Unfortunately I don't believe it's possible to predict whether or not a marriage will be successful. It's not just a matter of vetting because people change over time.
100% correct. This is why the marriage contract today makes absolutely no sense. You can leave at anytime for any reason, or for NO REASON. People fall in love and people fall out of love....with today's marriage if the person randomly falls out of love with you, they are going to want OUT based on the logic that
"life is too short, so why be in an unhappy relationship"?
There's absolutely no chance in hell to predict if your partner that you married in 2016 will be the same person with the same love for you by 2026. NO chance in hell. You are taking a gamble and I ask, what is the pay-off for that gamble?
- Is it a stable environment for kids? You can get that without taking the gamble.
- Is it having someone who loves you in your life? You can get that without taking the gamble.
- Is it not being lonely? Again, you can have people in your life without taking the gamble.
- Is it for religious reasons? If so, you better be the POPE with NO other sin in your life as well!
- Is it for family tradition? If so, can you work around this?
Listen, this is a man's forum.
If you don't think I understand the subtleties of a woman (despite being brutish at times) think again.
I get "tarred and feathered" (indirectly often), probably more than you do. Stop whining.
Lmao, this guy talks about someone whining yet this crybaby put me on IGNORE because he can't handle the heat.
BeExcellent I honestly wouldn't concern myself with this fool lol. He's a part of what I call
"The Poon King Alpha Club", which is just a group of anonymous, "MGTOW" guys on the internet who all sit around talking about how ALPHA they are, how many chicks they have screwed, but will not post ONE PIC of any of these "chicks" they are spinning all over the place.
Sometimes I wonder do these guys work lol? I mean damn, how the hell do you have time to work a full time career (50 - 60 hours a week), workout (10 hours a week), as well as spin the 10 plates that they claim they spin often lol?
I said it before, I'll say it again, BeExcellent has a higher NET WORTH than Poon King, deesade, and 2 other of their anonymous, fvck-tard fan boy club members have combined.
They have no life experience, they have NO LIFE period....all they have (in every post) is regurgitated MGTOW, one-dimensional, women are all evil/men all are good....bullshyt theories. And oh yeah, how they are so ALPHA and we are all beta fag.gots