What are you best at, tinkering/working with your hands, or school? My advice would be take your skills (assuming it's the trades), and cater your education around that. If you are good at electrical work, think about maybe getting a business degree, so you'll have that background to start an electrical company or something, which works for any trade. If you're hardcore, get an electrical engineering degree.
I am the opposite, I'm more of a thinker, so I went and got a high-powered degree, although I'm not very good with my hands. What I've tried to do, is cater my 'tinkering' around my degree. Still haven't found a way to do that yet though, but eventually I do want to start my own side business doing some type of trade, may be as simple as striping parking lots.
If you don't want a degree, there are high-skill manufacturing trades out there, take a look around your immediate area. But be advised, those jobs are usually meant for the local workforce, because they can teach you the specialized stuff. To truly rise up with a trade, I think you need some educational background.