How and why exactly is it already over with?
Cause I've both seen and been in this scenario enough times to already know the end (or most likely end) result. I have some questions for you concerning what you said in your original post,but first,let's start with the TITLE of this thread.
First part: "girl I've been into for a while..." first question...
How long is "a while"? Exactly how long have you been interested in her?
Question 2: What has been going on between you two
during this "while"? And this is an IMPORTANT question. What's been happening between you talk every now and then? Hang out from time to time? Send texts or talk on the phone occasionally?
Why do I ask those questions? Cause of what you mentioned here.....
I saw her today and she told me about this.
So this chick,she broke up with her boyfriend,and when you saw her,she told you about it. Ok,well....why is she telling
YOU about her dating life? Why is she confiding
in YOU? Chicks usually tell their girlfriends about their relationship problems. Their girlfriends,gay bestfriends,or guys they've put in the friendzone. This is why I asked what's been going on between you two during the "while" you've been interested in two must
ALREADY have some type of communication relationship going on for her to feel comfortable enough to tell you bout her relationship ending.
And that's NOT GOOD.
I feel like I have a really good energy but haven't got to know her well enough to where I am seen as exclusively only a friend.
Now this is BAD....REAL bad.
You said you haven't gotten to know her well enough to know if you're seen as only a friend or not.
You screwed up.....
Have you ever driven a car before? To get where you want to go,you have to PURPOSELY STEER the car in that direction.
What do you think would happen if you got in a car,started driving,put your foot on the gas,but had your hands in your pockets? Or were busy eating and drinking? Or just started driving WITHOUT placing your hands on the steering think you'd get to your destination?
That's what you did here. You said you haven't gotten to know her well enough to know if she just sees you as a friend only.
THAT'S NOT HER JOB. You're not supposed to wait to see which way she sees you as,you're suppose to
PRESENT YOURSELF as a sexual option. You're supposed to "steer" things in the direction you want them to go....not wait to see which way she sees you as.
You asked why I think it's over? You've obviously been in communications with her,but you haven't had your hands on the're just rolling down the highway at 70 miles per hour,with no hands on the wheel,not steering,
hoping things turn out alright.
Have you done anything to express your interest? You flirt? Compliment? Ask her out? Use sexual innuendo? Or have you just hung out around her,
hoping she'll see you "that way"?
That won't work. That'll get you friendzoned. Instead of her talking to you about her and her boyfriend,
This will also be her first time being single while being in college for whatever that's worth. know this
how? shouldn't be talking to her about her relationships with OTHER MEN. If you had asked her out and she said this,then fine.....but if this came up as random conversation without you revealing your interest,it's a problem.
What do you guys think is the best way to move in on her?
I think it's already over with. You can still ask her out,but don't be surprised if you get the friend's speech. You got it backwards...
You don't laugh,and talk,and joke,and text,and hang out with a girl for weeks or months before asking her do it from THE GETGO.......ask her out within the first few moments of meeting her. You don't "wait" to see which way she sees you as,you PRESENT YOURSELF as the way
YOU WANT to be seen.