What is going on with this forum lately???

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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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There seems to have been a huge blue pill influx lately with an alarming number of posters challenging basic red pill concepts, the acceptance and increasing prevalence of feminine thinking and a reluctance to embrace introspection and growth in favour of simply blaming the "market".

I'm all for healthy debate but it seems as if the pendulum is swinging way too far the other end. We are very quickly becoming loveshack 2.0.

Here are the three types of comments I hear most often which are fundamentally useless to posters here.

"I don't want to have to become a psychopath to be successful"

No reputable poster on this forum is saying you need to turn into a robot when dealing with women. We simply say this is woman, understand who and what they really are and, using this knowledge, navigate your life in a way that best serves YOUR interests. That is the crux of the red pill. But blue pill posters on these forum (and they are multiplying at alarming rates) seem to struggle to comprehend the basic nuances of such an approach and would rather attack a caricature of an argument that no-one is actually making.

"I don't want to spin plates for life"

So don't. Spinning plates is designed to give you options and provide you with an awareness that women are everywhere. Every single guy I've met who is against plate spinning has never actually had any lasting success with women. They simply settle for the first women who is willing to svck their d*ck and stick around for more than a few months and then turn their vice (laziness) into a virtue.

Also, promoting plate spinning is NOT an attack on LTRs. I see so many LTR guys get insecure when plate spinning is discussed as a positive, as if we live in this black and white world. Chill out.

"Self-improvement is useless when the market is bad"

Two problems with this. Firstly, even if there was truth to the statement that the market was inconceivably poor to the point where finding a decent LTR was impossible, it should still not be a source of unhappiness. If you NEED an LTR to be happy in life then you are a loser, and once a woman realises this (and if you enter an LTR, then eventually she will pick up on this), she will absolutely destroy you emotionally. It's human nature. People, and women in particular exploit weakness. I don't even hate them for this. Why would I.

It's cliché but there is truth to the statement that you need to be happy alone, before you can have a successful, lasting relationship with a woman, if that's what you want of course.

Secondly, the market is NOT the problem. Most people are dog sh*t. Women and men. They are fat, lazy, weak and have zero vision. It really does not take a lot to get yourself in the top 20%. Like attracts like. If you can't get a HB8 then that's on you. And we aren't just talking about material possessions or achievements here. Inner game (how you perceive yourself) is just as important if not more so.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
I'm chalking them up as trolls for the most part. This forum is built upon the principle of accepting certain red pill understandings in life with regard to dealing with women. If you, as a new member, don't like it, Huffington Post is that way ------------->


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
How about let a fellow Beta Male like myself explain it to you lol?

We are very quickly becoming loveshack 2.0.
Not anywhere close. You need to join the City Data Forums Relationships section, they are worse than loveshack. Sosuave is no where NEAR Love Shack nor City Data.

No reputable poster on this forum is saying you need to turn into a robot when dealing with women. We simply say this is woman, understand who and what they really are and, using this knowledge, navigate your life in a way that best serves YOUR interests.
You said that "we" simply state that "THIS IS WOMAN.....understand who and what they really are" that's the fundamental flaw in your line of thinking because you can't generically define women like that.

I have stated countless times that seducing black women and seducing white/Asian women is completely different, yet you guys sit up here with theories that are MAINLY geared to white women and expect a guy like me (who mainly deals with black women) to implement said theories.

You and Poon King said I'm a massive beta male, well guess what? When you date black women, being a massive Alpha male isn't going to work. Black women have way too many generic self esteem issues for the over the top Alpha male shyt to work.

But if you guys would actually LISTEN to alternative points of view, you would know that. But instead, you reject any fvcking viewpoint that doesn't align with your stupid a.ss cult like theories.

Also, promoting plate spinning is NOT an attack on LTRs. I see so many LTR guys get insecure when plate spinning is discussed as a positive, as if we live in this black and white world. Chill out.
HA! Is that not the pot calling the kettle black? You talk about "as if we live in this black and white world" while posters like yourself and Poon King promote one-dimensional characters, one-dimensional generic thinking, and one-dimensional grouping of women into ONE category.

You are damn right, we don't live in a black and white world, so how about you stop promoting your cult like theories and ACCEPT alternative viewpoints without calling the person that is expressing an alternative view a beta fag.got?

Secondly, the market is NOT the problem. Most people are dog sh*t. Women and men. They are fat, lazy, weak and have zero vision. It really does not take a lot to get yourself in the top 20%. Like attracts like. If you can't get a HB8 then that's on you. And we aren't just talking about material possessions or achievements here. Inner game (how you perceive yourself) is just as important if not more so.
Look at the contradictions in what you just said dude?

- First you say the market is NOT the problem

- Then you say MOST people are dog shyt

- Then you say get yourself into the 20% (which you say won't take much effort cause the market is such dog shyt), and "like will attract like", and "like attracting like" means that some HB8 with her shyt together will magically appear because that's the Law Of Attraction/The Secret lol.

If most people are DOG SHYT to the point where getting into the top 20% requires little effort, would NOT that mean that the market quality is a major problem? Would not that also mean (seeing as though most people are dog shyt) that there aren't as many QUALITY HB8s with their shyt together that are available in this dog shyt market to choose from? Which means if a guy gets into the top 20%, that's STILL NO GUARANTEE that he will have an HB8 with her shyt together that's available because again...............most people in the market are dog shyt and you might not have enough quantity of HB8s with their shyt together to go around?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
How about let a fellow Beta Male like myself explain it to you lol?

Not anywhere close. You need to join the City Data Forums Relationships section, they are worse than loveshack. Sosuave is no where NEAR Love Shack nor City Data.

You said that "we" simply state that "THIS IS WOMAN.....understand who and what they really are" that's the fundamental flaw in your line of thinking because you can't generically define women like that.

I have stated countless times that seducing black women and seducing white/Asian women is completely different, yet you guys sit up here with theories that are MAINLY geared to white women and expect a guy like me (who mainly deals with black women) to implement said theories.

You and Poon King said I'm a massive beta male, well guess what? When you date black women, being a massive Alpha male isn't going to work. Black women have way too many generic self esteem issues for the over the top Alpha male shyt to work.

But if you guys would actually LISTEN to alternative points of view, you would know that. But instead, you reject any fvcking viewpoint that doesn't align with your stupid a.ss cult like theories.

HA! Is that not the pot calling the kettle black? You talk about "as if we live in this black and white world" while posters like yourself and Poon King promote one-dimensional characters, one-dimensional generic thinking, and one-dimensional grouping of women into ONE category.

You are damn right, we don't live in a black and white world, so how about you stop promoting your cult like theories and ACCEPT alternative viewpoints without calling the person that is expressing an alternative view a beta fag.got?

Look at the contradictions in what you just said dude?

- First you say the market is NOT the problem

- Then you say MOST people are dog shyt

- Then you say get yourself into the 20% (which you say won't take much effort cause the market is such dog shyt), and "like will attract like", and "like attracting like" means that some HB8 with her shyt together will magically appear because that's the Law Of Attraction/The Secret lol.

If most people are DOG SHYT to the point where getting into the top 20% requires little effort, would NOT that mean that the market quality is a major problem? Would not that also mean (seeing as though most people are dog shyt) that there aren't as many QUALITY HB8s with their shyt together that are available in this dog shyt market to choose from? Which means if a guy gets into the top 20%, that's STILL NO GUARANTEE that he will have an HB8 with her shyt together that's available because again...............most people in the market are dog shyt and you might not have enough quantity of HB8s with their shyt together to go around?
hahahaahah. excellent art here my dear


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
How about let a fellow Beta Male like myself explain it to you lol?

Not anywhere close. You need to join the City Data Forums Relationships section, they are worse than loveshack. Sosuave is no where NEAR Love Shack nor City Data.

You said that "we" simply state that "THIS IS WOMAN.....understand who and what they really are" that's the fundamental flaw in your line of thinking because you can't generically define women like that.

I have stated countless times that seducing black women and seducing white/Asian women is completely different, yet you guys sit up here with theories that are MAINLY geared to white women and expect a guy like me (who mainly deals with black women) to implement said theories.

You and Poon King said I'm a massive beta male, well guess what? When you date black women, being a massive Alpha male isn't going to work. Black women have way too many generic self esteem issues for the over the top Alpha male shyt to work.

But if you guys would actually LISTEN to alternative points of view, you would know that. But instead, you reject any fvcking viewpoint that doesn't align with your stupid a.ss cult like theories.

HA! Is that not the pot calling the kettle black? You talk about "as if we live in this black and white world" while posters like yourself and Poon King promote one-dimensional characters, one-dimensional generic thinking, and one-dimensional grouping of women into ONE category.

You are damn right, we don't live in a black and white world, so how about you stop promoting your cult like theories and ACCEPT alternative viewpoints without calling the person that is expressing an alternative view a beta fag.got?

Look at the contradictions in what you just said dude?

- First you say the market is NOT the problem

- Then you say MOST people are dog shyt

- Then you say get yourself into the 20% (which you say won't take much effort cause the market is such dog shyt), and "like will attract like", and "like attracting like" means that some HB8 with her shyt together will magically appear because that's the Law Of Attraction/The Secret lol.

If most people are DOG SHYT to the point where getting into the top 20% requires little effort, would NOT that mean that the market quality is a major problem? Would not that also mean (seeing as though most people are dog shyt) that there aren't as many QUALITY HB8s with their shyt together that are available in this dog shyt market to choose from? Which means if a guy gets into the top 20%, that's STILL NO GUARANTEE that he will have an HB8 with her shyt together that's available because again...............most people in the market are dog shyt and you might not have enough quantity of HB8s with their shyt together to go around?
"Generalically defining women"? So your argument is not all women are like that? No sh!t sherlock.

The market is not the problem. You're not even making any sense. If there are a 100 men and 80 are poor quality and there are a 100 women and 80 are poor quality who do you think the HB8s will be going for? Most self improvement necessary to get you to the top is not that difficult bro. You seem to think because you can lift a dumbell and make above minimum wage that you should be owed something even though you have one of the weakest inner games on this forum.

I'm not getting locked into a conversation with you because it's pointless. You can't be saved. But it is quite entertaining watching the Tenacity train wreck. Keep it up.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
If there are a 100 men and 80 are poor quality and there are a 100 women and 80 are poor quality who do you think the HB8s will be going for?
Dude I know HB8s who are poor quality. Does high quality to you ONLY mean how good the chick looks? And did you REALLY just use an example to support your theory that would be completely and utterly unrealistic? Did you really just use an example of there's 200 people, 100 men and 100 women, with 20 quality on each side? Is that how the real world works?

And again....what's quality? So an HB8 with 3 kids by 3 different thugs and bad finances is QUALITY? Because you damn sure didn't specify.

Most self improvement necessary to get you to the top is not that difficult bro.
Depends on what you are trying to get on top of.

You seem to think because you can lift a dumbell and make above minimum wage that you should be owed something even though you have one of the weakest inner games on this forum.
You're measuring inner game now? What is there like an inner game measuring stick that goes up to 40 or something, and I'm like a 12 while everybody else on this forum is like over 25?

I'm not getting locked into a conversation with you because it's pointless.
No, you want a cheer-leading squad. Whenever you are challenged and debated on actual STANCES you have, you back out. You do this every single time, with every single discussion. Even when we were discussing MBAs you did this.

You can't be saved. But it is quite entertaining watching the Tenacity train wreck. Keep it up.
Train wreck?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
Dude I know HB8s who are poor quality. Does high quality to you ONLY mean how good the chick looks? And did you REALLY just use an example to support your theory that would be completely and utterly unrealistic? Did you really just use an example of there's 200 people, 100 men and 100 women, with 20 quality on each side? Is that how the real world works?

And again....what's quality? So an HB8 with 3 kids by 3 different thugs and bad finances is QUALITY? Because you damn sure didn't specify.

Depends on what you are trying to get on top of.

You're measuring inner game now? What is there like an inner game measuring stick that goes up to 40 or something, and I'm like a 12 while everybody else on this forum is like over 25?

No, you want a cheer-leading squad. Whenever you are challenged and debated on actual STANCES you have, you back out. You do this every single time, with every single discussion. Even when we were discussing MBAs you did this.

Train wreck?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
One solution.
1 : before you become a member of this forum , you have to read the whole djbible first . After that , you are allowed to make a thread or even a post. Make this a major rule.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
I'm chalking them up as trolls for the most part. This forum is built upon the principle of accepting certain red pill understandings in life with regard to dealing with women. If you, as a new member, don't like it, Huffington Post is that way ------------->
Yep. It's like going on a physics forum and trying to debate that the world is flat. Pointless and adds no value.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Dude I know HB8s who are poor quality. Does high quality to you ONLY mean how good the chick looks? And did you REALLY just use an example to support your theory that would be completely and utterly unrealistic? Did you really just use an example of there's 200 people, 100 men and 100 women, with 20 quality on each side? Is that how the real world works?

And again....what's quality? So an HB8 with 3 kids by 3 different thugs and bad finances is QUALITY? Because you damn sure didn't specify.

Depends on what you are trying to get on top of.

You're measuring inner game now? What is there like an inner game measuring stick that goes up to 40 or something, and I'm like a 12 while everybody else on this forum is like over 25?

No, you want a cheer-leading squad. Whenever you are challenged and debated on actual STANCES you have, you back out. You do this every single time, with every single discussion. Even when we were discussing MBAs you did this.

Train wreck?
LOL. Ok bro. Stay miserable and deluded.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
I see more like people are taking thing here as absolutes, and not trying to adapt and think for thenselfs, plus more people comming and older posters leaving

like @Tenacity you shouldn't need to mention with what we say here will work on 100% of females there, plus we only really say on how you should behave, but that also means in a way you can keep yourself confortable, or in your frame, you work on what works for you and go with it.

you take what is said as experience from others, see how well that can go with what you know/saw/life and adapt in a way you can use, I don't do 100% of here because several things I adapted for my use, I do some plate spinning but I find tiresome so i'm limiting it, plus I never take woman serious, I play around and do what I want, keep being funny, sarcastic, and with a quick wit, taht work for me and I play with that, I score some lose others, but the important is i'm improving, its a lot more then I was before and I tend to keep improving.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
like @Tenacity you shouldn't need to mention with what we say here will work on 100% of females there, plus we only really say on how you should behave, but that also means in a way you can keep yourself confortable, or in your frame, you work on what works for you and go with it.

you take what is said as experience from others, see how well that can go with what you know/saw/life and adapt in a way you can use, I don't do 100% of here because several things I adapted for my use, I do some plate spinning but I find tiresome so i'm limiting it, plus I never take woman serious, I play around and do what I want, keep being funny, sarcastic, and with a quick wit, taht work for me and I play with that, I score some lose others, but the important is i'm improving, its a lot more then I was before and I tend to keep improving.
Here's the thing, people like Poon King, BeTheChange and others add their commentary/tips....and I add mine. When I'm adding my commentary/tips, if I think they said something I agree with, then I acknowledge that. If I think they said something that's "out there", I state my disagreement.

AT the end of the day, it's been my point of view that states that a guy should take the wealth of information on this board and create an individualized plan for his life. I've been the one saying that....not Poon King and not BeTheChange. They themselves have been promoting a religious-like cult full of various "beliefs" and "behaviors" that a guy HAS to have, or they call him cartoon names like beta male. That's what I have an issue with. You shouldn't be dictating what a guy should be on here, you should allow that guy to have his own individual style, direction, etc. without calling him these cartoon one-dimensional names.

There are FOUR levels of Red Pill/MGTOW. There are some MGTOW who KNOW the red pill information but still want to get married or get into an LTR. There are some MGTOW that just want to spin plates. My point is that if I'm a MGTOW/Red Pill guy that still desires an LTR, I should not (nor anybody else) be called a beta fag.got for that.

Take information. Interpret it. Apply what works for you, discard what doesnt. Prosper.
^^ This is all I've been saying right here.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Joined this forum a while back (2005 I think?) and then went on a long absence. Can attest that it has gone at least three phases:
- Really early stuff (beginning-2005ish): golden. Insightful posts from original members and core of djbible
- From then to about 2010, only checked in once in awhile. The quality seriously dipped. A bunch of bad advice essentially promoting clown game like MysteryMethod, and a ton of bitter dudes blaming women for not being able to pull.
- Don't know from 2010-most of 2014.
- Came back since and the quality is really good, almost on par with pre-2005 but advice has adapted to changing times.

So IMO, the trolls, whining, and bickering notwithstanding, this is still a good place to learn and share.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Take information. Interpret it. Apply what works for you, discard what doesnt. Prosper.
Yes. If the AFCs are so defeated that we'd have to teach them Reading Comprehension before they can use Sosuave.... wow man, the world really is going to hell.
Fortunately, reading stuff on the internet is the one thing that nerdy losers are really good at, so we don't need to worry ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
So IMO, the trolls, whining, and bickering notwithstanding, this is still a good place to learn and share.
I just get so sick of either trolls or deliberately leading posts which suggest that the OP is trying to covertly troll. One of those posts where they sort of embrace red pill, but are still new, yet completely blow off good advice given by multiple members. Those are the types of people that I'm trying to advocate tossing them into a newbie's only forum. I post here on this site to genuinely try to help other guys out; I'm not always right, my advice is usually pretty brash, but if you look at real life it's pretty unforgiving too. The sooner you can toughen up even just a little and realize that sometimes $hit is rigged against you, the sooner you can try a different strategy and come out on top.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Let the blue pillers talk all the trash they want.

They are delusional and they will only grow more frustrated the longer they stick around. Reality has a way of crushing delusional people in a special way.

If I know what I'm saying is TRUE then I know I have won the argument long before any blue pill faggot types their first word.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
How about let a fellow Beta Male like myself explain it to you lol?

Not anywhere close. You need to join the City Data Forums Relationships section, they are worse than loveshack. Sosuave is no where NEAR Love Shack nor City Data.

You said that "we" simply state that "THIS IS WOMAN.....understand who and what they really are" that's the fundamental flaw in your line of thinking because you can't generically define women like that.

I have stated countless times that seducing black women and seducing white/Asian women is completely different, yet you guys sit up here with theories that are MAINLY geared to white women and expect a guy like me (who mainly deals with black women) to implement said theories.

You and Poon King said I'm a massive beta male, well guess what? When you date black women, being a massive Alpha male isn't going to work. Black women have way too many generic self esteem issues for the over the top Alpha male shyt to work.

But if you guys would actually LISTEN to alternative points of view, you would know that. But instead, you reject any fvcking viewpoint that doesn't align with your stupid a.ss cult like theories.

HA! Is that not the pot calling the kettle black? You talk about "as if we live in this black and white world" while posters like yourself and Poon King promote one-dimensional characters, one-dimensional generic thinking, and one-dimensional grouping of women into ONE category.

You are damn right, we don't live in a black and white world, so how about you stop promoting your cult like theories and ACCEPT alternative viewpoints without calling the person that is expressing an alternative view a beta fag.got?

Look at the contradictions in what you just said dude?

- First you say the market is NOT the problem

- Then you say MOST people are dog shyt

- Then you say get yourself into the 20% (which you say won't take much effort cause the market is such dog shyt), and "like will attract like", and "like attracting like" means that some HB8 with her shyt together will magically appear because that's the Law Of Attraction/The Secret lol.

If most people are DOG SHYT to the point where getting into the top 20% requires little effort, would NOT that mean that the market quality is a major problem? Would not that also mean (seeing as though most people are dog shyt) that there aren't as many QUALITY HB8s with their shyt together that are available in this dog shyt market to choose from? Which means if a guy gets into the top 20%, that's STILL NO GUARANTEE that he will have an HB8 with her shyt together that's available because again...............most people in the market are dog shyt and you might not have enough quantity of HB8s with their shyt together to go around?
As a black man, i agree 1000% with this. Gaming black women (not even necessarily the ghetto type) is completely diff. Facts. These so called techniques and ways of thinking do NOT work with spanish or black women; they are tailored toward white women. Facts. I rarely sign in or post but lately your replies to a lot of these threads have been SPOT ON. Wish people here would take the time to really pay attention to how things are diff in YOUR WORLD vs just simply saying that ALL WOMEN RESPOND THE SAME TO ALPHA MALES, etc.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
As a black man, i agree 1000% with this. Gaming black women (not even necessarily the ghetto type) is completely diff. Facts. These so called techniques and ways of thinking do NOT work with spanish or black women; they are tailored toward white women. Facts. I rarely sign in or post but lately your replies to a lot of these threads have been SPOT ON. Wish people here would take the time to really pay attention to how things are diff in YOUR WORLD vs just simply saying that ALL WOMEN RESPOND THE SAME TO ALPHA MALES, etc.
Well, I've dated every race of woman except Indian and being an alpha males works on ALL races of women.

Black girls are always chasing NBA and NFL players (at least the hot ones). If they loved beta males so much they would stick with Steve Urkel. So you're talking sh!t and your logic is false.

The real question is why you and Tenacity want to game insecure women with issues in the first place.

You can't be a beta male and say "being alpha doesn't work". How the f*ck would you know? LOL.
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