Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I got some looks in that faggot city people call Seattle. I'm only a quarter Asian though so I pretty much only got the high cheekbone trait and strong abs. But you can see it in my eyes if I laugh though. Just measured my height yesterday and it seems like I grew an inch from like 2 years ago so I'm now 5'11 which is definitely not an Asian trait. Woohoo!

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I got some looks in that faggot city people call Seattle. I'm only a quarter Asian though so I pretty much only got the high cheekbone trait and strong abs. But you can see it in my eyes if I laugh though. Just measured my height yesterday and it seems like I grew an inch from like 2 years ago so I'm now 5'11 which is definitely not an Asian trait. Woohoo!
Seattle actually isn't at all that bad at all from my experience having visited many times.

I saw quite a few Asian guys with above average looking white girls in the city, more than about anywhere else.

It gets me why San Francisco is so terrible for Asian men while Seattle is so great, could it have to do with the added factor of elitism and keeping up with the joneses?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Seattle actually isn't at all that bad at all from my experience having visited many times.

I saw quite a few Asian guys with above average looking white girls in the city, more than about anywhere else.

It gets me why San Francisco is so terrible for Asian men while Seattle is so great, could it have to do with the added factor of elitism and keeping up with the joneses?
I honestly don't know. I liked Seattle when I was there, I just strongly disliked the how prominent their LGBT community was because it freaked me out. A lot of gay people are attracted to me, my brother, and my dad for some reason and my sisters and mom make fun of us for it, but we just get weirded out. I got a feeling from Seattle though that it was more genuine liberalism rather than that brainwashed crap spoonfed by the media. Like they genuinely TRY to be open minded because some part of them does want to be good people or something (even though true altruism cannot exist unless someone is completely fulfilled). Never been to San Francisco though. Not sure that I want to either.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I honestly don't know. I liked Seattle when I was there, I just strongly disliked the how prominent their LGBT community was because it freaked me out. A lot of gay people are attracted to me, my brother, and my dad for some reason and my sisters and mom make fun of us for it, but we just get weirded out. I got a feeling from Seattle though that it was more genuine liberalism rather than that brainwashed crap spoonfed by the media. Like they genuinely TRY to be open minded because some part of them does want to be good people or something (even though true altruism cannot exist unless someone is completely fulfilled). Never been to San Francisco though. Not sure that I want to either.
How did you actually do with the women there though?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
How did you actually do with the women there though?
I never tried to be honest. My entire family was there with me and we always were doing stuff together. My parents are super religious so if they see me talking to some chick, they would definitely ****block or say something that would make me appear weak. My siblings just trolled the hell out of me lol.

When I said I got some looks, I meant that I caught some people staring at me and giving me a look that was a bit more than something casual and the occasional cheeky smile from girls who were around the same age as me then. But this was about a year and a half ago. I was 16 then dude, I just took a mental note of the place and remembered certain stuff about it and asked around to see what other people's experiences were and how they related to mine. I was only there for 2 weeks so I can't give you an accurate reading on how it truly is. I haven't been to any other city in my teen years besides Chicago and that's because I live in the suburbs and commute to university.
Oct 6, 2016
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I think minorities from some of the more poorly stereotyped groups will probably be wise to avoid cities and areas where people are vain and big on image. I've known quite a few Asian bros with good looks and tight game that couldn't pull hot white girls, especially not the stereotypical hot blonde, in California because of the poor perception of Asian men there. A couple of them were getting a decent amount of blonde pu$$y in the super white midwest where people weren't as shallow.

I've seen Asian guys pull in NYC but almost all of the times, the woman was foreign and not local to the city. No way some blonde from Hoboken is going to go for anything other than white or black guys but her lookalike from some European country most definitely will.

Situations that involve a lot of social status and rely a lot on image will not work out too well for guys from poorly stereotyped minority groups.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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I know alot of asians and black pulling good looking chicks... heck the girls are even going in the asia and africa.

if you blame the market, your weak.

Winners don't complain.... they take
Oct 6, 2016
Reaction score
I know alot of asians and black pulling good looking chicks... heck the girls are even going in the asia and africa.

if you blame the market, your weak.

Winners don't complain.... they take
When people ignore your first generic u can do anything u set ur mind to bro comment then it is a sign that you should probably STFU.

I am white, location even matters for me if I am trying to pull quality a$$.

You have fun trying to get laid in bumphuk and podunk while the rest of us go where there are a lot of attractive women now get lost.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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When people ignore your first generic u can do anything u set ur mind to bro comment then it is a sign that you should probably STFU.

I am white, location even matters for me if I am trying to pull quality a$$.

You have fun trying to get laid in bumphuk and podunk while the rest of us go where there are a lot of attractive women now get lost.
Yep there's no paradise city for minorities that allows them to be at a equal footing to white men. However, cities do vary upon difficulty for minorities in the dating game.

Top cities in my opinion from what I've seen

Worst cities(avoid at all cost)
New York City
any hipster/yuppy city like Austin that appeals to mainly white guys
I've been to every major city on the West Coast and I didn't really see that many interracial couples at all. People were nice to me, but I didn't see **** lol. Worst does not just mean lack of interracial couples. Notably in the Southern cities, most of the black men I saw were with fat/trashy white women.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Atlanta good while Nashville, Denver, and Austin are bad?

I disagree with that from my travels. I saw a ton of black guys with cute white girls in Denver and a lot seemed to be having success. As an Asian guy, I had a lot of success in Nashville and noticed that some of the more assimilated Asian guys were as well. Similarly, I saw so many Mexican, Asian, and even some Indians with cute white girls in Austin.

Atlanta? I don't think so, not sure why you mentioned it.


Apr 21, 2015
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Is there any areas of the world where white guys specifically white Italian males don't do well?

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
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Is there any areas of the world where white guys specifically white Italian males don't do well?
I've heard in parts of Eastern Europe they're seen as sex tourists and so women avoid them.

I don't really get the buzz about Italian men and Mediterranean men in general, it seems like most women prefer the tall nordic, Anglo, Germanic, or tall blonde men with lighter colored eyes in general as the ideal. Outside of Scandinavia, it seems like Scandinavian men are by far the most sought after by women worldwide.


Apr 21, 2015
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I've heard in parts of Eastern Europe they're seen as sex tourists and so women avoid them.

I don't really get the buzz about Italian men and Mediterranean men in general, it seems like most women prefer the tall nordic, Anglo, Germanic, or tall blonde men with lighter colored eyes in general as the ideal. Outside of Scandinavia, it seems like Scandinavian men are by far the most sought after by women worldwide.
So the majority of chicks like tall blond men with light eyes yet we don't see the majority of them dating them.

You'd see it all over yet we dont.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
So the majority of chicks like tall blond men with light eyes yet we don't see the majority of them dating them.

You'd see it all over yet we dont.
Those are the main kinds of men I see having success with women over here in North America, the Ryan Gosling and Chris Hemsworth lookalikes. White girls obviously prefer them equally to brunette white men but it seems like Latinas, Asian women, and even Mediterranean women go head over heels crazy for them.

Go to any wealthy or upscale area of the country, these are the main kinds of guys you will see doing well.


Apr 21, 2015
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Those are the main kinds of men I see having success with women over here in North America, the Ryan Gosling and Chris Hemsworth lookalikes. White girls obviously prefer them equally to brunette white men but it seems like Latinas, Asian women, and even Mediterranean women go head over heels crazy for them.

Go to any wealthy or upscale area of the country, these are the main kinds of guys you will see doing well.
Been many places in and out of the U.S. and though some chicks date blond blue eyed tall dudes it's nowhere near what you report.

have you went around the US and elsewhere just to watch who's supposedly dating who or not? counted the Ryan's and Chad's dating all the top quality women or are you just reading what others decide is the "ideal" Looking man for every chick who's hot?

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Been many places in and out of the U.S. and though some chicks date blond blue eyed tall dudes it's nowhere near what you report.

have you went around the US and elsewhere just to watch who's supposedly dating who or not? counted the Ryan's and Chad's dating all the top quality women or are you just reading what others decide is the "ideal" Looking man for every chick who's hot?
In most major US cities I've been to and gamed in, a lot of the times the guys getting the hottest girls were your Hemsworth and Ryan Gosling lookalikes. White, some shade of blonde hair (usually dirty blonde), and blue or green eyes; very similar to Ryan Gosling's look on Crazy Stupid Love. I've noticed this in wealthier areas of NYC as well as Los Angeles though I will note, black guys seemed to do almost as well in Chicago.

In America, they call it having "All American" looks.

I notice the same thing in Canadian cities such as Toronto and Vancouver, despite the high presence of Asian and Indian men (a decent amount of handsome men from both groups), the main guys doing well are blonde white males.

What I seem to notice more than anything is that good looking Asian, latina, and Mediterranean women go head over heels crazy for the nordic look on guys.

The craze for blonde hair white males seems to be the most prominent in major US cities, particularly the wealthy areas of those cities, maybe it's because handsome blonde men signify wealth. I also think the fact that American media promotes that sort of look more so than any sort of look out there also plays a role.

This all ties in to my original post, it seems like even handsome guys of minority groups with tight game have a hard ceiling in places like NYC and Los Angeles, only minority group being an exception is probably black guys.


Apr 21, 2015
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In most major US cities I've been to and gamed in, a lot of the times the guys getting the hottest girls were your Hemsworth and Ryan Gosling lookalikes. White, some shade of blonde hair (usually dirty blonde), and blue or green eyes; very similar to Ryan Gosling's look on Crazy Stupid Love. I've noticed this in wealthier areas of NYC as well as Los Angeles though I will note, black guys seemed to do almost as well in Chicago.

I notice the same thing in Canadian cities such as Toronto and Vancouver, despite the high presence of Asian and Indian men (a decent amount of handsome men from both groups), the main guys doing well are blonde white males.

What I seem to notice more than anything is that good looking Asian, latina, and Mediterranean women go head over heels crazy for the nordic look on guys.

The craze for blonde hair white males seems to be the most prominent in major US cities, particularly the wealthy areas of those cities, maybe it's because handsome blonde men signify wealth. I also think the fact that American media promotes that sort of look more so than any sort of look out there also plays a role.
So while you're "gaming" you're too busy in a trance staring into the eyes of white blond haired men and seeing who their with.

They are gaming you as you seem smitten by them. Can't take your eyes off them can you? They're all you notice while "gaming".

Dude you're being ridiculous


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
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If you are a white male, you could look like Quisimodo and still pull a decent girl of any race. If a white male cannot get laid then it is 9 times out of 10 his fault and he has some mental issue blockading his game. In addition, when i see a lesser male with a hotter female it is 9.9 times out of 10 a white male and female of any race. In Nashville, I see beautiful women with fat white men, bum hippy looking white men, or blue collar wife beater wearing redneck white men. Other races of women will date down to be with a white man, but whenever I see a well to do minority with a white female he is usually dating down. White men ***** about IR dating when they are clearly the winners of it. If your a minority the only hope you have is to play some bad boy image and pull rebellious young white women from the suburbs. If you aren't that then good luck anywhere lol.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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Race threads, I get it but at the same time I don't get it.

I get it because some women act one way towards a group of guys, then behave cold towards you, for what seems like no reason.

I don't get it because everyone guy has had women behave standoffish towards them at some point for no reason. Why? That's her problem not yours, if you want happiness you need to accept sometimes the world isn't going to be the way you want it.

In the end, I think the question boils down to "Can any man be so desperate for one particular race of women that he is willing to travel to other parts of the world for them?"

I think some of you guys ought to have more important things to do.