To ImTheDoubleGreatest from the other thread that I'm forbidden from replying to (enjoy), you can't prove they don't like me for me based on the fact I bought them dinner. That's your wishful thinking based on your (unemployed based) hope that looks and resources are inversely proportional. They are not. Attractive men are stronger and thus extract more resources from the Earth. Try it sometime.
It's remarkably sad to me that you guys are so opposed to spending what amounts to less than an hour of my income (and even less than the average cost of a date in the US) in order to start a new relationship. Had I gone out alone, I would have spent about 60% that amount by myself.
Someday I hope you guys can learn the power of generosity. It doesn't disqualify attractiveness, but amplifies it.
They need to change this forum to "Broke Don Juanabee".
Garbage dude, more and more garbage. I can EASILY prove how they only like you for your money rather than you.
You have extreme arrogance built from the foundations of an overly-inflated superego for the sole purpose of money.
If you did not have the money you say you do, you would have nothing. You have only talked about getting women when you threw money at them, sometimes literally as well (hahaha!)
You have no self-esteem at all.
If you had self-esteem built off of confidence, then you would not feel the need to argue or take offense every time over every single little thing. High self-esteem can only occur when you feel a sense of love and belonging. You not having any self-esteem is an indicator that you are not desireable. No one likes you dude.
If women actually liked you for you, then you WOULD have self-esteem.
The only thing you talk about on here is how much money you spend.
Every post you make has ties to how much money you spent/make.
You have no achievements besides your mythical money.
What have you done in your life that was not for the sake of money? Absolutely nothing. If you had, your ego would make sure you told all of us.
What are you without money? Nothing. You resort to ad hominems and slandered assumptions. You assume I don't have a job when I do. You assume my family is on welfare when we aren't. You assume no one on this forum makes any money because we tell you that women only use you when again people here clearly still do. You assume you can beat up anyone who crosses you path because you got into some bar fights; newsflash: anyone can knock out a drunken idiot who can barely walk straight, it's nothing special.
Everything you are and everything you stand for (which truthfully isn't much all things considered) is a lie. You are a weak and pathetic. You may think you are big on the outside, but you're still a little man on the inside. And you aren't even big, that's just the size of your ego.