Girls with lots of guy friends.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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So the girl you’re interested in has too many guy friends and you’re not a fan of that, huh?

I mean who wants bae constantly being swarmed by other guys all the time? Even if they are just her friends.

“But a relationship is all about having trust and blah, blah, blah.” Problem is, it’s not her you don’t trust, it’s the guys around her.

Because you know how guys think, they’re like a pack of wolves that attack at any sight of weakness. Wolves that jump at the chance to get that one shot at your boo.

Studies show that women with more guy friends have more sex than women with predominantly female friends.

But here’s the catch… They have more sex with their significant others, NOT with other men.

At least that’s what the Sperm Competition Theory suggests.

Sperm competition is a theory of evolutionary psychology that says men are wired to engage in more sex when they believe that their sperm might have to compete with the sperm of other men.

A recent study looking into a new aspect of the theory states:

“The amount of attention a female mate receives from other males predicts the number of times her male mate will have sex with that female.”

Male primates have been observed getting jealous when their female mate gets a lot of attention from other males. When this happens her mate “is more likely to have more sex with her.”

When this happens her mate is recorded as “more likely to have more sex with her”.

That’s right, it’s at a primal level.

Of course, humans and primates are completely different. There is so much more that goes into our relationships, we’re more complex.

So the study went one step further and collected the data from almost 400 men in committed, heterosexual, monogamous relationships.

In this study, men recorded how much sex they had with their partner, how many male friends and coworkers their partner had, how much attention they thought their partner was getting from those men, and how attractive they thought those other men found their women.

“The point of this last measure of attractiveness was to determine whether the degree to which men think their girlfriend/wife is seen as a “catch” by other men affects how much they feel threatened when their partner gets lots of attention from those other guys.”

The researchers found evidence that the number of male friends and coworkers combined with how attractive they thought other guys found their women actually did predict how much sex they had as a couple.

But what about the women in this case?

PsychologyToday offers an interesting point:

“The authors ignore a very, very strong variable here, which is likely to confound these results: Female libido. The higher a woman’s sexual libido, the more likely she is to have more male friends. Not because she is having sex with them, but because women with higher sexual desire get along better with other men, and often, are seen to act more like guys.”

Now, of course, not every study hits the nail on the head 100% of the time.

Just because a woman has more guy friends does not mean she is less likely to be faithful, just like more female friends doesn’t mean she is more likely to be faithful.

Humans and sexuality are both very complex things that are affected by so many different factors and variables.

If you are the type who isn’t bothered by your girl having a multitude of guy friends good for you.

If you are one of the guys on the other side of the line, you aren’t alone but this is where trust comes in.

Know who you’re with, and trust that you have picked the right one.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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My ex-wife had a bunch of male friends. Actual friends. I was introduced as her man early on and they backed up and where respectful. Some of them may have even "hit" over
the years, but they were her friends. If they visited, they visited us as a couple. It was because how SHE wanted to be as a person. She had a couple of alpha's run thru her and give
her nothing in return, she wanted a dedicated man she was attracted to. I never went without sex, and she did a lot to surprise me, she introduce me to salsa dancing. So maybe the theory is true.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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I imagine as you get more into the relationship, the males friends should begin to disappear. If it didn't, I would likely not consider an LTR.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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The girls that I've been with that had the most guy friends always identified/related better to males. Most didn't have many female friends because they simply got tired of female drama for the same reasons we do. They also had higher sechs drive and liked hobbies that guys like.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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My response is "So what"? The article makes two points. First, that a guy will want sex more with a girl with male friends because he'll get jealous. No thanks, I don't care to be blackmailed into wanting more sex because I'm jealous.

The second point is that women with male friends have higher libidos, so the boyfriend gets more sex. No thanks, I get plenty of sex without a bunch of other guys buzzing around. Besides, I have always said that I don't object to a girl spending time with other men because she might cheat. I find the act of her hanging out with other men unacceptable in itself. Bottom line: It's unacceptable, inappropriate, and not something I need in my life. That's just my opinion though, many guys feel differently.

You ever notice articles like this write "because you'll get more sex", like that's the end of the conversation? Like as long as a man gets to stick his penis into something, that's the most important thing and nothing else matters?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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My response is "So what"? The article makes two points. First, that a guy will want sex more with a girl with male friends because he'll get jealous. No thanks, I don't care to be blackmailed into wanting more sex because I'm jealous.

The second point is that women with male friends have higher libidos, so the boyfriend gets more sex. No thanks, I get plenty of sex without a bunch of other guys buzzing around. Besides, I have always said that I don't object to a girl spending time with other men because she might cheat. I find the act of her hanging out with other men unacceptable in itself. Bottom line: It's unacceptable, inappropriate, and not something I need in my life. That's just my opinion though, many guys feel differently.

You ever notice articles like this write "because you'll get more sex", like that's the end of the conversation? Like as long as a man gets to stick his penis into something, that's the most important thing and nothing else matters?
Even if she doesn't "cheat" she can have inappropriate conversations or start to gain a bond which pushes you out of that same area of her psyche. So it can be a problem without her taking side D...

Those convo's she's having with THEM she is likely not having with you, and it might irritate her if you try to talk to her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2016
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Such an article/ theory/ On here sounds ridiculous.

Not every scientistic theory is true. And whatsoever?
Anybody on here believing a Girl with a bunch of guy friends being a good thing because he is getting more sex should do a search on this forum on this subject. He wil inevitably learn that a Girl with a bunch of boyfriends is one of the biggest redflags for a realtionship with any girl. He also will discover that this is one of the indications of dealing with a Cluster B /Borderline Personaltity. Knowing that, even if the scientific Theory above tells the truth, its in everybodys own consideration what outweights one or another.
Second guessing: the theroy might be nothing more than a proof of the above said. Borderline = higher female libido =. more Male Friends = more sex for the SO, but only in the begining. Or does the scientific theroy say anything about the time of the examination. Because sex for the SO decreases drastically Falter the first month in a relationship with a BPD. Also: chances are that if they asked especially women with a lot of guy Friends for the examination that they stumbled over a lot of BPD women. Thus the whole theory might be statisicaly based on BPDs. Normal women do not tend to have a bunch of guy Friends.

I would advice anybody to run alway from a woman with a lot of guy friends. Not worse the drama.

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Such an article/ theory/ On here sounds ridiculous.

Not every scientistic theory is true. And whatsoever?
Anybody on here believing a Girl with a bunch of guy friends being a good thing because he is getting more sex should do a search on this forum on this subject. He wil inevitably learn that a Girl with a bunch of boyfriends is one of the biggest redflags for a realtionship with any girl. He also will discover that this is one of the indications of dealing with a Cluster B /Borderline Personaltity. Knowing that, even if the scientific Theory above tells the truth, its in everybodys own consideration what outweights one or another.
Second guessing: the theroy might be nothing more than a proof of the above said. Borderline = higher female libido =. more Male Friends = more sex for the SO, but only in the begining. Or does the scientific theroy say anything about the time of the examination. Because sex for the SO decreases drastically Falter the first month in a relationship with a BPD. Also: chances are that if they asked especially women with a lot of guy Friends for the examination that they stumbled over a lot of BPD women. Thus the whole theory might be statisicaly based on BPDs. Normal women do not tend to have a bunch of guy Friends.

I would advice anybody to run alway from a woman with a lot of guy friends. Not worse the drama.

Good luck
Well. What will be important to note if those are a bunch of non-sexual friends or a good 50% had sex with her. What if 98% of her friends never been physical with her, and theres like 1-2 from way back in her past that moved on?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2016
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Well. What will be important to note if those are a bunch of non-sexual friends or a good 50% had sex with her. What if 98% of her friends never been physical with her, and theres like 1-2 from way back in her past that moved on?
I would say: Hard to find out. And for me based on my own experience definately a hugh red flag. Maybe she has not been sexual with them yet. But the guys will take whatever opportunity there is. I do not know about you guys - but nearly all my female friends i have got ( are not many for good reason) are girls I once wanted to ****.
Hey and if that are all nonsexual beta guys. If that are her friends, you will have to deal with them one way or another, means you might have to hang out with them when your Girl does - at least sometimes. I for my Part can imagine better things to do than hang around with a bunch of white knights in shining knight whom are boring as hell. Heck I even got bored by those beta husbands of the girlfriends of my former girlfriend.

Maybe I just get to old to deal with any kind of **** that is bothering me. But I definately believe that there is no One, so if there are what I consider important Red Flags I move on.

My rule: Bring joy to my life or fcuk off!


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I would say: Hard to find out. And for me based on my own experience definately a hugh red flag. Maybe she has not been sexual with them yet. But the guys will take whatever opportunity there is. I do not know about you guys - but nearly all my female friends i have got ( are not many for good reason) are girls I once wanted to ****.
Hey and if that are all nonsexual beta guys. If that are her friends, you will have to deal with them one way or another, means you might have to hang out with them when your Girl does - at least sometimes. I for my Part can imagine better things to do than hang around with a bunch of white knights in shining knight whom are boring as hell. Heck I even got bored by those beta husbands of the girlfriends of my former girlfriend.

Maybe I just get to old to deal with any kind of **** that is bothering me. But I definately believe that there is no One, so if there are what I consider important Red Flags I move on.

My rule: Bring joy to my life or fcuk off!
I'd phvck almost all of my female friends if I don't have a woman. But I wouldn't mess with if they with someone.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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Come on guys, we all know our own nature, dont bull**** yourselves. The girls I have been with at least connected with me and felt that I wouldnt judge them so they told me the truth, - most of them are fockfriends or guys put in the friendzone, they are all hoping to fock her again soon like any creature with a d1ck. They are feeding her ego and *****.

Huge red flag, and guess what? Those guys will be lurking in the background, waiting for you to mess up. Quite charming, ey?
Rebound incoming for them. You cant win here, I tried this, telling her to delete them off face etc caue it is disrespectful and it doesnt work for me, she was in love with me so ofc she said yes. BUT, you actually think THEY delete her number etc? Who knows and who cares, they will stick around and be the rebound when you break up, RIGHT AWAY, I seen that first hand. Just fock around with girls like this, not relationship material.

Its not easy but if you want to settle down with a younger woman I wonder these days if it is only possible with a woman who is on your level look-wise and status wise. A "cute" girl, perhaps even religious


The article is crap. Nothing but another feminist pseudo-scientific "study" getting at a long-winded false premise. Many "studies" claim women are "happier when splitting the housework" too.

How about this...

My longest LTR was 4 years with a girl who had many male "friends". She slept with 4 THAT I KNOW OF and it ended in disaster. She permanently changed my outlook on relationships.

My brothers longest LTR is 4+ years with a girl who has almost no guy friends, only colleagues and lab partners. And shes well aware my brother always has a girl or 2 on standby. Their relationship is stable and healthy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
My ex-wife had a bunch of male friends. Actual friends. I was introduced as her man early on and they backed up and where respectful. Some of them may have even "hit" over
the years, but they were her friends. If they visited, they visited us as a couple. It was because how SHE wanted to be as a person. She had a couple of alpha's run thru her and give
her nothing in return, she wanted a dedicated man she was attracted to. I never went without sex, and she did a lot to surprise me, she introduce me to salsa dancing. So maybe the theory is true.
Why did you divorce?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Why did you divorce?
Because I saw the sparkle and pop of the single game, and thought I was missing out on something. The world seduced me. It took a few years for it to hit how much damage I caused! That **** hurt like hell, and took me down emotionally quite a bit, took many years to recover. I was a child, not a man. A man protects his family.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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The article is crap. Nothing but another feminist pseudo-scientific "study" getting at a long-winded false premise. Many "studies" claim women are "happier when splitting the housework" too.

How about this...

My longest LTR was 4 years with a girl who had many male "friends". She slept with 4 THAT I KNOW OF and it ended in disaster. She permanently changed my outlook on relationships.

My brothers longest LTR is 4+ years with a girl who has almost no guy friends, only colleagues and lab partners. And shes well aware my brother always has a girl or 2 on standby. Their relationship is stable and healthy.
She probably doesn't have any guy friends because she is super cautious and aware many of them would poke her if allowed and it turns her off.

I have female friends that I'm a real friend to, but if they gave me some I would phvck them good, because im their friend and I like them. If they have a man, I'm backing off and respectful of the situation.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2016
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If they have a man, I'm backing off and respectful of the situation.
You do - but how many others would not? Especialy the betaAFCs that have no other option.
If a man has options he has no need to be a steady orbiter to a girl which is in a relationship.

You said you would fcuk her - thats it. The Girl says, she is no longer in a relationship eventhough she did not end it or has trouble with her boyfriend and there you are - ready to fcuk.

That is exactly what why it is dangerous to be in a relationship with a Girl with a bunch of guyfriends. There is always a coxk in line, telling the Girl its better to leave the Boyfriend if there is trouble, so that he can fcuk the gal.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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You do - but how many others would not? Especialy the betaAFCs that have no other option.
If a man has options he has no need to be a steady orbiter to a girl which is in a relationship.

You said you would fcuk her - thats it. The Girl says, she is no longer in a relationship eventhough she did not end it or has trouble with her boyfriend and there you are - ready to fcuk.

That is exactly what why it is dangerous to be in a relationship with a Girl with a bunch of guyfriends. There is always a coxk in line, telling the Girl its better to leave the Boyfriend if there is trouble, so that he can fcuk the gal.
It's one of the dangers. you have to monitor whether you are being "complained" about or not. They will tend to "complain" and grow closer to the friend they complain to. Some women say nothing but good about us and the guys don't want to keep hearing that unless they just want their friend treated good.

Thing about them friends is they won't want to support her if she cheats with them, because they are smart enough to know she will do it to them too...

I was lucky, I had two women that made the choice to be "good" women and were happy enough at home not to overly entertain the outside world. Also being dogged out by popular alpha's before me helped me to be a good choice too. My d1ck game was always good, a lot of the alpha's just had to show up, lady get excited about his rep and put him on a pedestal. Some of them women never even orgasmed before me or had not very often.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Just to help you cut through the bs, yes women who have lots of guy friends have a higher sex drive and( contrary to the article) yes they are far less loyal
I'm suspicious of the article. How did they determine the women wasn't cheating with any their male friends? Because they said so? Please. More likely this is just more fuel for the feminist agenda to allow women to have their cake and eat it too.

And even if they aren't currently banging, that doesn't mean they won't in the future. A friend of mine's wife routinely brought home male friends, and eventually she ran off with one of them.

Or maybe they don't routinely bang, but some night they get drunk and it "just happened". But that doesn't count, because it was just a mistake. Until two weeks later when it happens again lol.