BPD haunting me from the grave – now my career is at stake. What to do?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
This guy and myself have been going at it for months because he didn't like constructive criticism of his obvious double talk in the NC thread.

I felt he was wrong in his argument with Tenacity, told him so, and he went off like a lunatic. That was a response. So you dont know what you're talking about.

And what "success" am I bragging about? You confuse me with BeTheChange
To bebhonest @BlueAlpha1 ive not had any dealings with you. I have no regard for tenacity at all.
I'm just generally saying surely if things are going well for you then awesome lol. If you think @BeTheChange or anyone is a faggot then let them be one. It makes no difference to you or I.

I on the other hand think @Tenacity is a faggot posting pics of himself to prove things, showing us his ****ty American car when us lot here in England drive minimum BMW/Audi/Merc

But all in all bro I just got too many things going on that are actually successful to give a f0ck lol


To bebhonest @BlueAlpha1 ive not had any dealings with you. I have no regard for tenacity at all.
I'm just generally saying surely if things are going well for you then awesome lol. If you think @BeTheChange or anyone is a faggot then let them be one. It makes no difference to you or I.

I on the other hand think @Tenacity is a faggot posting pics of himself to prove things, showing us his ****ty American car when us lot here in England drive minimum BMW/Audi/Merc

But all in all bro I just got too many things going on that are actually successful to give a f0ck lol
You're right we've not had any dealings. So I'll just give you the TLDR version if you care to read.

There is a divide on this forum. There are some who see the world in black and white. That you should cold approach like a machine, escalate every single time no matter what signals you get from the girl, that you're a "beta faggot" if you ever express emotion, and that you should just shut your mouth and adapt to the market, no matter how lopsided it is against men. It is essentially a red pill cult, much like the extremists on the Roosh forums, and not so surprisingly many of those guys are phonies.

Then there are others who see that the market is rigged against men, that women have too many options, that we enable bad behavior by cold approaching random women in the street, that expressing your failures is a part of self improvement, and that there is nothing wrong with analyzing the market for what it is. It doesn't mean we don't play the game, but we're not sitting up here pretending everything is great and that we're all "spinning 5 plates at a time at all times", especially if our content here flies in the face of that claim.

The reason I respect @Tenacity is because he's told you he comes from humble beginnings. He was living in his car. Now, he's got a nice place, clearly got in shape, and is willing to put up and show you his progress. In my opinion he is the lifeblood of what every self improvement forum should be. He is 6 years older than me and I can look to his example in my life. Does he complain and lose his cool sometimes? Of course. But every time I've needed help he's been there with step by step advice that was detailed an practical. Certain others say "stop being a beta faggot and spin more plates. Just look at me, I've I've got 20 going at once!" The problem is many of them are lying because there simply isn't enough room at the top. If the amount of guys on this forum who claimed to be alpha were actually alpha, there would be no betas. There is only room for 20% in the 20th percentile. I'm not in the 20th percentile. Since I'm not making the claim, I have nothing to prove. Tenacity would claim to be in the 20th percentile, and he's proven it. Then there are others who claim to be in the 2%, but can never substantiate it. So it's just keyboard warrior stuff at that point.

Secondly, often times their tone and the content of their posts don't align with these claims, so that's where a guy like Tenacity steps up and asks them to prove it - to prove why their vague generalities and universal credos are better than his bullet points. And they never do.

A certain someone has rejected my advice every step of the way because I was critical of some of his behaviors during his NC phase. The advice I gave was tough and harsh - the way I wish others had been with me years ago! Because I happened to have went through the exact same thing he did, but he took offense to my advice because I was not spinning "5 plates at a time" like him, so my advice was worthless even though you handle all BPD's the same. He was a condescending prick who always had a "thanks but no thanks, I'm better than you" tone that was incongruent with the sort of desperate vibe in his posts.

Finally a few days ago I backed up my friend Tenacity again, and this dude went full ad hominem attacks on me. So I responded in kind and that's all you saw, which is why I look like the bad guy to newcomers to the argument.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I on the other hand think @Tenacity is a faggot posting pics of himself to prove things, showing us his ****ty American car when us lot here in England drive minimum BMW/Audi/Mercl
Are you driving a BMW, Audi or Benz? If so, post a pic of you in the car...........

Oh I forgot, you can't post it because that would mean you would be "trying to prove yourself" to somebody on "the internet".....the same somebody on the internet that you felt the need to say folks over by you are driving BMWs and Audis..........my only question is if you felt the need to STATE what you drive, why can't you also prove it by posting a pic?

I guess the way Sosuave works today, is that a guy doesn't have to be SHYT in life....he just needs to be able to make good posts PRETENDING to be the shyt lmaoo.

- Lol @ when you actually post pics showing you're the shyt, that means you're a beta fag.got.

- But when you sit on the internet anonymous all day proclaiming to have this, that, this, and that....with no PROOF....that makes you the Alpha Male. :rofl::rofl:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
@Tenacity I have nothing to prove to a stranger. Secondly I have no regard for yourself in terms of proving anything. Thirdly this is not a forum I use to document and journal my life and self improvement; I use this forum to learn more about women. Fourthly I have nothing to gain at all from proving anything. And finally think all you want of me I could not give a f0ck

In my eyes you are a faggot as you live in a sh1thole, drive a crap car and do nothing for yourself in life besides bang trashy black women. From your posts there's clearly a lot of hate, anger and discontent. You need counselling.

@bethealpha1 you make very fair points. Hats off to you sir. Let's all be optimistic and positive about our future. Also are you from the U.K. As you used the word lunatic ?


@Tenacity I have nothing to prove to a stranger. Secondly I have no regard for yourself in terms of proving anything. Thirdly this is not a forum I use to document and journal my life and self improvement; I use this forum to learn more about women. Fourthly I have nothing to gain at all from proving anything. And finally think all you want of me I could not give a f0ck

In my eyes you are a faggot as you live in a sh1thole, drive a crap car and do nothing for yourself in life besides bang trashy black women. From your posts there's clearly a lot of hate, anger and discontent. You need counselling.

@bethealpha1 you make very fair points. Hats off to you sir. Let's all be optimistic and positive about our future. Also are you from the U.K. As you used the word lunatic ?
I'm not from the UK, but Ive been there. Fantastic place. I did start using the words rubbish, rich, and bloody though lol.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
@Tenacity I have nothing to prove to a stranger. Secondly I have no regard for yourself in terms of proving anything. Thirdly this is not a forum I use to document and journal my life and self improvement; I use this forum to learn more about women. Fourthly I have nothing to gain at all from proving anything. And finally think all you want of me I could not give a f0ck

In my eyes you are a faggot as you live in a sh1thole, drive a crap car and do nothing for yourself in life besides bang trashy black women. From your posts there's clearly a lot of hate, anger and discontent. You need counselling.
I wonder if I should report this post or not? I think this is just straight up trolling.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Why don't you just not reply to me and I won't reply to you. Simple..
Dude that's fine with me, I honestly don't even know who you are? The first post I seen from you was a couple days ago in Poon King's thread about "the proof is in the pudding" which made absolutely no sense because Poon King has never once demonstrated anything (pics, etc.) that shows "proof" of his "Alpha maleness".

But the reason I think your post was trolling was due to the outright fabricated personal attacks you threw towards me which have no basis in reality whatsoever. Your entire point was to initiate a reaction out of me to start arguing, cursing, etc. I don't engage in that foolishness with anonymous people on the internet who say things on Sosuave about Men AND Women....that they would NEVER say to any man or woman's face in this lifetime.

You know all about my degrees, the "trashy" black women I date, the fact I grew up in Flint, etc., but who are you?


Agreed. These clowns are going to get ANOTHER thread locked at this rate.
You can blame yourself for that. Your ad hominems were way out of proportion in the other thread, so I came here to tell you what's up. It goes back to your first post, thus you're the clown.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score

I just got offered a job by one of the biggest media companies in the world (think Comcast).

You going to congratulate me brah?


New Member
Nov 11, 2016
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Good luck to you. I know what its like to be with an emotionally abusive BPD to the extent that it affects your employment and general mental health. My marriage to a BPD ended less than a year ago and she already remarried to her next source. I was a total ******* for months and I own my own business. She even sent her friends online to ***** and moan about how much of a bully jerk I was, people I don't even know. She sent me texts about how good he felt in bed, how he was tall 6'2" and I was too short for her 5'7", how she was out of my league and she was trading up. She pissed me off so much!! I was a jerk to customers in my shop too and they let me know publicly on review sites. I was not myself at all and it was totally due to what I was going through. I believe she actually did this rebound marriage to smear it in my face but in all actuality I count my blessings. That is the best thing to hope for with a BPD. They do stop recycling (5-6 times with me) and can quickly switch focus to the new one when they realize it doesn't work with you and your boundaries. So much time lost from work, depression and anxiety from being attached to that nut with her erratic, bottomless pit of neediness. I can now focus on my own life instead of a toxic relationship. Now her new guy has nothing, is a partier with a long criminal record including a DV charge, resisting arrest, drug dealing etc. I see what she is doing to him and it is far WORSE than what she did to me, or rather what I allowed her to do to me. She owns him and he is 100% dependent on her, plus he is the type of guy she would target with her hate and rage. He tells everyone how wonderful she is, she supports him financially and he has basically dropped everything to move from another town to live with her and raise her kids with little miss perfect wifey who pretends to like football games and lets him drive her car around after knowing her for 3 months!! Coming soon to a theater near you is new man who is so far dug in his hole of believing she is perfect that NOBODY will believe him when she switches gears... well except for me. She is really a feminazi man hater who is evil at the core. I feel sorry for him AND for her. She is a master manipulator and it seems like I am the only one who knows it. I also have to take responsibility for my own life choices and can only work to improve where I can. I can't change the past but we did the best we could and we can learn from the experience. You are ultimately responsible for your own behavior, so just accept it as you and what you did. I do. I wear my jerk behavior as armor when I get accused of it. Yeah, I am a jerk! Don't make any excuses or blame anyone. How often have I made the excuse about my crazy ex? Never! Were those missed work days and hours because of her? No, I chose to miss those days and hours. You'll eventually be back to your old self and hopefully this woman is totally gone from your life for good. I'm at the 10 month mark from separating from her and I am so much better. 2 months from now I will be at the top of my game again. It's not a death sentence.
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I just got offered a job by one of the biggest media companies in the world (think Comcast).

You going to congratulate me brah?
Uhhh, sure. Congratulations on getting a job. I also work for "one of the biggest media companies in the world (think Verizon)."

I will say it's a little weird that after not speaking for 2 months, you needed to find me to flaunt that you got a job. Btw, it's very effeminate to hold a grudge over something as petty as internet beefs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Uhhh, sure. Congratulations on getting a job. I also work for "one of the biggest media companies in the world (think Verizon)."

I will say it's a little weird that after not speaking for 2 months, you needed to find me to flaunt that you got a job. Btw, it's very effeminate to hold a grudge over something as petty as internet beefs.
I updated this thread accordingly and made it clear I would continue to do so until I found a job. I'm simply responding to your glowing comments with results, something I appreciate you might no be familiar with given your continued celibacy in spite of being on a site dedicated to seduction.

And you're the one who came in here chasing me over some off hand comment I made that you went nuclear over like a crazed lunatic. Anyway, have fun with your celibacy. You'll either realise how much growth you really need or you'll simply get used to your current state.
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I updated this thread accordingly and made it clear I would continue to do so until I found a job. I'm simply responding to your glowing comments with results, something I appreciate you might no be familiar with given your continued celibacy in spite of being on a site dedicated to seduction.

And you're the one who came in here chasing me over some off hand comment I made that you went nuclear over like a crazed lunatic. Anyway, have fun with your celibacy. You'll either realise how much growth you really need or you'll simply get used to your current state.
You have a problem with denial a lot. Throughout your entire BPD ordeal you created an entire alternate reality where you were some supreme Alpha, meanwhile you were a sniveling chump LOSING YOUR JOB over an ex. And it was clear from the NC thread what was happening. There's your first clue.

Secondly, you hold grudges, which is a very feminine trait, but then assert that you're just responding to my provocations. But think about it. You stated you blocked me in the past, but MONTHS later took the time to unblock me to brag that you got a job. All I said was bragging and grudges were not particularly manly traits, and then you want to get personal AGAIN and carry on like you know what I've been doing lately, despite my not posting at all for about 2 months.

This is some serious insecurity on your part. Did you get enough approval as a kid? But hey congrats on getting a job. Try not to be as "in control" as you were last time, because you wouldn't want to lose your job at Comcast during training.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
You have a problem with denial a lot. Throughout your entire BPD ordeal you created an entire alternate reality where you were some supreme Alpha, meanwhile you were a sniveling chump LOSING YOUR JOB over an ex. And it was clear from the NC thread what was happening. There's your first clue.

Secondly, you hold grudges, which is a very feminine trait, but then assert that you're just responding to my provocations. But think about it. You stated you blocked me in the past, but MONTHS later took the time to unblock me to brag that you got a job. All I said was bragging and grudges were not particularly manly traits, and then you want to get personal AGAIN and carry on like you know what I've been doing lately, despite my not posting at all for about 2 months.

This is some serious insecurity on your part. Did you get enough approval as a kid? But hey congrats on getting a job. Try not to be as "in control" as you were last time, because you wouldn't want to lose your job at Comcast during training.
I'm just basing it off what you post here buddy. You openly admitted to physically stalking your ex and spiralling into depression for nearly three years over some chick...You've also admitted to an inability to game women and until recently were long term unemployed. Doesn't sound like someone worth listening to to me.

You then went nuts because I bruised your ego by ignoring your posts when it made no sense for me to take "advice" from someone who still is so far behind in the game. Then you insisted on hijacking this thread and relishing in my job situation. Your maniacal first post in this thread is pretty clear. I was simply updating you since you seem to have such an emotional investment in my predicament.

Don't take your anger in life out on me bro. Get out there and improve.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I'm just basing it off what you post here buddy. You openly admitted to physically stalking your ex and spiralling into depression for nearly three years over some chick...You've also admitted to an inability to game women and until recently were long term unemployed. Doesn't sound like someone worth listening to to me.
:rofl: Are people actually reading the shyt this guy says?

This guy is talking like his life is so IN ORDER, when he's the guy that beats the fvck out of women and got so emotionally "drained" over a bytch (who left him to screw one of his best friends), that he ended up losing his job in the process.

And he's sitting up here talking about someone else's "advice" isn't worth listening to? Has this guy looked in the fvcking mirror? He BEATS women. Where I'm from, that's a fvcking coward. Yet, he gets up here trying to talk shyt about someone else's "faults" like he has none of his own?

You then went nuts because I bruised your ego by ignoring your posts when it made no sense for me to take "advice" from someone who still is so far behind in the game.
What in the living fvck lol? When you make a damn THREAD on an open discussion forum, with an open-ended question, you are inviting any registered member of the forum to respond to it. If you only want CERTAIN PEOPLE to respond to your discussion, that's what the Private PM/Conversation Tool is for. How the fvck do you make a discussion thread asking for input from the forum......get input.....then bytch about who the input is coming from?

Don't take your anger in life out on me bro. Get out there and improve.
Lol, this guy is such a coward. I can just tell that he would NEVER say any of this shyt to BlueAlpha's face. I bet money on it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
I don't "beat" woman. Everything you've said is complete nonsense. Most of the forum already knows you're a joke and an attention wh0re.

You're only value is the entertainment you provide through your manic episodes.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

I just got offered a job by one of the biggest media companies in the world (think Comcast).

You going to congratulate me brah?
Wait a minute........I thought you had nothing to prove to a bunch of strangers on the internet? I thought you weren't SEEKING VALIDATION (like Tenacity does)? So why do you need Blue Alpha to congratulate you on finding a new job? I mean damn dude, you are hypocritical like a motherfvcker lol.

I updated this thread accordingly and made it clear I would continue to do so until I found a job. I'm simply responding to your glowing comments with results,
Sounds like seeking VALIDATION to me lol. Remember when Tenacity did the same shyt (posted proof of my progression to shut up the shyt talkers) YOU said I was just trying to seek validation from the internet....and a "Ivy League Man such as yourself" would never need to do such a thing.

Now look at you :rofl:

Anyway, have fun with your celibacy. You'll either realise how much growth you really need or you'll simply get used to your current state.
The word is "realize" Mr. Ivy League Education. Dude I will pay for the flight, I want to get YOU and Blue Alpha together in a room.......and just see if you talk all of this shyt to this man's face like you are doing on this board.

I bet you won't do it.