This one only lasted 3 months. This is the life of a DJ, women cutting you lose because you won't commit. You are not truly a DJ until a chick you really dig, cuts you off and you can just move on. What what should one do about this? Well, make a date Friday with the new yoga instructor. There that wasn't so hard.
A beta will cry that the relationship is over after only 3 months and claim there will never be another like her. No more awesome BJ's, etc.
A DJ will smirk that he got away with it for 3 months. That is the difference, knowing there is always something BETTER out there and you'll walk and search for it if she makes you.
If this one is really "stunned" and "shocked" at your rejection of a relationship, she will be back. She will reach out when she realizes that you WONT. However at this point she will only stick around if she is happy being a plate. You know it, she knows it. If and when she reaches out, it wont last long. Some beta will gladly become a doormat for her as she still longs to be with a man that has the balls to tell her "no".
Fellas, "NO" is a very powerful word. I cant think of too many words that will build attraction like "NO" can. They want what they cant have and will want want you dont allow them to have that much more.
Thats how you create the chase.