True, and they quickly lose interest when they learn that a man with authority and power is easily manipulated. Women do not even know why, but it is biological... why would a women push away a man that is willing to give her anything? Simple, women intuitively know their power over you is fleeting, their looks will not last, even if they not consciously aware of this, since they live in the moment. If you would so easily hand over your haerat to her because she is attractive enough to fvck... she knows you will do that again, after her looks fade, so she has to know that she can control you long term.
My point is that she already knows if she is doing something that is upsetting you. Just skip step one because it's a waste of energy.
Yep completely agree. True story, 6 months ago a friend of mine and I were having drinks with the women we both met at a technology conference, at the time she was engaged, and was complaining about her fiance. My buddy was all "Oh what a clod... I can't believe he would do that." and "You deserve better!". I OTOH was defending him, calling her a 'spoiled brat', saying "Oh gee, really, you think that's bad you should try dating me." Eventually she dumped the fiance (the dude was toast... too much weak behavior). One guess who's fvcking her now.... and it isn't the guy acting like a gay male girlfriend.
Maybe, but the real reason you should never do this is because when you sit around and bash her BF... you are acting like a gay male girlfriend and not like a man.
Nope... sorry, this doesn't works for me. Action speaks louder than words. Besides if you call her out you are signally that you care enough to call her out... It shows you are upset... angry.... so at some level you 'care'. You either love her... or you do not give a fvck about her.... THAT is the polarity that women understand. If you want more sex and less fighting, then you have to show her that you will walk away and not give a flying fvck about losing her.