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Every girl I see wants me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I've seen a couple of videos last week which pretty much summarize everything you need to know. They are longish, but you only need to listen rather than watch. These guys are pretty straightforward and to the point.

Destroy Approach Anxiety and Social Fear

Attract Hotter Women

The thing that I have taken from this and acted on is working with the assumption, no the actual belief, that every woman I meet wants me; and that I will be constantly surrounded by women who I want and who want me.

I have experimented with this kind of stuff before but never really knew how to apply it in this simple way. All of a sudden, I have hot women checking me out every day, like, really hot women, even looking like they want to approach me, even when I'm dressed casual, not even casual - scruffy. This sh!t really works. It's all about the energy attitude we're giving off. I swear this is 90 or 95% of game;

1) being in the mindset of success and abundance.

2) giving absolutely zero fcks what anyone thinks. I mean REALLY not giving a fck, not just pretending - actually going out and doing and saying whatever you want (within the realms of sanity), regardless of how others react.

Everyone will treat you differently when you truly adopt this mindset, literally within hours if its done right. The attitude of the self is reflected by the people we meet.

So last night I go online and I see an old friend (female) posting a picture of her and her hot sister. TMK proceeds...

TMK; Oh hey. That's your sister, right. I've always fancied her.

Friend; Err, yeah that's my sister who is MARRIED!

Friend's Hot Sister; Err yeah granddad, wake up to yourself.

TMK; Err yeah whatever, take is as a compliment or whatever.


Now, obviously Friend's Hot Sister is a massive narcissist with her head shoved up her a$$, but my follow up should have been better and maintained the cheeky attitude instead of backtracking to 'nice guy'. I should have been like 'Err, the ladies doth protest too much', or something, hence the exchange ended. I was drunk though :confused::oops:

This is black and white, night and day exemplary of nice guy no girl wants to fck, versus cheeky a$$hole who girls fall over themselves for. The attitude is what got the rise out of both girls initially; it's out of the ordinary and what they wanted to distract them from the banality of their mundane lives (marriages). It's what their sappy husbands have either forgotten, or never even knew. It's what no other man has done for them this week; or probably ever. Honest and matter of fact. Boom. Wet panties all round.

tl;dr - be the man, know you are the man, know women want you, and don't give a flying fck about it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
As long as I don't chase, this happens to me also. I don't even need to approach at this point.

Chasing = neediness


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I never chase with no signs of interest. I'll stand within her eyesight and if I see her checking me out I'll go over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
As long as I don't chase, this happens to me also. I don't even need to approach at this point.
Exactly. This is the point I want to get to, where they are approaching me. Think I just need about 6 more solid months in the gym (followed by maintenance) and an entire new wardrobe(!) and confidence will really be through the roof.

I never chase with no signs of interest. I'll stand within her eyesight and if I see her checking me out I'll go over.
I agree, it's pretty easy. Prolonged eye-contact is all you need. Sometimes it's fun to chat women up who aren't showing signs though, like these married ones. They're obviously not used to it and it's fun watching them squirm a bit.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Exactly. This is the point I want to get to, where they are approaching me. Think I just need about 6 more solid months in the gym (followed by maintenance) and an entire new wardrobe(!) and confidence will really be through the roof.
I don't workout, other than eating lowcarb and walking 4 to 5 miles a day. And my pitiful wardrobe is black slacks, yucky oversized blue jeans, sneakers, a medium grey ****ies work shirt. That's it for this homeless person.

Goes to show the gym and wardrobe don't fuking matter, their nice and may help a little, but not necissary.


...all communicated through body lauguage, interaction, and conversation content. All you need!!! :cool:

My single days are numbered! :eek:


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
I saw once an interview with Morgan Freeman . He said you have to do the move first , introduce yourself , go on a date and after that let Them chase you. You have to do nothing.
Interesting, I saw the same, it was an interview with Piers Morgan.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
You have to do nothing.
Fuking thats it!!! Don't give your power away, and she will see you as powerful!

Let them know you're interested (they can tell without you saying a word), and then you're done. Nothing, Nada, Zilch!!!

Be free, and have a sh!t ton of fun!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Girl approached me this morning.

Making coffee in the kitchen at work and a cute black girl comes in to get water. She comments on my coffee mug - Mr T from The A-Team, with a knuckle-duster handle.

Cute Black Girl; "Is this yours? Such a cool cup."

TMK: "Yeah, it's for when meetings start getting rowdy" (*makes a fist and puts in to opposite palm)

Cute Black Girl: (exaggerated giggle and walks out); "Ha alright, see ya."

Should have been more flirtatious; some thing like, "Yeah, it's for when meetings start getting a bit rowdy, so watch yourself". She was cute, not my usual type, but probably a good 7-7.5 for a work day.

It's true; keeping the right mentality and giving off the consequent positive vibes, you don't really have to do very much at all.

I don't workout, other than eating lowcarb and walking 4 to 5 miles a day. And my pitiful wardrobe is black slacks, yucky oversized blue jeans, sneakers, a medium grey ****ies work shirt. That's it for this homeless person.

Goes to show the gym and wardrobe don't fuking matter, their nice and may help a little, but not necissary.


...all communicated through body lauguage, interaction, and conversation content. All you need!!! :cool:

My single days are numbered! :eek:
With due respect, just imagine what you could achieve if you sorted the rest of your life out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
With due respect, just imagine what you could achieve if you sorted the rest of your life out.
It's ok, yeah, things could alot better. I've been stuck in a hole for awhile. I'm just now starting to get ahead... I have no one to help, so it's extremely slow going. Lots of setbacks and obstacles that are outside my control. Still, there's an unknown reason why I'm here, so I try to make the best of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
It's ok, yeah, things could alot better. I've been stuck in a hole for awhile. I'm just now starting to get ahead... I have no one to help, so it's extremely slow going. Lots of setbacks and obstacles that are outside my control. Still, there's an unknown reason why I'm here, so I try to make the best of it.
Are you drinking or smoking weed? I'm 45 and been in a couple of holes myself. Drinking or smoking weed will keep you down there longer. It's easier to be proactive and take action when your mind is clear. It really helps if you have some GOOD positive people to talk to, ones that like you around.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
It's ok, yeah, things could alot better. I've been stuck in a hole for awhile. I'm just now starting to get ahead... I have no one to help, so it's extremely slow going. Lots of setbacks and obstacles that are outside my control. Still, there's an unknown reason why I'm here, so I try to make the best of it.
So long as you're being honest with yourself and not making excuses. On a relative scale, many have been down and out before. I've never been homeless, but certainly had my share of scrapes. It takes time to get back on one's feet and set back are easier to acknowledge than progressions. Put it this way, I've been on a road of recovery for going on 3 years, and I only started back in the gym 6 months ago. It's a step-by-step process; like any escalation, sometimes two steps forward, one step back.

Are you drinking or smoking weed? I'm 45 and been in a couple of holes myself. Drinking or smoking weed will keep you down there longer. It's easier to be proactive and take action when your mind is clear. It really helps if you have some GOOD positive people to talk to, ones that like you around.
I've found exactly the same. I don't smoke anymore, but drink is still a bit of a vice on occasion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Are you drinking or smoking weed? I'm 45 and been in a couple of holes myself. Drinking or smoking weed will keep you down there longer. It's easier to be proactive and take action when your mind is clear. It really helps if you have some GOOD positive people to talk to, ones that like you around.
Nope, no drinking or weed... I have lots of friends, but can't get to them, for the time being. I'm stuck in a different city. Things are moving forward, though. I have lots of plans for the future, and I'm working on funds to get there. Things would move alot quicker if we had an economy that wasn't broken.