Relationships can be very beneficial if you follow my rules


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
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@Tenacity Pretty sure I've told you this before but DATE YOUNGER. I've yet to meet an entitled 19 y/o. Seriously. Even girls that age with wealthy backgrounds are excited just to hangout with a guy whose sure of who he is and what he wants--even if it's riding around in a car with no AC to grab Taco Bell (if I bother to go on a 'date,' it's usually something like that).

Re: black women--you've just internalized a particular demographic from a particular environment. I'm a white dude, but I went to a high school that was majority black (like 80%) in a city that's majority black. But the particular school I went to had a strong alumni presence and, while most of the neighborhoods in the district would be 'the hood,' it also encompassed a strong working class to middle class black community with intact families and a rich cultural tradition. Most of the girls I went to high school with were polite, ambitious, friendly, some of them wouldn't even tweak at parties. I'm terrible at keeping up with people and have moved around a bit, but according to social media, 6 years later, most of them have graduated college and have either married or are still childless. We're there also women like the ones you describe your run ins with? Hell yeah, I went to school with some ratchet ass b1tches who post all types of stuff on FB about 'Real men this' or 'Real men that.' It is what it is--but you can't fish the bottom of the pond and complain about it being dirty.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
Never get in a relationship with a woman you're infactuated with. If when she comes around you get butterflys and all that mushy stuff, she cant be your girlfriend. You are already too into her. Girlfriend should be someone you like, but not crazy about.

Make her do random favors to get her deeply invested. You dont get a girl hooked by doing things for her. You get her hooked having her do things for you. Have her do random errands, give her a grocery list or have her pick up your dry cleaning..

No mushy talk. No pet names, nothing soft. Leave that stuff to her

No random gifts. Only "gifting" is holidays/milestones she graduates college or gets a huge promotion or something like that, and keep the gift small. Let her buy her own expensive ****.

Limit her communication time with you daily. After 3-4 back and forth texts a day and 1 five minute phonecall end the conversation for today if not planning to meet.

No arguments. She says something rude you leave and do not answer calls for a couple days.

Brutal honesty. She asks a question answer it as concisely and honestly as possible. Does this outfit make me look fat? "Yes. It shows all your problem areas."

Never say I love you first.

Never double text/double call unless emergency.

She can never be top priority. Infact she is something like 4th or 5th. She can never come before Work or Health/fitness, nor family/lifelong friends until you marry her.

Never press her about her whereabouts.

Never go through her phone social media.

Never do anything you doubt she would do for you. I,e if she asks for money to fix car if the shoe was on the other foot and she wouldn't give it to you, dont do it for her

Never ask about her past.

Do not allow her to talk to you about ex's and never talk to her about yours.

As soon as you feel like your feelings are stronger than hers, distance yourself. Even if its true she can never know this.

Break up with her before she gets you. If she is distant, not calling much, rarely wants to hang? .. you know the end is near. Better you end it before her.

If sex is with held at any time other than health reasons, its a free pass to be with other women. Make sure you tell her this too. Witholding sex is emotinal abuse and manipulation. If she doesn't want to get cheated on she should do her part.

Try to get her out on a date atleast biweekly. Even if its just beer and wings at a bar and a walk with nice scenery.

And lastly
Be willing to walk at anytime.
Interesting. I had been doing this all along and did not realize there were rules for it. Does that make me an alpha or DJ in your language?

My most recent gf I'd only allow her to see me once every two weeks, and she would drive 40 miles one way to meet me at a parking lot. She would bring snacks, drinks, pillows, blankets and food. I'd bring her 'dessert'. I did not mind her although every now and then she'd try to call me (big no no in my book), or ask me to let her come over to my place (another big no no). Then recently I started having some health issues so I distanced myself further so she accomodated accordingly. I humored her for a few more weeks until three weekends ago when I was really sick I asked her to take care of me, and she did on Saturday but then on Sunday morning she bailed early before breakfast as she had to visit her parents. So I had to eat breakfast alone and catch an uber back home. I took that opportunity to ghost on her. She texted me several times afterwards so I blocked her. End of story.

It's always been like that, there is this other 9 I met on Yahoo profiles back in 2006, she would travel 400 miles to come see me, but then one day she broke up with me and I said 'fine'. She still contacts me each year or whenever she breaks up with a bf. Women...


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Ten: Often who you see in the mirror projects upon others and such projection reciprocates back upon you.

Act like a king, and women won't treat you like their orbiter, as if they try, they simply get NEXTed.

Notwithstanding a crappy market, the focus is not on women; it's on YOU, and your ability and willingness to pull the NEXT trigger upon a seemly minor indiscretion.

Cancelled date--NEXT
Blatant disrepect--NEXT
Bad Attitude--NEXT
Kids (even at my age)--NEXT
Poor education--NEXT
Dull conversation--NEXT
No reciprocation of interest--NEXT
Difficulty in communicating or setting a date--NEXT
A maybe or excuse to your proposed date--NEXT

I tell this to you from a place of the same market and doing it myself--not reading and reciting. You would be surprised that a few of these women who do get NEXTed come crawling back because YOU have a backbone.

The fool believes he has zero control over his fate.

Fix yourself first before placing expectations on how others should treat you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
I get where tenacity is coming from... It is easy to get sucked into all the redpill women hating stuff. Most of us have been there. I dont know anyone who would let a guy be all over his date... Thats not inner game, that is being a *****, or if it is inner game comes across as weak.

BUT letting a woman make you angry is giving her a leash to control you. If I want to get my ti gles I will just let Tenacity see me smiling at another man. If you dont care about women why would any of their stupid shyt matter?
Someone once said "if you meet a person and they're an *******, they're an *******. If EVERYONE you meet is an *******, they are not the problem."

If you cant find a woman you like, quit for a while. Why date if you arent enjoying it and women are all bytches anyway? Have a wank, fvck a prostitute. Try being MGTOW for a while.

Stop being a victim and givibg women the power to control you.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Ten: Often who you see in the mirror projects upon others and such projection reciprocates back upon you.

Act like a king, and women won't treat you like their orbiter, as if they try, they simply get NEXTed.

Notwithstanding a crappy market, the focus is not on women; it's on YOU, and your ability and willingness to pull the NEXT trigger upon a seemly minor indiscretion.

Cancelled date--NEXT
Blatant disrepect--NEXT
Bad Attitude--NEXT
Kids (even at my age)--NEXT
Poor education--NEXT
Dull conversation--NEXT
No reciprocation of interest--NEXT
Difficulty in communicating or setting a date--NEXT
A maybe or excuse to your proposed date--NEXT

I tell this to you from a place of the same market and doing it myself--not reading and reciting. You would be surprised that a few of these women who do get NEXTed come crawling back because YOU have a backbone.

The fool believes he has zero control over his fate.

Fix yourself first before placing expectations on how others should treat you.
Guru this is the same stuff that taiyuu_otoko told me before and if I NEXTED every chick like that I wouldn't have any chicks. In terms of bad personality/attitude problems/disrespect, weight issues, more than 1 kid, bad finances or no education.....every single chick I meet has at least one of these issues.

I did experiments where I would only talk to women who had no kids, good finances, and no weight issues, who looked pretty good. Of course ALL of these women had some of the worse personalities on the planet. Dull convo, hyper sensitive, high maintenance, expects a guy to jump through 1,000 hoops, she wants to debate every damn thing, etc, etc.

You go deal with the single mother with 2 kids and bad finances, this chick usually looks good as hell and you can have a GOOD time with her. But she has horrible finances and is always on the burge of eviction or getting her car repo.

You go deal with the chick with weight issues, she has no kids, good finances and you can have a good time with her....but when she takes her clothes off so you can fvck's hard to GET hard because her body is soooo horrible. And guess what? She absolutely refuses to change it.

NEXT em you say! NEXT em and do what? NEXT em and go where? You think me NEXTING the chick with a bad attitude is going to change her attitude? I've told them about it before, even stopped talking to BEST she might be on good behavior for a week before she's back to the bytch shyt again.

Fix myself you say? Huh? Fix what?? Fix the fact that I keep meeting low quality bytches? How is that my fault??

But I don't want to hijack this thread from Cola's Rules To Live By. This is a convo we should take back to my Anger thread lol.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
I did experiments where I would only talk to women who had no kids, good finances, and no weight issues, who looked pretty good. Of course ALL of these women had some of the worse personalities on the planet [:] hyper sensitive, high maintenance, expects a guy to jump through 1,000 hoops, she wants to debate every damn thing, etc, etc.
I just got out of an LTR with a woman like this. I even wrote a thread about it months back, and then ended up getting back with her following. I knew the NEXTing rule as TO once posted--and as I had repeatedly solicited here years ago--and I went against myself to break the rule. I could have followed through on the NEXTing rule at first sign of extreme entitlement at Month One, but I didn't. It cost me a year.

We're human. We're not perfect. But we do have choices. Going against myself, against my NEXTing, will not happen again.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I just got out of an LTR with a woman like this. I even wrote a thread about it months back, and then ended up getting back with her following. I knew the NEXTing rule as TO once posted--and as I had repeatedly solicited here years ago--and I went against myself to break the rule. I could have followed through on the NEXTing rule at first sign of extreme entitlement at Month One, but I didn't. It cost me a year.

We're human. We're not perfect. But we do have choices. Going against myself, against my NEXTing, will not happen again.
Besides freeing up time to find "a better quality girl"....can you tell me what NEXT'ing is supposed to do though? So us NEXTing a chick is going to make her all of a sudden start acting right going forward lol?

Or, if the answer is that NEXTing a chick is going to free up time to find a better quality girl....if there ARE no better quality girls (because every girl you meet has some sort of major issue) then what is the point?

Seems like the only thing you can do is what I'm doing, which is use them for sexual companionship only (do not marry, get them pregnant or move them in) and when they get TOO hard to bare, you don't NEXT them, you DROP them for another chick and rinse....wash....repeat when she gets too hard to bare.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Besides freeing up time to find "a better quality girl"....can you tell me what NEXT'ing is supposed to do though? So us NEXTing a chick is going to make her all of a sudden start acting right going forward lol?
NEXTing is for YOU to drop her to find worthy prospects. If she comes back corrected, that's her burden to prove to YOU. Notwithstanding, most often, I find that even if a NEXTed woman does return, the "incompatibility" which led to the instant NEXT, never quite disappears entirely. Accordingly, a NEXT is best as a finality--not as a mechanism to retain.

Care to reconcile this:
Tenacity said:
Or, if the answer is that NEXTing a chick is going to free up time to find a better quality girl....if there ARE no better quality girls (because every girl you meet has some sort of major issue) then what is the point?
with this?
Tenacity said:
After looking back over the previous 5 - 6 years, I believe that I actually DID get girls that fit this criteria but I just sort of fvcked up the relationship. As I mentioned I had been "going off" a lot, and usually when I went off on certain girls they wouldn't tolerate it, they would immediately cut ties, while some girls would stick around after the "episode". I think (looking back) at least a good 6 girls fit the "quality chick" criteria that I'm looking for.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
- They come on dates with these unreasonable fvcking demands. I've had bytches say, "Tenacity, I expect a man to take me out, pay for this, pay for that....but I'm not having sex with him, kissing him, or anything like that....he should just be blessed by my presence." Who is this bytch? Queen Of England??
I'm weak


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
To be honest, at the end of the day what we're looking for isn't necessarily the most attractive chick but rather just a 'ride or die' who you're highly compatible with.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
NEXTing is for YOU to drop her to find worthy prospects.
....and if I've learned that there are no worthy prospects and they are all screwed up, then what?

If she comes back corrected, that's her burden to prove to YOU. Notwithstanding, most often, I find that even if a NEXTed woman does return, the "incompatibility" which led to the instant NEXT, never quite disappears entirely. Accordingly, a NEXT is best as a finality--not as a mechanism to retain.
I agree. Listen, all of this has been a process for me. I fixed myself in 2010 and that's when I started getting serious amounts of dates and I started to notice the fvcked up shyt with many women and started NEXTING them to find better prospects. I soon realized, that every chick I got had something majorly wrong with her.....even if she didn't have the weight, kid, or financial issues, she would have some sort of personality/attitude/flaky problem.

To be honest, at the end of the day what we're looking for isn't necessarily the most attractive chick but rather just a 'ride or die' who you're highly compatible with.
The chicks I get who have weight issues only, are usually the BEST in terms of loyalty or "ride or die". But I'm shallow as fvck and just not committing to no fat chick like that. In terms of serious long term committment, man all I want is a chick:

- That is just solidly cute with no weight issues. Don't have to be dimepiece, don't have to be supermodel, just be solidly cute.

- Have your finances together to where you aren't asking me to help pay rent within the first week of meeting you or help with your fvcking car note because they are about to repo it

- Be loving, caring, and have down to earth personality.

- I prefer no kids, but if you must have a kid, just let it be no more than 1 and please don't let it be by some fvcking criminal/jailbird/thug.

That's it man. That's literally IT. These aren't some off the wall fvcking requirements. The market is so god damn bad that after 6 and 1/2 years of dating/fvcking a TON of women...I haven't found 1 (yes 1) that fit all these requirements. NOT 1.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
The chicks I get who have weight issues only, are usually the BEST in terms of loyalty or "ride or die". But I'm shallow as fvck and just not committing to no fat chick like that. In terms of serious long term committment, man all I want is a chick:

- That is just solidly cute with no weight issues. Don't have to be dimepiece, don't have to be supermodel, just be solidly cute.

- Have your finances together to where you aren't asking me to help pay rent within the first week of meeting you or help with your fvcking car note because they are about to repo it

- Be loving, caring, and have down to earth personality.

- I prefer no kids, but if you must have a kid, just let it be no more than 1 and please don't let it be by some fvcking criminal/jailbird/thug.

That's it man. That's literally IT. These aren't some off the wall fvcking requirements. The market is so god damn bad that after 6 and 1/2 years of dating/fvcking a TON of women...I haven't found 1 (yes 1) that fit all these requirements. NOT 1.
This post is more blue pill than you probably realize. It reads like you're still looking for some "princess" to settle down with and live happily ever after like a Disney movie.

MEN: You need to wake up and understand that this Disney movie view you have of women/relationships is delusional.

Kind of like a man saying: "All I want is a gallon of milk that will never go bad that I can drink until I die". Sounds dumb right? Well so does expecting women to be consistent.

Women are inherently inconsistent and they WILL change over time in a relationship. Female hypergamy is real. Their priorities will change, their looks will change and their emotions will change. This is why I say all women have an expiration date (around age 30-35). If you choose not to spin plates or sport f*ck women and you decide to get serious with ONE... just know she has an expiration date. Don't act surprised, devastated, or angry when she changes down the road. Most faggot betas are delusional about women, so when things change/fail they post here crying and b!tching.. asking how to win back their expired milk ex girlfriend.

Do you even have to ask why I constantly say marriage is for faggots and beta losers? Men with brains understand that emotionally committing to a person who is inherently inconsistent is one of the stupidest things you can do. Women exist for sexual pleasure, reproduction and entertainment. They don't exist to "fall in love with". They never have. Disney lied to you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
I was married, yeah bits were ok. We both fvcked up. It ended.

If you expect all women to be bytches and to be disgusting (your words Tenacity) then that is probably what you will find.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
This post is more blue pill than you probably realize. It reads like you're still looking for some "princess" to settle down with and live happily ever after like a Disney movie.

MEN: You need to wake up and understand that this Disney movie view you have of women/relationships is delusional.

Kind of like a man saying: "All I want is a gallon of milk that will never go bad that I can drink until I die". Sounds dumb right? Well so does expecting women to be consistent.

Women are inherently inconsistent and they WILL change over time in a relationship. Female hypergamy is real. Their priorities will change, their looks will change and their emotions will change. This is why I say all women have an expiration date (around age 30-35). If you choose not to spin plates or sport f*ck women and you decide to get serious with ONE... just know she has an expiration date. Don't act surprised, devastated, or angry when she changes down the road. Most faggot betas are delusional about women, so when things change/fail they post here crying and b!tching.. asking how to win back their expired milk ex girlfriend.

Do you even have to ask why I constantly say marriage is for faggots and beta losers? Men with brains understand that emotionally committing to a person who is inherently inconsistent is one of the stupidest things you can do. Women exist for sexual pleasure, reproduction and entertainment. They don't exist to "fall in love with". They never have. Disney lied to you.
Amen......"and Poon King drops the mic and leaves the stage after another brilliant post" :cool:


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Never get in a relationship with a woman you're infactuated with. If when she comes around you get butterflys and all that mushy stuff, she cant be your girlfriend. You are already too into her. Girlfriend should be someone you like, but not crazy about.

Make her do random favors to get her deeply invested. You dont get a girl hooked by doing things for her. You get her hooked having her do things for you. Have her do random errands, give her a grocery list or have her pick up your dry cleaning..

No mushy talk. No pet names, nothing soft. Leave that stuff to her

No random gifts. Only "gifting" is holidays/milestones she graduates college or gets a huge promotion or something like that, and keep the gift small. Let her buy her own expensive ****.

Limit her communication time with you daily. After 3-4 back and forth texts a day and 1 five minute phonecall end the conversation for today if not planning to meet.

No arguments. She says something rude you leave and do not answer calls for a couple days.

Brutal honesty. She asks a question answer it as concisely and honestly as possible. Does this outfit make me look fat? "Yes. It shows all your problem areas."

Never say I love you first.

Never double text/double call unless emergency.

She can never be top priority. Infact she is something like 4th or 5th. She can never come before Work or Health/fitness, nor family/lifelong friends until you marry her.

Never press her about her whereabouts.

Never go through her phone social media.

Never do anything you doubt she would do for you. I,e if she asks for money to fix car if the shoe was on the other foot and she wouldn't give it to you, dont do it for her

Never ask about her past.

Do not allow her to talk to you about ex's and never talk to her about yours.

As soon as you feel like your feelings are stronger than hers, distance yourself. Even if its true she can never know this.

Break up with her before she gets you. If she is distant, not calling much, rarely wants to hang? .. you know the end is near. Better you end it before her.

If sex is with held at any time other than health reasons, its a free pass to be with other women. Make sure you tell her this too. Witholding sex is emotinal abuse and manipulation. If she doesn't want to get cheated on she should do her part.

Try to get her out on a date atleast biweekly. Even if its just beer and wings at a bar and a walk with nice scenery.

And lastly
Be willing to walk at anytime.
all true

problem is this type of woman will be one you don't really want and therefore cannot "love"

unfortunately you will always want you cant have


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
all true

problem is this type of woman will be one you don't really want and therefore cannot "love"

unfortunately you will always want you cant have
I won't. Want what I cant have that is.
Give me a partner that plesantly participates in her portion of chores, is willing to provide money towards bills, ****s me how i want and when i want without a bunch of nonsense and is not argumentitive over my dream girl in looks, who would look good but does none of the things mentioned above.

But the folly of men is most would trade all that for a woman who they can parade around as a trophy. I pity those men.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
Good point Cola, we so many times get lost in the beauty of the lady that we forget (or choose to forget) all the rest. Guess most of us have been there before at least once...


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I won't. Want what I cant have that is.
Give me a partner that plesantly participates in her portion of chores, is willing to provide money towards bills, ****s me how i want and when i want without a bunch of nonsense and is not argumentitive over my dream girl in looks, who would look good but does none of the things mentioned above.

But the folly of men is most would trade all that for a woman who they can parade around as a trophy. I pity those men.
"trophy's" are stupid even for a rich man to have. I agree with cola.

Also "wanting what we cannot have" is almost a surest recipe towards failure.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Never get in a relationship with a woman you're infactuated with. If when she comes around you get butterflys and all that mushy stuff, she cant be your girlfriend. You are already too into her. Girlfriend should be someone you like, but not crazy about.
This is a sad reality that I've been struggling with coming to terms with. A man cannot keep a woman he's crazy about. It will never work. He must keep a woman who maintains his interest, but isn't head-over-heels about. I've tried it and it's never successful.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
This is a sad reality that I've been struggling with coming to terms with. A man cannot keep a woman he's crazy about. It will never work. He must keep a woman who maintains his interest, but isn't head-over-heels about. I've tried it and it's never successful.
Yup learned that a few years ago. Once you get tired of random lays and "settle down" better she not be someone you're head over heels with, but one who is agreeable and gives you a decent erection.