I need to harden up my heart more


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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@ImTheDoubleGreatest! There's a lot of wisdom in the replies ITT.

The desire you feel is one that is super strongly socially conditioned into young men. Every movie you've watched, every song you've listened to, every book you've read has told you that the happy ending is getting the girl (for the most part). And at your age where there's a lot of uncertainty--about who you are, about what you want, about what you're going to do with your life, about how you'll handle situations you haven't experienced before--the idea of a girl who 'completes you' and offers a stabilizing influence is particularly seductive. So you should be mindful--but not necessarily guarded of your emotions.

Suppressing that desire might protect you from pain, but at the expense of a full range of experience & the growth that comes with it. And when you do meet a girl who seems to tick off the boxes and you let your guard down then all that withheld love will come out and you'll attribute it to her.

I'd advocate practicing love as a default state. I pretty much love everybody, which keeps my emotional assets well-diversified--my life is full of an abundance of love. At the same time, you do have to make rational decisions about the role other people fit in your life. So while I love everyone--or do my damnedest lol--I'm very selective about who gets my investment.

The truth is, is that there is no one. But if you can cast judgments aside (which almost always comes from weakness--the need to protect yourself or feel superior to other people or to justify your own actions), there are thousands of girls who are perfect for right now. You might never want them as a wife, but they're the one for tonight, they're the one for this month. They perfectly match the current needs of the various stages of your life--and when you get a little older, you'll realize how diverse your own needs/desires are for a partner and how often those needs/desires change.

My life is constantly enriched, and often is surprising ways, by the women I bring into it--even if they are someone I'd never give monogamy to in a million years lol. My relationships are short these days--but they're perfect, if that makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
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If you're going to play this game you got to protect your heart...

99% of the problems you see here are because someone/we/I didn't.


Oct 20, 2006
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Once you fall for a woman you are inside her ring of fire. The only way out is to get burned.

One must learn to embrace both the potential for pain, and the pain itself. Nothing makes you feel more alive. So she hasn't replied? That only means you have an especially happy moment in your near future, or at least the potential for one. It's like when your team goes to the Super Bowl, there is a chance for a devastating loss but you'll take that chance. Even losing the Super Bowl is a relatively great season.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
You know what? There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a fantastic companion to travel through life with.

There are a lot of guys here who claim that men are not wired to be monogamous. I don't buy it. I think men are wired to have the desire to fvck anything that looks good, but I think a lot of us also want the companionship part of it as well. If it were my choice, I would be completely cool with having multiple wives. That is fvcking heaven. Have one with a really hot ass, one with a cute face, a blonde, a brunette, one that cooks, one that cleans, etc etc. Because they're all competing for my attention, they would have their own built-in drama to keep their lives interesting, and I would just ignore all that bull5hit.

Unfortunately, the laws and (most) of society aren't cool with men having multiple wives. In other words, we can't have multiple pvssies to fvck and have the companionship of all these women. We are forced to settle with one woman to fulfil all of our needs. My GF treats me awesome, but I'm more fond of brunettes and women who are a bit shorter than her. I've realised that I can't have it all. I have to pick whoever's going to suit me and stick with that if I want the companionship. If I just wanted to fvck a bunch of hot women, I'd have to forfeit the companionship for hot ass.

If you truly want the companionship instead of multitudes of hot ass, then screen the women you date for good companionship. An all-in-one solution isn't going to exist.

Remember, we are all humans, not robots. We're going to feel emotions for some of the women we fvck. That is perfectly normal. Shutting your emotions off is going to make you miserable. The good news is you're on this site, and you know that you can always find another woman when one bytch breaks your heart. You know you have the power and ability to move on.

The best thing I can suggest is to figure out what you need the most out of a woman, and then go find a woman who is going to fulfil that need. Date like a madman, screen out the slvtty pieces of 5hit, drop the bytches who don't measure up to your high standards, and you'll eventually be able to find one who will meat your criteria.
I see. So it basically is a numbers game. And you can't have more than one wife unless you go to Utah. Guess I'm gonna live there then haha.
Shutting your emotions off is going to make you miserable.
That's true. But in doing so, I have a strong feeling that I will be able to control it like an on and off switch.
@ImTheDoubleGreatest! There's a lot of wisdom in the replies ITT.

The desire you feel is one that is super strongly socially conditioned into young men. Every movie you've watched, every song you've listened to, every book you've read has told you that the happy ending is getting the girl (for the most part). And at your age where there's a lot of uncertainty--about who you are, about what you want, about what you're going to do with your life, about how you'll handle situations you haven't experienced before--the idea of a girl who 'completes you' and offers a stabilizing influence is particularly seductive. So you should be mindful--but not necessarily guarded of your emotions.

Suppressing that desire might protect you from pain, but at the expense of a full range of experience & the growth that comes with it. And when you do meet a girl who seems to tick off the boxes and you let your guard down then all that withheld love will come out and you'll attribute it to her.

I'd advocate practicing love as a default state. I pretty much love everybody, which keeps my emotional assets well-diversified--my life is full of an abundance of love. At the same time, you do have to make rational decisions about the role other people fit in your life. So while I love everyone--or do my damnedest lol--I'm very selective about who gets my investment.

The truth is, is that there is no one. But if you can cast judgments aside (which almost always comes from weakness--the need to protect yourself or feel superior to other people or to justify your own actions), there are thousands of girls who are perfect for right now. You might never want them as a wife, but they're the one for tonight, they're the one for this month. They perfectly match the current needs of the various stages of your life--and when you get a little older, you'll realize how diverse your own needs/desires are for a partner and how often those needs/desires change.

My life is constantly enriched, and often is surprising ways, by the women I bring into it--even if they are someone I'd never give monogamy to in a million years lol. My relationships are short these days--but they're perfect, if that makes sense.
That's near impossible for me right now. I figured out who I am, what I want to do, etc when I was 15 and I guess I did love everything and everyone. I was in love with life. I've lost my way since then and have been trying to get it back ever since but have had bo luck unfortunately. You are right about how it can hinder your growth though, but as I have said with Desdinova, I have a feeling that if I am able to harden up more, I will still be able to open up too, like an on or off switch.
Once you fall for a woman you are inside her ring of fire. The only way out is to get burned.

One must learn to embrace both the potential for pain, and the pain itself. Nothing makes you feel more alive. So she hasn't replied? That only means you have an especially happy moment in your near future, or at least the potential for one. It's like when your team goes to the Super Bowl, there is a chance for a devastating loss but you'll take that chance. Even losing the Super Bowl is a relatively great season.
It's not like I can't do that, I embrace the pain whenever I have the chance to because that makes you tougher. I've learned this first hand. I'm not going to actively seek it out though lol. The problem is though that I need to retake the red pill and have it gp theough my system again. I guess it is mostly with my family (parents specifically). My mom, dad, and brother are the only ones I have let into my heart, and they are the ones who hurt me the most (well not my brother, only my parents). They've burned me in ways that you never should do to children. I still have some of me crying from emotional distraught before I was even able to walk. I shouldn't be able to remember stuff like that, but I do. That's why I do not believe that any woman can ever really hurt me. I don't get heartbroken except from my parents. They were the only ones who ever really hurt me and they still do it to this day sometimes. That's why I wanted to harden up.


Jun 23, 2014
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I have to admit, I still feel like I am at least somewhat waiting for that special someone someday and I cannot get it out of my head. It's almost as if it is attached to the very core of my being.
It IS attached to the very core of your being.

But I want to get rid of it. That's pvssy sh!t right there.
Actually and honestly, it's not pvssy shyt. The most ALPHA and manly thing in the world is to be "attached" to women. Women thrive on emotions, that internal attachment that you have allows you to "feel them out" much more than guys who choose not to embrace that internal "attachment".

Lol, you might respond with some Poon King level of "I'm just a white knight" but I'm giving you the truth here.

I need to get tougher and colder.
No you don't, the best way to approach life is to be a balance of what's deemed Alpha and Beta.

The Nice Guy with an "Edge"

- The Nice part would be you being smart, ambitious, somewhat of a nerd, having your financial house in order, being responsible, respectful, and being a good Father if the time comes.

- The "Edge" part is where you have a backbone, challenge things that need to be challenged, speak out when it's time to speak out, don't be afraid to embrace new things, be funny, be a little arrogant, be a little self-centered, maybe a little flashy, and NEVER be afraid to be the life of the party.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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Actually and honestly, it's not pvssy shyt. The most ALPHA and manly thing in the world is to be "attached" to women. Women thrive on emotions, that internal attachment that you have allows you to "feel them out" much more than guys who choose not to embrace that internal "attachment".

I was surprised at everything else you said and agreed with most of it. But this is simply bad advice. Why the hell would you say it's the most manly thing in the world to be attached to women??? That's a sure fire way for a man to get their ass dumped.


Mar 12, 2011
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Here is one way to look at it:

Lets say you don't like chicken and go out to a restaurant with a group of friends, acquaintances, coworkers and family members. When its time to order, you get steak and everyone else gets chicken. When they get their chicken they really enjoy it and seem very happy and content with their meal. How do you feel about that? And from my perspective.. they will all get food poisoning a day later no matter how "happy" they are now.

Marriage doesn't benefit men in 2017. Kids are something I haven't decided on yet. I don't care if others have something I don't want for myself.
I see the point with the analogy.

Your mentally stronger than I am. When I see wedding photos on mantles, pictures on fridges, educated pregnant happy wives; it can get to me. It seems like they are maturing and I'm stuck in neutral.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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I see the point with the analogy.

Your mentally stronger than I am. When I see wedding photos on mantles, pictures on fridges, educated pregnant happy wives; it can get to me. It seems like they are maturing and I'm stuck in neutral.
Don't judge your insides by someone's outsides. For all you know they are in hell.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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I see the point with the analogy.

Your mentally stronger than I am. When I see wedding photos on mantles, pictures on fridges, educated pregnant happy wives; it can get to me. It seems like they are maturing and I'm stuck in neutral.
They are "maturing" by 1950's standards. They are just morons by 2017 standards.

This just shows the power of societal brainwashing. The fact that you can actually be jealous of people making horrible choices.

If you want something others don't have (power, freedom, etc.) you have to be willing to do things others wont.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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This might be the dumbest post from you yet.

More punk ass, weak ass, lame advice from SoSuave's card carrying beta male. If men want to learn how to be a supreme P*SSY they should follow your advice.

Why don't you just spend the rest of your days f*cking fat pigs and fighting for women's rights.
lmfao im weak looool


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Having a girl is challenge

But it's nothing compared to keeping her.

So yes, being with "the girl" is considered alpha.

It's also why "power couple" are considered top of alpha and society kiss to them

Society considers "loser" of plate spinning guys.

But who cares!

OP, you looking for a purpose/something to care about. And once you do you'll feel like you can do stuff with your life.

Personnaly took me 25 years to start living and yes it did involve à women.

How much I regret not starting "my current life" at your age.

So here's to you...take à Pen and paper. Write down all you are, what you want, what you dont want to be

From there, work on your weakness "andmake it stop being à weakness", grow on your goals. One day at a time, small step becoming bigs etc... start now.

Open your heart to positive vibe/people and work on your sheet. You''ll get the life partner.

The important part is that you never stop growing


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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I was thinking, is it immature to "spin plates" and not fully commit?

Yes and no.

First no because of threads like this. I get where you are coming from. Women behave In a way that makes it appear as though they could give two ****s about you. And they only truly care about what you can do for them and how you make them feel. After a while it gets hard to continue to put yourself out there time after time. That's how I got to the point where I just want to focus on myself and not date. Though I consider that a postive.

But one can say it's immature as it shows that you are not willing to just let go. I'm not about marriage. But if the right person comes along I'd like to think that I'd want make her mind.

Perhaps we just over think these things. I mean is this supposed to be that hard? Is any of this a real big deal? We must live pretty cushy lives if we have time to bicker online about women. Think of the people fighting in the civil war. I doubt they were thinking about if the woman that they met at the tavern would telegram them back.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I think "waiting for special someone" stuff is pvssy sh*t, to be honest. You'll probably just grow out of that.

But not wanting to feel anything sounds more like you want to be depressed or something. If you don't feel anything, what's the point in doing any of this stuff?

Ennui isn't fun.

Love women (plural). Enjoy the good parts, and keep the neurotic parts at arms length.

This stuff isn't binary. You can have your cake, and eat it too.
It's more about when I need to be able to turn on that cold side of me. If I can redevelop it, I would be able to switch it on and off at will.