Chicago/Detroit?


This underlying push is very powerful in controlling women.
Underlying is a code word race baiters use to infer invisible forces at work that actually don't exist - similar to "institutional", "systemic", or "structural". Absent specific examples other than a few anectodal ones in a country of 330 million people, you allude to vague illusions of society at large.

The fact is if this stigma did not exist, attractive white women would be dating attractive guys of minority groups like they do in some European countries where there is no such powerful stigma.
Attractive white women date attractive guys of minority groups in America all the time. There is no stigma anymore.

1. White men benefit from it, white women stay loyal to them out of fear of having their character destroyed and women of minority groups chase after them as well.
No, they don't. Women are not doing the chasing at all. I'm friends with some very successful white men who are doing far better than I am in life. Black and Asian women aren't "chasing" them.

It is men of color who are the ultimate losers as they have to fight to get with women of their own race while having to live with the fact that Anglo society is making a powerful push to stop attractive white women from dating them.
Sure. Black men just have to fight and claw the white power structure in order to hook up with black women. :rofl:

We're all buddies and "anti-feminist" until the issue of race comes up, then the same white guys who are berating feminism are lining up right behind the feminists to stop men of color from chasing white women.
This is a non sequitir. The comparison makes no logical sense.


Apr 21, 2015
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Since he is not ruining the other thread.

Because I am allowed to be attracted to whoever I am attracted to. I don't get it, why is it that when white guys express their preference for Asian women and latinas, no one cares? Why is it that white guys are allowed to have a racial preference but men of color aren't?

Why is it that despite all the complaints from Trump supporters about the liberal left, we still live in American society where it is taboo for minorities to want some white pu$$y?

I'll answer your question if you answer mines.

Why is it that a white guy is allowed to prefer latinas, openly express his preference for latinas, and no one cares yet if I say I want to sleep with blondes, it's an issue?
To answer your first question. In other words you want 100% across the board agreement, roll out the red carpet treatment from all white men that it's fine for any and every minority to date white chicks.

That's never going to happen with any race. 100% agreement man or woman to just go date some other race. Most people don't give a shyt who you date. If the chick likes you. date her. But to expect everyone to wholeheartedly agree on anything is insanity and your excuse.

Second question answer: Who is stopping you if you want to date white chicks. Go date them. The issue is you pedestalizing white chicks as if they are perfect infallible goddesses and the only true "white chicks" are blonde, blue eyed party girls that "only date chad". As if you don't really even want them you just want them like a child who thinks he can never have them and makes constant excuses for why he can "never get them" due to this white "illuminati" holding you back.

Not everyone even the almighty white chad's get to date any and every chick. But I guess in your warped mind that means I'm either telling you I don't want you to or you can never date a white goddesses.

you are your own worst enemy