Diablo, writing a catch up thread in DJ Discussion forum would be great: to hear about how Pook et al's stuff worked so well, what kind of LTRs you've been in, but also if any of the DJ Bible material had an adverse effect on your relationships.diablo said:Which was true until about... now. This re-vamped DJB looks pretty sweet, and the layout is a lot easier to browse through than the old. Though what's most important is CONTENT...
I've been offline for 5+ years because what I read (cough: Pook... Gio...) 'effing WORKS. It's the most solid advice anyone could read. Though I have 5 years of new posts to catch up on, so I'd better get started...
Des, again, awesome job carrying the banner. I'm stoked that SS is still here, and glad to be a part of it again. Especially now that I'm in need of refresher courses (yeah, LTR's suck when they stop happening).
As a more recent poster, I find myself bouncing back and forth between euphoria (this site has all the answers!) to cynicism (if I act like this site teaches I'll be one of those guys posting field reports in his 60's while all my friends have grandkids). So it would be good to hear the perspective of someone who has lived with this material for years.