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Why you probably shouldn't date lukewarm girls



Most of the time, if you have to come to this forum after a date it was probably not worth your time.

Let me tell you a story where I heard this affirmation from the horse's mouth.

I am in a training class of 14 at work and there is this HB8 in the group. We were sitting in a circle telling date stories during a break and she explained how she was on a date with this guy who she was "giving a chance" to because "at this point in her life it's more about personality rather than looks." In other words, she was there for a free meal and he had no chance. Of course, I called her out on this bs in an "HR appropriate" way.

During the date the dude was holding her hand and she was resisting a lot. They got to a bar and she locked eyes with the bartender - a tall dude with tattoos. During a "bathroom break" she asks the female manager what his name is so she can come back later, all while on a date with this beta tool. He goes to kiss her and she rejects him. The next day he texts "was that all too strong?" and she doesn't reply. She proceeded to tell us she didn't like the other guy "touching on her on the first date" and she "hates that". But of course, she's going to hunt that bartender to the ends of the earth soon...

When you pursue women that are lukewarm toward you, it's usually fools gold. It's not hard to "get a date" these days. The barrier for a girl to just hang out is pretty low - basically her interest has to be high enough that she's not totally disgusted at first. But just because she's on a date doesn't mean the puzzy is wet. If she's lukewarm you need almost perfect game and there is no margin for error. If you're in that in between stage where she likes you enough to go out, but not enough to even kiss on the first date, you're playing shorthanded the whole time. And at this point, no amount of "stop being a beta faggot and just grab her azz bro" from the wonderful members of this forum will do you no good at all.

The last 2 dates I've been on the girls were lukewarm and they didn't go well. Add to it the fact that I don't like to jump for hoops for these hoes, because I've been on the other side of it. Sometimes you're pursued by women who made it so obvious that your game could be atrocious and you would still bang, and to me it's too much to go back to jumping thru hoops for some **** once you've had that.

Instead of "playing the numbers game" - having to approach 90 girls, get to go out with 8, and finally smash 2, work on yourself and get to a point where more women are throwing themselves at you. And if you need to bust a nut in the mean time, play the field once in a while or smash an escort. The good news is you should know even before the date starts how it's going to go, just by the initial meeting and the text game. And if she's not entirely enthusiastic, I wouldn't waste too much time these days.
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Exactly. Lukewarm means she's somehow compromising (in her mind) on looks/attraction. That doesn't usually end well.
And yet so many guys think that it's good to just "play the numbers game" because, you know, their "notch count". This is stupid. These dates are entirely boring and underwhelming, and you can tell it's going to go this way within 10 minutes. I've abandoned dates in less time.

We've all had a first date where we pushed some girl up against a tree, got her hot and bothered for 5 minutes before she stops you drenched in sweat - only because she will feel like a slut for giving it up so soon so she makes you wait for the 2nd or 3rd date. But the 1st date would have gone so well you wouldn't need to give it a 2nd thought. Go on this type of date and don't bother with anything else. I'll actually leave a date going the opposite midway now.

Not saying you can never heat up that lukewarm girl, but it's not worth the effort. And no, just "going for it" won't help if she's not attracted to you. You just look like an idiot and end up the topic of one of these stories


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
True however the point of escalating is to find out which type of date yr on early so u can amp or abort.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Yep. Escalating is about removing any ambiguity. It's for your benefit not hers and is actually a very effective time saving tool so I wouldn't knock it.

There are so many basic mantras that are being forgotten on this forum.

"Girls that like you won't confuse you."

That's always been one of my favourites and is pretty accurate as far as interest level is concerned, however even such absolutes that can be applied to 99% of situations are discardable in certain moments.

The funny thing is once you get to a certain level of game you realise there is no hard and fast rule for anything.

I've had girls who wouldn't even let me touch them while dancing when we first met only to jump my bone on the next date. Conversation, attitude, seduction, social skills, dominance, game. Call it what you want. These things can and do turn a "maybe" into a "hell yes" in a woman's mind.

It isn't solely about looks, status and money. Game is real.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Instead of "playing the numbers game" - having to approach 90 girls, get to go out with 8, and finally smash 2, work on yourself and get to a point where more women are throwing themselves at you. .
Yes, 'playing the numbers game' is a mug's game because you're thinking quantity instead of quality.

And also, like attracts like -- if you run around approaching every second woman, it will give off a certain vibe that may attract some of them, but will also repel a lot, and among the ones repelled will most likely be the classier ones.

There's a lot to say about working on yourself, and then both the outer and inner aspects. They may not come flocking, but then you won't be too concerned about that because you won't be thinking woman 24/ 7. What will most likely happen is you'll be going about your day, in your confident and nonchalant manner, and you'll just happen to notice a quality lady, who also happens to notice you. You'll then turn on the charm, and things will go from there.

I want to travel first class.... as far as relationships go.:rolleyes:
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
True however the point of escalating is to find out which type of date yr on early so u can amp or abort.
I am on the date to screen the woman. The ball is in my court.

Am I really attracted to her?

If not, I politely bow out.
If so, I will then 'escalate'. The ball is now in her court.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Yes, 'playing the numbers game' is a mug's game because you're thinking quantity instead of quality.

And also, like attracts like -- if you run around approaching every second woman, it will give off a certain vibe that may attract some of them, but will also repel a lot, and among the ones repelled will most likely be the classier ones.

There's a lot to say about working on yourself, and then both the outer and inner aspects. They may not come flocking, but then you won't be too concerned about that because you won't be thinking woman 24/ 7. What will most likely happen is you'll be going about your day, in your confident and nonchalant manner, and you'll just happen to notice a quality lady, who also happens to notice you. You'll then turn on the charm, and things will go from there.

I want to travel first class.... as far as relationships go.:rolleyes:
There is no problem in playing the numbers game. In fact, it actually supports the idea of looking for a "first class" woman. Why? Because interactions with the highest calibre of women are far more likely to lead to rejection.

When you play the numbers game you can operate from both a weak frame of desperation or one of strength and nonchalance, When I approach an attractive girl and she politely rejects my advances I shrug my shoulders and move on. She might have a boyfriend. She might not be in the mood. I might be the twentieth guy today to approach her, etc. Sound like an exaggeration? If you've ever had a HOT gf in the 21-24 range I can promise you this is standard. EVERYDAY they will get approached. Accept that there will be a million reasons for rejection that have nothing to do with you. The confident, game aware man understands this and does not let it deter him.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
This is 100% true, don't date "lukewarm" women. However they may be running a "game" themselves in that they aren't doing anything physical the first date and it may take 3 dates to kiss or something like that.

The thing about dating a "lukewarm" woman, if you focus on her she will be bleeding you of confidence and your own mojo and heat, so even your sexuality will be eaten into. It's best to focus on women who are more interested in you.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I both agree and disagree at the same time.

My policy is to avoid women with LOW interest who play games and don't follow my lead. Sometimes a lukewarm woman WILL follow your lead. She will be lukewarm only because she doesn't know enough about you yet. There might be physical attraction there, BUT she doesn't know if you are a strong sexy man or a PUA faggot hiding behind fake "game".

As a general policy.. men are not supposed to care too much what women think. So your emotional state and level of confidence should not depend on how a woman responds to you. Some women need time to warm up while others don't. As long as she follows your lead, keep her around. If she drags things on too long, then move on. Women are allowed to "be a challenge" too. Its just up to you how much of a challenge you want. Hoes will sleep with you fast.

As BeTheChange said.. "there is no hard and fast rule". Don't feel the need to "adapt" your behavior to each woman. You are the man. Take the lead. If she does not follow, then move on.


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Most of the time, if you have to come to this forum after a date it was probably not worth your time.
That woman, like most women, is a complete piece of trash person the world would be better without.

-Lead a guy on
-Treat him like sh!t
-Ignore him

The holy trinity of 100% CVNT status.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I like Doc Love's approach on this topic.

-One chance per woman per life
-If she doesn't kiss you on the date, she's out
-If she breaks a date, she's out

I flush their number if she doesn't kiss or breaks a date. The one's that do so for reasons other than low interest will pursue you. They won't let their opportunity slip away.


That woman, like most women, is a complete piece of trash person the world would be better without.

-Lead a guy on
-Treat him like sh!t
-Ignore him

The holy trinity of 100% CVNT status.
Despite the fact that she's fit and has eyes to die for, she actually makes my skin crawl. She has all the telltale signs of your prototypical used, abused, jaded, tatted up, narcissistic American cvnt. She is the anti-Eastern European or South American girl.

She has multiple tattoos, has joked about dating many bad boys in the past, has admitted to following the script to a tee by beginning to date down as she reaches her mid 20's, has admitted to being a rude ***** on a date with some clueless beta, joked that she will gladly cheat on any man who cheats on her, and has stated she doesn't want to get married or have children. And no question she loves being the center of attention in this group of 14, and is receiving a steady flow of attention from at least 3 of the guys in there.

If you could draw a sculpture of the miserable female specimens that 3rd wave western feminism has produced, it would be this girl. She has every negative attribute right down the line (against single momhood).

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Totally agree with the message, Im amazed how sometime I didnt get it and wasted time while having my mental health attacked.

It happened a strange case few years ago cant really call it a lukewarm case.

It was with a very hot girl way above (probably top 3 of girls I've ever SEEN) my league that pissed me off so much that I started calling her b1tch and mocking her, when I was bored I even texted her insults and dirty lines while telling her about all the girls I was banging those days.

For some reason she once invited me to join her and her friends, few hours later I was fingering her at the club in a dark spot and putting her hand inside my pants, lot of french kissing and dirty touching yet no fvcking way to finalize, taker her home to close the deal even if we were both tipsy.

It happened 3 times in a 6 months span, we were meeting at midnight going clubbing and getting drunk and dirty but no way to take her home...either a psychological case or she was trying to prove a point, btw she was engaged and living with her at the time bf.

Other times I've been the guy in the example with other girls, you know going out for a walk only to have them leaving at 11 to "go home"...

Thank god with experience it now takes me 2 minutes to know if a girl is interested or not, even before approaching I can predict with a 70% accuracy just by getting close to her.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
That woman, like most women, is a complete piece of trash person the world would be better without.

-Lead a guy on
-Treat him like sh!t
-Ignore him

The holy trinity of 100% CVNT status.
Yeah, I've had this recently as last week, in that order. It happens to all of us. She's several orbiters, hot, and some Other slick and convincing dude (her current boyfriend) is on her mind. She gets a new tatoo, you're like ok, you go from NO tatoos to one rather large one on your arm. Great. I've had this happen a few times, the girl I'm with, starts getting tats (or more tats). I'm like, "What did 'I' do to inspire this all-of-a-sudden shift to getting tats?" I never TELL them that I don't like tats, but they think I do maybe (I have none), and they start gettin em. It's so depressing, so, ok, now I'm losing interest in you. I'll probably cut you off now. She don't know that she is digging her own grave with me, when she starts doing, just, crazy sh!t.


Thank god with experience it now takes me 2 minutes to know if a girl is interested or not, even before approaching I can predict with a 70% accuracy just by getting close to her.
2 minutes? Damn...

While text game can be misleading, sometimes you can tell even before the date. If not, usually by about the 10 minute mark you know exactly how the date is going to go. And I've abandoned at least 2-3 women where they stood in that elapsed time. It's liberating, and you'll save a benajmin or two.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
2 minutes? Damn...

While text game can be misleading, sometimes you can tell even before the date. If not, usually by about the 10 minute mark you know exactly how the date is going to go. And I've abandoned at least 2-3 women where they stood in that elapsed time. It's liberating, and you'll save a benajmin or two.
While I agree with the guys about escalating and kino, I believe that comes to confirm and move to the next step and not to gauge her interest.

A clever experienced man (who both scored and failed hundreds of times) should be able to "feel it" without even checking items (eye contact check, smile check and so on) in a very short amount of time.

For the guys that just joined the forum think of when you're driving, you are not looking at the instrument yet you feel that you are gaining speed and the engine rpm are increasing.

You said it right, its liberating...once we follow our gut and act accordingly its a total different thing.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Instead of "playing the numbers game" - having to approach 90 girls, get to go out with 8, and finally smash 2, work on yourself and get to a point where more women are throwing themselves at you.
But my friend this is only going to happen if you have MAJOR popularity to the point of where you are a local, state, regional, national, or international celebrity..........or you have very good looks (I'm talking like a 9 or 10 in looks).

Other than that, it's not going to happen. You are going to have to fix your looks, personality, and finances to the point where you are at least a 6 out of 10....then go out and play the numbers. Out of 20 numbers you get, 12 turn into dates, 6 turn into fvcks, and you spin plates with 3 of the fvcks.

You need to utilize good mediums to meet a lot of women, such as:

- Online dating

- Extended Social Circles, which involve joining a church, or some type of large group where you don't know everybody within the group, but being involved in the group allows you to "warm approach" chicks who are also within the group rather than having to "cold approach" them off the street.

These are the two things I use to meet a LOT of women on a routine basis. That's the game brother. Also with those lukewarm chicks, just keep going and MAKE THE BYTCH SAY NO. Some of those 6 women you fvck out of the 12 dates will actually be women who provide mixed signals/lukewarm signals. I know it makes no sense at all....but neither does most of today's dating market lol.

Also brother what's helping me with my Anger issues is to NOT take this so seriously. Think of it like this, we are all going to be here for 100 or less years give or take. And we take NOTHING out of this life with us to the other side (if there's even a fvcking other side).

So enjoy your passions.........when you want to cry find something or someone that makes you laugh........when you are disappointed find something or someone that makes you smile again....

Because at the end of the fvcking day brother.....this life is nothing but an illusion anyway. Everything around you ain't shyt but DUST and DIRT.


I'm never saying "don't escalate" or "never approach/open women first." Only about 2 women I've ever dated opened me. The women I meet it's incidental - sitting next to one on a flight, on a tightly packed train, at work (always a bad idea), the barbershop. I do the work but I'm not "chasing" because she's already there. Opening a girl you're sitting next to on a flight does nothing like a cold approach does.

I'm really advocating against cold approaching because by doing that you are making the dating market worse for men each and every time you do. Granted, if you approach 90 women, you might get to bang 2-3. That's good for you, but you also just inflated 87 egos of women who don't deserve it - who are going to continue to make life more difficult for men. With every passing year, every average Jane approached by 500 guys in that year come to expect more, more, and more without having to give anything in return. You compound the problem, and in 10 years the dating game might be even more tilted so that you have to approach 400 women to bang 3. Or @Tenacity , instead of being a 6/10 and approach machine, you'll have to be an 8/10 and an approach machine to even get dates. Where does it stop? I'll tell you - pretty soon we'll be Japan with no birthrate and sex bots. OR, we can stop this nonsense and sacrifice a little bit of sex with HB6's now to reverse the tides a bit. Starve the sh*t out of these women.

Let me give you some more:

During this roundtable where this hoe tipped her entire hand, some lesbian also spoke up with the typical "I don't feel women should feel they have to get physical", i.e. the old you are not "owed sex" basically. I responded with "well you're not owed a $50 dinner, a movie, and certainly not owed a text the day after a mediocre date.

What a stupid ***** this one was. No one is ever "owed" anything in life. It's the most unproductive and obvious thing ever said. Dating is a trade-off. Women give sex and men give attention as gestures of attraction. A woman is not owed an ounce of attention more than a man is owed sex. In fact, in a marriage, if your wife rejects your calls for sex, you have the right to withdraw all attention from her. No more compliments, no more small talk, hell don't even share the same bed until she apologizes and offers you kinky make up sex. Until she lives with 17x the libido she has now like the average man does, she can expect nothing back if she neglects your needs.

I wholeheartedly disagree that we should be escalating with girls that are just not that into us. Maybe there's a 10% chance you get lucky because she doesn't know how to say no, is drunk, or happens to secretly like you, but you're doing more harm then good. The kinda dudes (many of whom post in this forum) who say escalate every time, no matter what think with their c0cks and are actually slaves to the poon. Yes, they will do or say anything to get it wet. And they are the first to brag about what players they are, because they banged 3 out of the 500 they approached that week.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
2 minutes? Damn...

While text game can be misleading, sometimes you can tell even before the date. If not, usually by about the 10 minute mark you know exactly how the date is going to go. And I've abandoned at least 2-3 women where they stood in that elapsed time. It's liberating, and you'll save a benajmin or two.
How do you spot it so quickly?