If you say you have a hectic schedule all week, stay congruent with that till the end. If she initiates,
text after business hours or a workout. Be sporadic and not the same. All other guys may blow up her phone due to separation anxiety, yet she's still waiting for the validation text from you and she'll be the most excited for yours and that's a good thing. Be busy and do stuff and it will all fall into place.
Absolutely. Don't text back immediately. Be somewhere about doing something fun that you're too busy to text. Get back to the plate later when you're free and can spare a minute to drop a line or plan a date.
Exactly, I probably learned from PK too... it's honestly about
having an interesting life that isn't centered around dating. That's one of the things I picked up from this forum that's helping me improve confidence that I had lost in my ten year LTR.
I hang in diverse social spheres and I can't count how many times I'm drinking a round and I see bros thumbing through Tinder, Facebook, Bumble, POF, Match, whatever on their phone like women. I ask them what they're up to and they usually talk about video games, work, or the ONEitis girl they're seeing off and on (no plate spinning, so there's noticeable anxiety there, or they put up with a girl that has low interest level invested in him). Rarely do I talk to another buddy and he tells me about the old automobile he bought that he's restoring in his garage. It seems to be a lost art in this day and age.
I admire the people that have many hobbies and they work on those skills because it's fun and they love the challenge - there's noticeable passion. You hear it in their voice and expressions - there's respect. I enjoy talking to them because it's cool to see where they're at in their progression.
A dude I talked to two months ago just got out of a relationship with a girl he met off OLD, lived with for her two years before going their own way. He was on the same site he met her already lining on dates the day she moved out. I thought man you're single, go out and live the dream, dude. Go take up a new challenge not centered on women. Go climb a tall @ss mountain with 4,000+ elevation gain. Learn another language. Take an amazing journey some where around the world by yourself. Develop interesting perspectives that make you well-rounded as a person. I guess it's like some women I meet. I don't like the ones where all they do is serial date orbiters. They don't work out, they don't eat right or can't cook for sh!t, they just look for the next monkey branch to jump on for a quick fling while not learning anything new about themselves.