Relationships can be very beneficial if you follow my rules


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
A strong benefit I see in being in exclusive relations is more time to tend to my business affairs instead of pursuing new tail. Plates drop off eventually when commitment is not on the table.

In any decision, there is a benefit/cost. There is no right or wrong answer as to what a DJ should elect to do. To each their own.
It totally depends on the person and their time management skills. Right now I'm single but even though I do go out its not an everything thing. I focus a lot of my time on expanding my business.

When your in a relationship exclusively you have to spend a lot of time making sure the other person is happy and your doing things to satisfy that person. Also, a lot of people are in unhappy relationships/marriage and arguing everyday.

In their case it would be better if they were single to focus better on their business. That's only if they are not content on the 9-5 lifestyle and providing for their female.

But I actually do agree with you. But that's only if your in the right relationship. Majority of relationships aren't like that however.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
It totally depends on the person and their time management skills. Right now I'm single but even though I do go out its not an everything thing. I focus a lot of my time on expanding my business.

When your in a relationship exclusively you have to spend a lot of time making sure the other person is happy and your doing things to satisfy that person. Also, a lot of people are in unhappy relationships/marriage and arguing everyday.

In their case it would be better if they were single to focus better on their business. That's only if they are not content on the 9-5 lifestyle and providing for their female.
This weekend, I have/had four dates scheduled: one last night, two tonight, one tomorrow. I had to schedule six dates, and so far two have flaked (as I have no time to build rapport before scheduling). I had to invest time to schedule six dates. Then I have to invest time to drive and physically appear at the dates.

I'm interested in how you get a constant flow of new puzzy (because plates will eventually drop off) without investing time?

As to exclusive relationships, she invests time into me by helping to tend to my needs. I tend to her needs at home, where I would be anyway.

I'm neither arguing for nor against exclusivity, but I do see the costs/benefits of each.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
One benefit of a real relationship LTR is that the person involved should have a high amount of concern for you, there should be trust and they should be facilitating you on the mission you are on and vice versa. Out in single land people serve themselves. It's up to you to find a good first mate to assist you upon your mission.
Disagree my man. Even in relationships people look out for their best interest. If they didn't people wouldn't be getting divorced as much as they do.

Guru, you have a point. That's a lot of dates that you schedule throughout the week. I don't think the normal person tries to schedule that many dates a week. Personally, I don't really go out on dates like that. I just invite girls for drinks at night time when I wouldn't be doing too much anyway (probably hitting the gym if not). On Friday and Saturday I'll go out and pick up chicks. It's just always been the thing that I do.

But realistically speaking how many people are as business minded as you and me? These cats in a relationship would be focused more on their girl then on starting a business. They would be investing their time more on the girl then anything else.

I've been there and done that. Just read my first posts on this site. It's pretty sad.

But I'll chime in and give a benefit of being in a relationship. When your dieing hopefully you have that person take care of you lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Disagree my man. Even in relationships people look out for their best interest. If they didn't people wouldn't be getting divorced as much as they do.

Guru, you have a point. That's a lot of dates that you schedule throughout the week. I don't think the normal person tries to schedule that many dates a week. Personally, I don't really go out on dates like that. I just invite girls for drinks at night time when I wouldn't be doing too much anyway (probably hitting the gym if not). On Friday and Saturday I'll go out and pick up chicks. It's just always been the thing that I do.

But realistically speaking how many people are as business minded as you and me? These cats in a relationship would be focused more on their girl then on starting a business. They would be investing their time more on the girl then anything else.

I've been there and done that. Just read my first posts on this site. It's pretty sad.

But I'll chime in and give a benefit of being in a relationship. When your dieing hopefully you have that person take care of you lol.
In single land they are even more self serving... Yes LTR's become corrupted when one puts their interests over that of the relationship. And these days it happens a lot more often.

Grozer Compozer

Don Juan
Aug 12, 2016
Reaction score
Also never stop improving yourself. Beta backsliding gets so many guys. If you are getting better all the time, she will feel the challenge of keeping you. Other women will want you. She will sense that, even moreso if you act like you don't even notice. Unlike women, men can improve SMV over time. Use that power.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
When I said discussing her past I moreso met sexual past. Like guys ask the famous question "So uhhhh.. how many guys have you been with?" Like shes really going to tell you the truth which is lame.
And they come up with these crazy numbers if she slept with more than 10 shes a hoe but 8 is ok.
Cosign. I let 'em talk--usually more a matter of casually hinting at a few of my manwhorish stories, maybe say something along the lines that she's way too innocent and inexperienced, et.c, and seeing how far she'll reciprocate. But you more or less have to rely on inference if you ever want to get an accurate picture of her sexual past.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Be in a relationship because it can be great. The trick is not losing yourself and being afraid so afraid to lose her that you start losing frame.

In my experience you can be open, honest and vulnerable if you own it and still not lose frame. If women know you are not that bothered by walking away they will work hard to keep you.

Make them work to keep you.

As for women not being bothered if you walk away SFW, You arent walking away for them.


Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
@Tenacity all my post are based on what works for me. All are welcome to pick them apart and keep what works for them aswell and throw away what doesn't.

I want to touch on the infactuation part of my post, and get a little personal. I can't be with someone im crazy about. I don't know if its a psychological term but when I start liking a girl too much I distance myself.
Me + Being in love dont mix. Its not good for me or her.
But thats me. I can be in a awesome relationship with a girl I like a lot. But if I start thinking about her when shes not around and stuff I leave. But again thats me.
Relationships work better for me when her feelings are stronger than mine is what im trying to say.
I'm starting to think this way as well. It seems that in all relationships her feelings have to be stronger because if it's flipped she could potentially play you in the long haul. Anyways, great post and I'm saving this thread for future references.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
IDK....maybe it's just from the results I've been getting, but I think some of you guys are expecting way too much from this market of women. You guys are throwing out buzz words such as trust, loyalty, support, etc....I've just not been seeing this.

Women for me have been a revolving door, which makes them function great as short term random leases. The benefits are there while I have them, which is the sexual companionship, but then the drawbacks are there as well which is why I refuse to "buy" any chick (which is to marry one).

- Either the chick has weight issues
- Either the chick has more than 1 kid, usually by some loser
- Either the chick has financial issues
- Either the chick has some sort of personality/attitude/flaky problem, or some sort of mental health issue

I swear dealing with women is just like dealing with an escort and getting "the girlfriend experience". The only reason I've chosen not to just say fvck it and ONLY deal with escorts, is because dealing with non-paid women overall is cheaper. But it's really NO difference (other than costs). I'm getting a chick that's providing me sexual companionship for a very short period of time, because the shyt ends (due to her just being someone I would not commit to) and I put the bytch back on the market.

But maybe this is just me lol. I'm not Guru who says that he's a multi-millionaire and says that he has more loose dimes than a cash register. I'm not Taiyuu Otoko who says he has so much game that he can pull anythang walking. I'm not HitHard who says he has so much experience he can write a dictionary about getting women.

I'm very much a guy that just lives his life, says what he feels, and goes with that. I win some, I lose some. But at the end of the day, I have NEVER met any chick that I have felt had my "back", based on that notion that behind every good man there's a good woman. Either I'm not a good man like I think I am, or there are no good women out there....but I've damn sure been dating/fvcking like crazy over the last 6 years.

My birthday week (last week) I had a total of 6 chicks I was scheduled to see/chill with that week. I saw 3 of them, missed 1 of them (due to a communication issue), 1 of them fell off because I cussed her out a week prior, and 1 of them fell off from just being a flaky bytch.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Also never stop improving yourself. Beta backsliding gets so many guys. If you are getting better all the time, she will feel the challenge of keeping you. Other women will want you. She will sense that, even moreso if you act like you don't even notice. Unlike women, men can improve SMV over time. Use that power.
Women can too though. When you reverse the perspective you see it takes a good deal of time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Yup my ex wf NEVER used sex a weapon. The crazy part too was I never realized this during our RL. It's a funny you say this because I actually did what you said. I told her, if sex dies then our relationship is dead too. I think I told her this about a year in or so?


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
IDK....maybe it's just from the results I've been getting, but I think some of you guys are expecting way too much from this market of women. You guys are throwing out buzz words such as trust, loyalty, support, etc....I've just not been seeing this.

Women for me have been a revolving door, which makes them function great as short term random leases. The benefits are there while I have them, which is the sexual companionship, but then the drawbacks are there as well which is why I refuse to "buy" any chick (which is to marry one).

- Either the chick has weight issues
- Either the chick has more than 1 kid, usually by some loser
- Either the chick has financial issues
- Either the chick has some sort of personality/attitude/flaky problem, or some sort of mental health issue

I swear dealing with women is just like dealing with an escort and getting "the girlfriend experience". The only reason I've chosen not to just say fvck it and ONLY deal with escorts, is because dealing with non-paid women overall is cheaper. But it's really NO difference (other than costs). I'm getting a chick that's providing me sexual companionship for a very short period of time, because the shyt ends (due to her just being someone I would not commit to) and I put the bytch back on the market.

But maybe this is just me lol. I'm not Guru who says that he's a multi-millionaire and says that he has more loose dimes than a cash register. I'm not Taiyuu Otoko who says he has so much game that he can pull anythang walking. I'm not HitHard who says he has so much experience he can write a dictionary about getting women.

I'm very much a guy that just lives his life, says what he feels, and goes with that. I win some, I lose some. But at the end of the day, I have NEVER met any chick that I have felt had my "back", based on that notion that behind every good man there's a good woman. Either I'm not a good man like I think I am, or there are no good women out there....but I've damn sure been dating/fvcking like crazy over the last 6 years.

My birthday week (last week) I had a total of 6 chicks I was scheduled to see/chill with that week. I saw 3 of them, missed 1 of them (due to a communication issue), 1 of them fell off because I cussed her out a week prior, and 1 of them fell off from just being a flaky bytch.
Date down. You are a nice looking guy(no homo) i dont know how you dress but I think you aim for girls on your looks level and thats why you have these issues
You have to date women a point or 2 down for best results.

Also dont know where you live but multiple dates a week is not cheaper than an escort. You can get a decent looking girl for 80 a HH and a BB(barely bangable) for like 50 a HH.

A half hr of penetration is plenty.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Cola, for Tenacity, it goes deeper than SMV choosing. He has inner game issues he needs to work on first (and he is making great progress) before he can engage/develop a healthy LTR.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
This post is a great means of illustrating the correct mindset to have in a relationship.

Every guideline won't work for everyone.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Cola, for Tenacity, it goes deeper than SMV choosing. He has inner game issues he needs to work on first (and he is making great progress) before he can engage/develop a healthy LTR.
Guru, I do have red pill anger issues but the Sosuave "inner game" stuff you guys talk about just will never apply to my personality.

I've had guys tell me about all these "shyt tests" that women put a guy through, and if I have this great "inner game", then I will be able to sit there, take it, and not get pissed off. Sorry, but I didn't get a number 2 pencil, a scantron, study materials, and I damn sure haven't paid any tuition. I didn't sign up for no god damn test and if a chick is doing something stupid, disrespectful, or out of line....she's getting told/cussed out.

I've heard guys say that I'm supposed to just "sit there and drink my beer at the bar" if I'm out with a chick and she has some guy hanging over her hugging/kissing on her, and the dude hasn't introduced himself to me....she hasn't told me who this dude is....etc. I'm supposed to just sit there and ignore it because that's "inner game" and nothing but a "shyt test".

Fvck that, that's disrespectful is what it is. Ever since I've been a kid, I've been stingy as hell when it came to my shyt. I didn't want ANYBODY else playing with my toys growing up, and now that I'm grown, I don't want anybody else playing with my toys (women, cars, etc.) either.

But again, I'm a natural person who doesn't rely on "game" or any other type of fake, manipulated, techniques in order to WIN the "pvssy" of some chick who has given that same "pvssy" to every loser, bum, thug, ex-convict walking around the city.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Guru, I do have red pill anger issues but the Sosuave "inner game" stuff you guys talk about just will never apply to my personality.

I've had guys tell me about all these "shyt tests" that women put a guy through, and if I have this great "inner game", then I will be able to sit there, take it, and not get pissed off. Sorry, but I didn't get a number 2 pencil, a scantron, study materials, and I damn sure haven't paid any tuition. I didn't sign up for no god damn test and if a chick is doing something stupid, disrespectful, or out of line....she's getting told/cussed out.

I've heard guys say that I'm supposed to just "sit there and drink my beer at the bar" if I'm out with a chick and she has some guy hanging over her hugging/kissing on her, and the dude hasn't introduced himself to me....she hasn't told me who this dude is....etc. I'm supposed to just sit there and ignore it because that's "inner game" and nothing but a "shyt test".

Fvck that, that's disrespectful is what it is. Ever since I've been a kid, I've been stingy as hell when it came to my shyt. I didn't want ANYBODY else playing with my toys growing up, and now that I'm grown, I don't want anybody else playing with my toys (women, cars, etc.) either.

But again, I'm a natural person who doesn't rely on "game" or any other type of fake, manipulated, techniques in order to WIN the "pvssy" of some chick who has given that same "pvssy" to every loser, bum, thug, ex-convict walking around the city.
Im very much the same. There is a thin line between a sh.t test and blatant disrespect. However, its clear that you lack emotional control.
You dont "curse out" women or anyone for that matter. If she crosses the line into disrespect you calmly ask for the check and leave. You'll come to find this has much more effect than swearing a bunch of obscenities at her. She may even chase behind you, and try to make ammends. But after you have called her a bunch of names in public she can now play the victim.
If a guy crosses the line into disrespect you calmly make him aware of his transgression and if it continues you handle your business like a man. No need to ever curse anyone out. Cursing people out is feminine. Its what single moms do who get the incorrect change at walmart. You just look weak doing it.

As far as women you say you're stingy and as a kid you didn't like sharing with your toys.. thats the wrong attitude. You dont possess women, you rent them. And then you return them back to the store for the next guy.

You'll have a aha moment and things will click for you as they did for me. I had to change my mindset not just with women but with life.
Im really into stoicism. Look it up. Read Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca the young, Rufus Musonius, Epicurius(technically wasnt a stoic)
It really taught me about being a Man and how to be tranquil and not let external factors effect my tranquil state.
Her attitude for instance is external. If she is acting b'tchy and I feel like ive done everything right, thats out of my control, why should it effect my mood?

For instance it taught me when someone throws a snarky remark at you (sh.t test) the best responses are
A. No response, continue on like nothing was said. Like shes a child speaking out of turn.

B. Turn it around with humor.. making fun of yourself(dont go too far with this)
For instance:
Her: You think really highly of yourself, dont you?
Me: <smile> sometimes i dont even realize anyone else exists on earth till noon.

But NEVER get in your feelings.
Reply feels long so ill stop but I hope something I wrote touches you.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Guru, I do have red pill anger issues but the Sosuave "inner game" stuff you guys talk about just will never apply to my personality.

I've had guys tell me about all these "shyt tests" that women put a guy through, and if I have this great "inner game", then I will be able to sit there, take it, and not get pissed off. Sorry, but I didn't get a number 2 pencil, a scantron, study materials, and I damn sure haven't paid any tuition. I didn't sign up for no god damn test and if a chick is doing something stupid, disrespectful, or out of line....she's getting told/cussed out.

I've heard guys say that I'm supposed to just "sit there and drink my beer at the bar" if I'm out with a chick and she has some guy hanging over her hugging/kissing on her, and the dude hasn't introduced himself to me....she hasn't told me who this dude is....etc. I'm supposed to just sit there and ignore it because that's "inner game" and nothing but a "shyt test".

Fvck that, that's disrespectful is what it is. Ever since I've been a kid, I've been stingy as hell when it came to my shyt. I didn't want ANYBODY else playing with my toys growing up, and now that I'm grown, I don't want anybody else playing with my toys (women, cars, etc.) either.

But again, I'm a natural person who doesn't rely on "game" or any other type of fake, manipulated, techniques in order to WIN the "pvssy" of some chick who has given that same "pvssy" to every loser, bum, thug, ex-convict walking around the city.
This post may help a few DJs in this forum.

Inner game has a much wider scope than outer game. Outer game—that is, SMV inclusive of your physical and financial appearance, inter alia, will get your foot in the door. Inner game will kick that door wide open as long as YOU want it.

Tenacity, I opined before, and I will again, that between your financial, education, and physical appearance, you are a 7/7.5. And that’s overall, subsumed within a black and white women market. I’m not into black women, but based on the stories you and others have countlessly described about their multiple children, shvtty attitude, weight issues, you really are in the top echelon; that is, the prize among them to be won. So why cannot Tenacity find a decent HB7 black chick as he genuinely wants(ed), when he, himself, possesses a higher SMV? How is that possible? What happened to the good six women that Tenacity chased away? Why did they run away? Could Tenacity be lacking something that interferes with his outer game?

Tenacity, your inner game sucks. Yes, you are authentic, but your authenticity is damaged. Yes, you have a personality, but your personality is shvtty at times. You complain about black women and their shvtty attitudes, but you are no different!

You hold anger issues that manifest often in your overt communications and I'm confident in your sub-communications. You also hold something deeper that you are not fully conscious of at this time:

You feel inadequate.

This is huge, and unfortunately the problem (as I see) for many DJs here. How are you supposed to develop a deeper connection with another with feelings of inadequacy? Take a step back and think about it. To exacerbate this problem further, you are not even aware that you feel this way and are entirely oblivious in how this feeling of inadequacy finds its way into your communications/sub-communications.

These are your inner-game problems.

Yes, the market sucks so save us the bi-weekly diatribe about market conditions; I have a headache/hangover already. This doesn’t change that YOU have inner-game issues that need to be ironed out before you secure what YOUR will calls upon.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Im very much the same. There is a thin line between a sh.t test and blatant disrespect. However, its clear that you lack emotional control.
You dont "curse out" women or anyone for that matter. If she crosses the line into disrespect you calmly ask for the check and leave.
This post may help a few DJs in this forum.

Inner game has a much wider scope than outer game. Outer game—that is, SMV inclusive of your physical and financial appearance, inter alia, will get your foot in the door. Inner game will kick that door wide open as long as you want it.

Tenacity, I opined before, and I will again, that between your financial, education, and physical appearance, you are a 7/7.5. And that’s overall, subsumed within a black and white women market. I’m not into black women, but based on the stories you and others have countlessly described about their multiple children, shvtty attitude, weight issues, you really are in the top echelon; that is, the prize among them to be won. So why cannot Tenacity find a decent HB7 black chick as he genuinely wants(ed), when he, himself, possesses a higher SMV? How is that possible? What happened to the good six women that Tenacity chased away? Why did they run away? Could Tenacity be lacking something that interferes with his outer game?

Tenacity, your inner game sucks. Yes, you are authentic, but your authenticity is damaged. Yes, you have a personality, but your personality is shvtty at times. You complain about black women and their shvtty attitudes, but you are no different!

You hold anger issues that manifest often in your overt communications and I'm confident in your sub-communications. You also hold something deeper that you are not fully conscious of at this time:

You feel inadequate.

This is huge, and unfortunately the problem (as I see) for many DJs here. How are you supposed to develop a deeper connection with another with feelings of inadequacy? Take a step back and think about it. To exacerbate this problem further, you are not even aware that you feel this way and are entirely oblivious in how this feeling of inadequacy finds its way into your communications/sub-communications.

These are your inner-game problems.

Yes, the market sucks so save us the bi-weekly diatribe about market conditions; I have a headache/hangover already. This doesn’t change that YOU have inner-games issues that need to be ironed out before you secure what YOUR will calls upon.
I'm not saying you guys are incorrect, hell....I believe you are mostly correct. It's just what you guys call "inner game issues" or lack of emotional what I call just red pill rage and DISGUST for women in general. I'm sorry, the more I've learned about the nature of these people, it disgusts me and it pisses me off.

Does that mean I lack inner game? If that's what you refer to inner game, then yeah, I lack it. I don't understand how you guys are not disgusted by women in general?

- They create kids by fvcking thugs and losers that they KNEW wasn't shyt, bringing kids into this world in poverty situations and continuing to put the cost of that on the tax payers. The kids grow up to become the next welfare queen (continuing the cycle) or the next thug/bum/loser (continuing the cycle).

- They screw over good men....GOOD Family Court for no fvcking reason. I know guys personally who are good Fathers, who are getting fvcked with for no reason by women in Family Court just because he wants to be a good Father.

- They lie....for NO fvcking reason. They get up talking about how they like good men, nice men, all this shyt, but the only type of dudes that get their washed up, used up, beat up, LOOSE pvssy are the players and thugs. The only time they date the good/nice men are after they have been ran through by the players and thugs, and want the good/nice men to bail them out of the financial hell they are in.

- They come on dates with these unreasonable fvcking demands. I've had bytches say, "Tenacity, I expect a man to take me out, pay for this, pay for that....but I'm not having sex with him, kissing him, or anything like that....he should just be blessed by my presence." Who is this bytch? Queen Of England??

You guys call it lack of inner game, you call it lack of emotional control........I call it just being flat out DISGUSTED by these bytches. The only reason I deal with these pieces of shyt is because that box in between their legs is one of the best feelings I experience as a MAN. If these pieces of shyt didn't have that box in between their legs, I would have wrote them off a long time ago.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
I'm not saying you guys are incorrect, hell....I believe you are mostly correct. It's just what you guys call "inner game issues" or lack of emotional what I call just red pill rage and DISGUST for women in general. I'm sorry, the more I've learned about the nature of these people, it disgusts me and it pisses me off.

Does that mean I lack inner game? If that's what you refer to inner game, then yeah, I lack it. I don't understand how you guys are not disgusted by women in general?

- They create kids by fvcking thugs and losers that they KNEW wasn't shyt, bringing kids into this world in poverty situations and continuing to put the cost of that on the tax payers. The kids grow up to become the next welfare queen (continuing the cycle) or the next thug/bum/loser (continuing the cycle).

- They screw over good men....GOOD Family Court for no fvcking reason. I know guys personally who are good Fathers, who are getting fvcked with for no reason by women in Family Court just because he wants to be a good Father.

- They lie....for NO fvcking reason. They get up talking about how they like good men, nice men, all this shyt, but the only type of dudes that get their washed up, used up, beat up, LOOSE pvssy are the players and thugs. The only time they date the good/nice men are after they have been ran through by the players and thugs, and want the good/nice men to bail them out of the financial hell they are in.

- They come on dates with these unreasonable fvcking demands. I've had bytches say, "Tenacity, I expect a man to take me out, pay for this, pay for that....but I'm not having sex with him, kissing him, or anything like that....he should just be blessed by my presence." Who is this bytch? Queen Of England??

You guys call it lack of inner game, you call it lack of emotional control........I call it just being flat out DISGUSTED by these bytches. The only reason I deal with these pieces of shyt is because that box in between their legs is one of the best feelings I experience as a MAN. If these pieces of shyt didn't have that box in between their legs, I would have wrote them off a long time ago.
As clichė as this sounds, NAWALT.