How to be lone wolf


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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I am 33 and most of my friends are married with children. Because of that they do not go to clubs. They go to pubs but very rarely. I do not see any choice but to become lone wolf. Yet I am very embarassed by the situation. I was few time in the club alone but wen't home without talking to anyone. I just feel like looser standing there alone and I really do not know what to do when I am inside. Is going to clubs alone realistic? If so how do you do that?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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I have been a 'lone wolf' ever since I was a child.

If you want the game definition, it is considered a 'sigma-male'. Most of my real good friends are beta too. Recently one was a bit shocked that I was hitting on 17 year olds at the age of 30 LMAO.

I have learnt to manage my life into certain parts. Plates do not get to meet my friends or family (unless it is unexpected). I separate my social stuff from my game wherever possible. I try to separate my 'womanizing' from my friends. Keep women at arms length, and beta males too. Learn to enjoy people for what they are - not despise them for what they aren't.

Clubs are bullsh*t at the age of 33. Learn to daygame. I don't have any time for nonsense in clubs from the age of about 23. You are too old for such sillyness - especially if you are the same personality type that I am. Adapt your game to your sense of self.
Do you know any good book/dvd for daygame?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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problem with clubs is, do you like going there? there is no point in going to a place you don't like, going to clubs just t hope to score and meet people will not work, you need to like going there and dance, if you don't like any of these try another aproach, see what hobbies you can find you like to do and put you out of home, day game can work well for you too like desade said, making new friends can also go on a long run, the thing about being a lone wolf is or you are or you don't, you need to like being alone, with in your case I don't think its the case

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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The first step to being a lone wolf is not caring about what society thinks. You become indifferent to most situations. You live your life for you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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Tonnes, mate.

My bible is "daygame mastery", a book by a PUA called Krauser - literally changed my life. You might find it a bit hard to get now, because I got it a while back. There are so many things from that book that I incorporate into my game. It is gold-dust.

There is also "daygame blueprint" that is a great seminar. I have taken loads from that too. It was on Youtube, and I tried to deliver the link, but it is now banned lol.

I can give you many Youtube profiles of guys with the greatest game too, if you want.

Listen, as a fellow 'lone wolf', I will answer any question that you want. I have probably been there and seen it by this point (I'm now 30 :().
I would appreciate those youtubers profiles and some movies links with daygame infields if you know any. I like reading books and theory but seeing it happening is invaluable.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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problem with clubs is, do you like going there? there is no point in going to a place you don't like, going to clubs just t hope to score and meet people will not work, you need to like going there and dance, if you don't like any of these try another aproach, see what hobbies you can find you like to do and put you out of home, day game can work well for you too like desade said, making new friends can also go on a long run, the thing about being a lone wolf is or you are or you don't, you need to like being alone, with in your case I don't think its the case

It is not that I do not like to go there. I like to dance a lot. In fact I liked it more then my LTR. I like also people. Problem is all my friends are married and are mostly not going to clubs so only option I see is to
1. find a wingman but there is no such people in my circle
2. go lone wolf but I feed judged when I am alone

I chose 2 because I currently do not have anything in my circle who would go clubbing. I also do not mind being alone in many places because I was kind of loner for most of my life. Now It changed a bit and I can be loner but I also feel good around people but since clubs are very social place I feel judged when I am alone there.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Lone wolf may be scary but be glad of the limitless freedom.

You basically decide where to go and when, how long to stay and when to leave.

You dont need to review your plan to accomodate anyone else.

Sure you dont get the benefits of being out with friends but you get much more freedom to operate.

Once you know what you are doing the results are much better, it can be hard especially when group of girls ask you where are your friends, in those cases you have less then a second to be defuse the popularity/creepy bomb and have to be 100% sure of yourself but once you pass it just gets easier.

I would never trade my freedom for a little help while reaching my goals, would rather play in hard mode my way than playing it easy with limitations.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Lone wolf may be scary but be glad of the limitless freedom.

You basically decide where to go and when, how long to stay and when to leave.

You dont need to review your plan to accomodate anyone else.

Sure you dont get the benefits of being out with friends but you get much more freedom to operate.

Once you know what you are doing the results are much better, it can be hard especially when group of girls ask you where are your friends, in those cases you have less then a second to be defuse the popularity/creepy bomb and have to be 100% sure of yourself but once you pass it just gets easier.

I would never trade my freedom for a little help while reaching my goals, would rather play in hard mode my way than playing it easy with limitations.
Do you go to clubs as loner as well? How do you behave there?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Do you go to clubs as loner as well? How do you behave there?
Done that however what I find the best is to get the best of both options.

Go with friends then split, this way you get the good mood of being with friends and the freedom of being alone and responsible for no one but you.

It helps also to have a safe harbour in case you get close to the creep zone and sometime in case you get a couple of girls and need backup or a friend of yours does.

I've been to clubs alone in my late 20s but I believe its late, better try in your early 20s since the older you get the easier is for girl to label you a "creep".

Just avoid empty clubs if you are alone as a general rule, the more confusion inside the more freedom of manouver you have in terms of behaviour and bullsh1tting.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
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Southern California
Go with friends then split, this way you get the good mood of being with friends and the freedom of being alone and responsible for no one but you.
This is one of the best ways to do it, but only if your friends know what to do, and they can operate solo too.

I have gone with friends that just clinged to you, but added nothing to the game. Followed you around, stood there, sipping their drinks, said nothing, looking awkward.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Scroll down:


Top level game.

You should only use these videos as comparison for your own game. Do not be inactively watching Youtube videos.

The only 'invaluable' here is your own experience. You will have people tell you all sorts of stupid sh*t. You go out and approach, and you will see the truth for yourself.

Only use the top guys for ideas. My first handful of daygame approaches went great, because I was using structure from people who knew far better than I. And I had to stifle a laugh - being self-aware in set ;)
I am confident like this guy but I have a totally different somewhat southern voice. The more impatient girls get, and the more they backpedal the more my confidence grows. You have to have a target or you won't hit it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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Scroll down:

Only use the top guys for ideas.
So who is top guy in day game? You already mentioned krauser, I know rooshv is quite popular.

Also how do you escalate during day game? Rooshv claims you should use day game to get date during the night in the club and there escalate.
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
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Yad, Torrero, Krauser, John Matrix, etc.

Not my thing. I'm sure that is a useful option, but it seems counterproductive. For a start, it takes me back to social-circle game (which I try to avoid), and secondly taking girls to a club/rave/house-party is making my life harder in seducing her (too many distractions, possible c0ck-blocks, etc).

Better to just numberclose and get her out on a proper date, or maybe try to instantdate.

Personally not a fan of Roosh V's type of daygame, because it's indirect. I tried that for one day, and it felt creepy.

That's just me though - others seem to like it. There's no harm in trying it for a handful of sets and see how it works for you. Experimentation is a good thing.
So can you recommend any clips/books/authors on direct game? It may be fun to compare both. I see that indirect game needs some good rambling skills and some initial topic. It can be very hard to talk about some prop for 3 minutes and girls often do not have any props that you can talk about. Direct method seems easier but on the other hand it feels very blunt and creepy to say to girl outright that she is pretty.