It should be obvious.. but for some reason.. pop culture loves to mask inherent human selfishness.
Women provide sex/affection to men in exchange for "something". This something can be the following:
- Status
- Image
- Kids
- Money
- Resources
- Security
- Attention monopoly (commitment)
This "quality woman" dog sh!t needs to be put to bed. Women vary in levels of ambition and ability, BUT the goal is always the same: Use her sexuality to "take" from men in some way or another.
Prudes vs. Sluts and
Plate Spinners vs. LTR betas. What is the difference? I'll explain:
- Prudes = Try to extract the resources first and give the sex later (if at all)
- Sluts = Give sex up front in hopes of later resource allocation from many men later
- Plate spinners = Try to extract the sex first and give the resources later (if at all)
- LTR betas = Give the resources up front in hopes of later sex allocation from one woman
This is the game in a nutshell. For all the complex discussions and arguments we have here.. it all boils down to this. Women are prostitutes. ALL of them.
Take this knowledge and use it to your benefit.
I see where you are going with this Poon but I have to disagree with there only be 2 categories of men. Me as a guy, I don't have the time or desire to spin plates. I have a strong business going, I want a companion and sex. I don't want to pick up sluts at bars. I don't want to bang prostitutes. I don't have much an interest in gaming women either. That concept seems like herding cats to me, you might get some results in the short term but long term? That f#cking cat is going to go wherever it wants at some point. So yes, I suppose you could spin plates, bang women but I'm more interested in my career. Ultimately, especially when you get older, is what is going to garner women. Yes, you can stay in shape but most 25 year old women are not going to want a 60 year old man unless of course you've got resources. You can take them places, you can introduce them to people and the like. That career you've worked for pays off for you more in your later years than your younger years. LTR betas may be men that really powerful guys that want arm candy, that want regular sex without all of the hassle and the like. However, the social contract that western society has operated off of for thousands of years, has largely been broken over the last 50 years or so. Now, you as a guy can give the resources but the girl can say f you, I've got your resources, bye bye! Oh and by the way, you're going to pay for me and the kid(s) for a long time. The guy may be stupid but that doesn't mean he's beta. The guy may be naive but that doesn't mean he's beta.
I'd truly like to see most, if not all guys, really work on going around modern social conventions, girl power crap and the like, to put them back in their respective places. Hey, if you're a chick and you want to be a billionaire and can do it, do it then. Don't feed off of a man or ride his coat tails to success, do it on your own. However, assuming that most women don't have those same empire building urges that men do, if you want the resources, you have to pay out. If most or all men starting holding their feet to the fire on this, this is going to change how society works again, going back to a more logical order of things. This is good for males and females. What we have now goes against the universal order of things.