Messed up Royally


Oct 20, 2006
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The other day I had a weak moment after getting some bad family news. My date happened to write to me then and I managed, in a span of just 3 texts, to possibly ruin a 90 day relationship by saying the exact wrong things.

On the heels of our best date and her best text where she was gushing with romance, 2 days later my date wrote to me and was concerned about the weather for our upcoming plans (we had a major storm). For whatever reason I made the assumption she was trying to cancel (mistake #1), and (since that would have been the second time in 3 months) I suggested maybe we just should end things altogether and left it up to her (mistake #2). Then she sent photos showing how icy it was where she lived (25 miles away) and said she was only concerned about my safety. She said of course she didn't want to end things but threatened to do it herself if I didn't stop acting that way. For whatever reason I basically said "Fine then you should" (mistake #3) and she said "Ok, it's over then, this is bullsh!t". A few minutes later I said I was sorry for pushing her away and she said "You did." and I luckily shut my phone off before saying anything else stupid. Needless to say, our date did not commence the next day.

What was I thinking? Her reaction in hindsight was perfectly predictable.

Not sure what to do at this point. She sent the last text so I probably have one more shot. Do I apologize or just give it time? Go see her at her work? I genuinely feel I wasn't myself when I wrote those things. I wasn't drunk texting but may as well have been.

The Moral: always assume she wants to see you, avoid any negative texts, and know when you are having a low point.

Have you ever messed up like this and talked your way out of it? Your thoughts welcome.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Tell her you were a bit out of it because of some sh!t in your family, that you felt a bit off as you responded and that you're sorry for responding like that. Not only is it true, it's understandable for your mood to be affected by family things.

The truth will often save you in situations like this. So just tell her why you acted like you did, she will understand that it was temporary and not how you actually are.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2016
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The deed is done,no turning back for you,power will basicly shift to her since you are the one who asked her to come back.
You know?this could end up in a good way,she texts you again,you set new terms wich give you even more laverege,and you keep her on her toes cause you showed the will to leave when bull**** stacks.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2016
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Tell her you were a bit out of it because of some sh!t in your family, that you felt a bit off as you responded and that you're sorry for responding like that. Not only is it true, it's understandable for your mood to be affected by family things.

The truth will often save you in situations like this. So just tell her why you acted like you did, she will understand that it was temporary and not how you actually are.
Bad idea


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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Give it a few days for her to cool off then explain it to her.

Take it as a litmus test as to whether she is deserving to be a relationship with you. We all fvck up sometimes and if this girl isn't willing to give you the chance, it best be that you move on.

Explain to her your situation and how you weren't in the best of moods and thinking straight. Do this the wrong way and you will lose all power in the relationship.

You need to be adopting the 'I fvcked up and would still like to see you. But I'm ok if you don't feel the same way.' frame. Even so, be prepared to walk if she starts hanging this incident over your head to maintain power in the relationship.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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I'm assuming this was the girl you caught cheating on you.

If you go back to her, the power will shift in her favor.

I know you have oneitis for this girl but you have to accept what happened and move on from her.

I'm sure there are some other strippers you can fvck.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
@C00lAF You are wrong, unless what @El Payaso says is true. In that case he shouldn't bother trying to get her back in the first place, but if it's not that girl then you're wrong.

Is it that fvcking scary to just tell the truth about such a simple little thing? Does she gain some sort of power? No, she does not unless the man thinks she gained power in a single incident.

It's fvcking ridiculous to believe you become a sobbing doormat just by saying you had a single bad day. It's not human to never have a bad day. In any case if a woman tries to power play and think she's the boss after a single incident like that all you gotta do is show her she does not have that power.

So @C00lAF, that's why you're wrong. What you imagine will happen is unreasonable.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Yeah this was kind of stupid.

This is why I always tell men to ensure leverage. Anytime you are this insecure to the point of strong emotional reactions over trivial matters it means you are pedestalizing the woman. Now you have a real world experience to prove pedestalizing women is f*cking stupid. Just don't do it!

The only time I tell a woman "its over" is when she becomes too possessive or clingy and tries to drain too much of my time and freedom. I would never drop a woman for "canceling plans" or similar stupid sh!t. That's what your other plates are for. If a woman gets too "unavailable" you don't tell her its over. You just ignore her ass and focus on other things. Don't contact her until she contacts you. EASY.

Find more things to fill out your day so you don't need to analyze every move a woman makes.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2016
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unless what @El Payaso says is true
We basicly said the same thing but we used diffrent word formation.
and that you're sorry for responding like that
This here is why you are wrong.A couple more "im sorry" and thats a recipe of losing respect.he did something,and as a man/alpha he takes full responsibilty of the action and its consequences,and if she is HI she will get back on his terms.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
We basicly said the same thing but we used diffrent word formation.

This here is why you are wrong.A couple more "im sorry" and thats a recipe of losing respect.he did something,and as a man/alpha he takes full responsibilty of the action and its consequences,and if she is HI she will get back on his terms.
We're both right in fact, because this is situational. In some cases it's appropriate to apologize and in some cases it's not. You can't just dumb it down to "never apologize". In some cases you'll gain respect by apologizing and lose respect if you don't.

In this case it's a trivial matter. Apologizing IS a way to take responsibility for his actions, it shows he recognizes his own mistake and isn't an idiot with complete lack of self awareness. It was in fact pretty dumb to act out like he did in this case, he recognizes that and thus it's appropriate to apologize.

The cases where it's inappropriate to apologize is when you actually haven't done anything wrong, but get blamed for something. Apologizing to something like that shows a lack of self-respect and no ability to stand up for oneself when wronged, that leads a woman to lose respect.

To always or never apologize shows a lack of self-awareness. To appropriately apologize or not apologize shows self-awareness which is attractive. In this case I think it would be beneficial to apologize, but that does not mean I would advise him the same in all future situations.

That said, what I was aiming at in @El Payaso post was if it was that girl who cheated on OP. If she cheated on him she doesn't deserve anything and OP should not apologize or even have contact at all with her. But we don't know (yet) if it's that girl, if it isn't then I do think he's better off apologizing.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I'm assuming this was the girl you caught cheating on you.

If you go back to her, the power will shift in her favor.
This is probably true, because the last time I played the breakup card she begged, pleaded and swallowed. But we need to define cheating. Is that having sex with another man after she had sex with you? Also, factor in the honesty factor. She told me what happened and said it was a mistake. She and I had casual sex in Oct/Nov and then in late Dec she said she was with someone else (on a vacation after turning 21 in Atlantic City) in early Dec. That's not exactly cheating, especially when she provided a happy ending to her apology last week. Until a girl asks for a commitment, both parties are free to sleep with whoever.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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This is probably true, because the last time I played the breakup card she begged, pleaded and swallowed. But we need to define cheating. Is that having sex with another man after she had sex with you? Also, factor in the honesty factor. She told me what happened and said it was a mistake. She and I had casual sex in Oct/Nov and then in late Dec she said she was with someone else (on a vacation after turning 21 in Atlantic City) in early Dec. That's not exactly cheating, especially when she provided a happy ending to her apology last week. Until a girl asks for a commitment, both parties are free to sleep with whoever.
How did she mistakenly sleep with someone? Maybe she was walking, tripped on a rock and accidentally landed on his ****.

True. If you guys weren't in a relationship, then it's not technically "cheating" but it tells you a lot about her character. If she's just someone you're fvcking with no real attachment (aka a plate) then it's whatever. But it seems you're catching feelings for her and actually want something more with her which is why you should be careful because she will most likely make another "mistake" again.

Don't put too much emphasis on that "happy ending" sex she gave you.

1) She was merely trying to placate you and appease you.

2) She just needed confirmation that you still want her.

She will put up a good behavior for a while until the opportunity for a power swing occurs.

Anyway, the truth is you will probably still go back to her. If you want to, call her up. Tell her you were in a bad mood from some bad news you got about your family and you shouldn't have taken it out on her. It's like an apology but without really "apologizing".

Don't apologize more than once. If you do, it will just come across as needy. If she accepts it, fine. If she doesn't, oh well. Life goes on.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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Dude, you missed the FACT that it snowed in the metroplex, and ALL places North last Friday?!?!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
What was I thinking? Her reaction in hindsight was perfectly predictable.
You weren't thinking and that's the problem. Some women are sincere at times. Maybe you lost a good one, time to move on and learn! Good Luck!


Oct 20, 2006
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Dude, you missed the FACT that it snowed in the metroplex, and ALL places North last Friday?!?!
Funny you mention North. Maybe you are her. You joined 8 days after our first date.

At least you can attest that my posts have been honest.

But I'm from New England. We get 10 feet of snow, not 10mm. And I would walk through a Noreaster to see (you).

You weren't thinking and that's the problem. Some women are sincere at times. Maybe you lost a good one, time to move on and learn! Good Luck!
I'm pretty sure it's not over.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
No dude, I live here, too. I'm not her


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
@bigneil I certainly agree with @El Payaso on this, was going to write about the same until I read that.

It's not technically cheating, but if there's any idea of a relationship in this then she made a bad move. If I was seriously considering relationship with someone I wouldn't fvck around at least until knowing it wasn't gonna happen. So basically this one doesn't seem to take the idea of a potential relationship with you seriously.

If you do have feelings for her I would say it's a bad idea to stick around, you're only gonna get hurt from that.