She wants to friend zone me after I waited too long to make a move


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hey fellas, I've been talking to this girl for about a year. We expressed that we like each other a lot and hang out and texted everyday. Only kissed never had sex I was not physical enough I know it , not to help she is very dorky and I think a she's a virgin just by her behavior. Recently I went a week without talking to her. My game backfired and I think she called me out.
From this point on all interaction is with txt no face to face. After this time I expressed that I liked her and asked if she still felt the same, that was my mistake because she told me she was getting frustrated I didn't make a move and that that time may have passed. There are also some reservations cause she had plans to go back to school in a year.
This is where I fkked up. I panicked. Did not keep it cool. Through txt I expressed how I was beta basically and should have not been afraid to be rejected. How I really like her how I wanted to be with her for a long time and all that bad shot. So basically she says she cares just maybe not what I'm looking for. Wants to still be friends. I expressed how I wanted to be friends and not miss her and shot, Sooo beta I know I folded. I see how I did this to myself. The only thing I can control now is me. Because I felt like I could not communicate well through txt I asked to meet and talk in person to clear the air and awkwardness and she said she didn't think that was a good idea for now (cause of my beta behavior really upset her I think) and maybe when things are calmer. I said let me now when we can talk in person and she replied that she would let me know when she is ready to meet but that she is just not ready now. (I think this shows that she was not ready for me to fail that **** test and now I opened a whole can of worms, she still has feelings but now is unsure)
I think I failed the ****test of her saying that she was loosing feelings and getting frustrated with me and that she still has feelings deep down for me, just that me doing the beta botch boy crap raised some brows and that she may be thinking I'm better as a friend after all.
I still like her a lot I told her I feel like I messed up, probably another mistake. soo
What move should I make when we do sit down and talk. I
1 thought about agreement with friends which I already did with txt oh boy do I not want to be there trying to get out of that zone seems difficult but there's a chance I could still seduce her.
2 considered expressing how I feel about her and say that because of my feelings I don't want to be friends I want something more, if not that I can't be her friend. Hard but I may have to do this for me idk.
3 options you geniuses can come up with
Help me out guys I'm being friend zoned with a girl I waited to long with and beta bitched out when faced with possible rejection.
How to I come back from this, should I let her know I can't be her friend cause the way I feel? or
What should I tell her when we meet so I'm in the best standing for a intimate relationship in the future? I know I ****ed up so far and that's why I'm here. but I figure I have one last solid shot to say or even do something that may attract her in my direction again when we meet in person.
Thanks men!


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Hey fellas, I've been talking to this girl for about a year. We expressed that we like each other a lot and hang out and texted everyday. Only kissed never had sex I was not physical enough I know it , not to help she is very dorky and I think a she's a virgin just by her behavior. Recently I went a week without talking to her. My game backfired and I think she called me out.
From this point on all interaction is with txt no face to face. After this time I expressed that I liked her and asked if she still felt the same, that was my mistake because she told me she was getting frustrated I didn't make a move and that that time may have passed. There are also some reservations cause she had plans to go back to school in a year.
This is where I fkked up. I panicked. Did not keep it cool. Through txt I expressed how I was beta basically and should have not been afraid to be rejected. How I really like her how I wanted to be with her for a long time and all that bad shot. So basically she says she cares just maybe not what I'm looking for. Wants to still be friends. I expressed how I wanted to be friends and not miss her and shot, Sooo beta I know I folded. I see how I did this to myself. The only thing I can control now is me. Because I felt like I could not communicate well through txt I asked to meet and talk in person to clear the air and awkwardness and she said she didn't think that was a good idea for now (cause of my beta behavior really upset her I think) and maybe when things are calmer. I said let me now when we can talk in person and she replied that she would let me know when she is ready to meet but that she is just not ready now. (I think this shows that she was not ready for me to fail that **** test and now I opened a whole can of worms, she still has feelings but now is unsure)
I think I failed the ****test of her saying that she was loosing feelings and getting frustrated with me and that she still has feelings deep down for me, just that me doing the beta botch boy crap raised some brows and that she may be thinking I'm better as a friend after all.
I still like her a lot I told her I feel like I messed up, probably another mistake. soo
What move should I make when we do sit down and talk. I
1 thought about agreement with friends which I already did with txt oh boy do I not want to be there trying to get out of that zone seems difficult but there's a chance I could still seduce her.
2 considered expressing how I feel about her and say that because of my feelings I don't want to be friends I want something more, if not that I can't be her friend. Hard but I may have to do this for me idk.
3 options you geniuses can come up with
Help me out guys I'm being friend zoned with a girl I waited to long with and beta *****ed out when faced with possible rejection.
How to I come back from this, should I let her know I can't be her friend cause the way I feel? or
What should I tell her when we meet so I'm in the best standing for a intimate relationship in the future? I know I ****ed up so far and that's why I'm here. but I figure I have one last solid shot to say or even do something that may attract her in my direction again when we meet in person.
Thanks men!
Tell her you have enough friends already. She's lucky to be dating you.



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
I've been in this situation before back in the day when I was Beta AF. Nothing repels women faster than a guy confessing his feelings for her.

You need to go ghost, see other woman. When she's ready she'll come to you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
if she wants to be friends dont fall for it. Just move along. Don't worry about her. Find women that are into you. Screw them. Dont give her another thought.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2016
Reaction score
Goddamn man. Goddamn. Goddamn.

Look it...this is definitely easier said than done BUT the only way that she is going to start seeing you the way you want is if you lessen the importance she has in your world. I can't really drive this home to you through typed words. In the future, don't put any of these young ladies on a pedestal especially if you have never even done anything with them. C'mon bruh.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
i've been there before many years ago. it's like a fking that you'll never get to unwrap. ...i mean candy. xD
a candy in your hand that you can never eat.

even if she wants to fk u just as bad, there's that wall of friendship that's just super awkward to break.

oh, and she already had a boyfriend.

fast forward almost a decade, i ran into a similar situation just weeks back.
this time i did not give this girl the time. asked her straight out, but she also has a boyfriend. (verified with her boss)
still flirts with me, so i ask her out again.
now she doesn't even talk to me anymore.

friendzone avoided, time saved. moving on. feels great.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
I've been in this situation before back in the day when I was Beta AF. Nothing repels women faster than a guy confessing his feelings for her.

You need to go ghost, see other woman. When she's ready she'll come to you.
So since you been here before, what did you do when she came to you?


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Goddamn man. Goddamn. Goddamn.

Look it...this is definitely easier said than done BUT the only way that she is going to start seeing you the way you want is if you lessen the importance she has in your world. I can't really drive this home to you through typed words. In the future, don't put any of these young ladies on a pedestal especially if you have never even done anything with them. C'mon bruh.
Lol I know it man, when she and I meet up to discuss this in person what do you think that move would be?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2016
Reaction score
Lol I know it man, when she and I meet up to discuss this in person what do you think that move would be?
Act like it's no big deal. When I say IT, I mean EVERYTHING. Her being special to you, you confessing your feelings and being too honest, all that ****. You are already amping this occasion of Meeting Up With Her again too much which means you are going to lose. So I say, don't even do it. Wait until you can do with or without her before you have this epic meeting.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Act like it's no big deal. When I say IT, I mean EVERYTHING. Her being special to you, you confessing your feelings and being too honest, all that ****. You are already amping this occasion of Meeting Up With Her again too much which means you are going to lose. So I say, don't even do it. Wait until you can do with or without her before you have this epic meeting.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Look it...this is definitely easier said than done BUT the only way that she is going to start seeing you the way you want is if you lessen the importance she has in your world. I can't really drive this home to you through typed words. In the future, don't put any of these young ladies on a pedestal especially if you have never even done anything with them. C'mon bruh.
Truth. Once you get to the point where you really don't give a fvck about any particular woman you will do better with women. BUT... you can not fake this... you have to REALLY not care. You do this by having options. Hit up every woman you are attracted to, date as many women as you can.

None of the PUA stuff that is supposed to teach you how to "act" like you don't care is laughable. It doesn't work, no man is a good enough actor to fool the average woman... they can see right through you. The only way you can hide this is to not see them or communicate with them. The minute you lock into one girl, you are finished with her. She has to know that she will lose her shot with you if she doesn't put forth effort to get you. Only then do you have a chance because she really won't value you unless she has to make an effort.

When she does reach out to you, make a date and reward her. You reward her for her effort by giving her your time and she will keep coming back... the more she tries and the more she will care and value you. Men who are good with women understand this. Most guys try too hard and the girl doesn't have to put any effort towards you at all... if she isn't putting any effort she will not value you, no value = no respect, No respect = no love.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Truth. Once you get to the point where you really don't give a fvck about any particular woman you will do better with women. BUT... you can not fake this... you have to REALLY not care. You do this by having options. Hit up every woman you are attracted to, date as many women as you can.

None of the PUA stuff that is supposed to teach you how to "act" like you don't care is laughable. It doesn't work, no man is a good enough actor to fool the average woman... they can see right through you. The only way you can hide this is to not see them or communicate with them. The minute you lock into one girl, you are finished with her. She has to know that she will lose her shot with you if she doesn't put forth effort to get you. Only then do you have a chance because she really won't value you unless she has to make an effort.

When she does reach out to you, make a date and reward her. You reward her for her effort by giving her your time and she will keep coming back... the more she tries and the more she will care and value you. Men who are good with women understand this. Most guys try too hard and the girl doesn't have to put any effort towards you at all... if she isn't putting any effort she will not value you, no value = no respect, No respect = no love.
Right on guys


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Find other girls and date them. Be too busy for your princess for a while, even if it means all you are doing is sitting at home reading a book. Nothing raises your value like being seen with other women. If and when she reaches out to you than make a little time. You are doing her a favour. She can work to get you.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
So since you been here before, what did you do when she came to you?
Too bad for her I had already moved on so I did nothing. Crazy thing is everytime she saw me on campus she would literally run to me just to say Hi, I had deleted her on any every form of contact and she would invite me back, she tried by any means necessary to keep me around.

Which is why I'm saying you need to stop talking to her altogether, absence makes the heart grow fonder. She will come back to you, if she doesn't it's not a big deal there's tons of quality woman out here you just have to look.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Find other girls and date them. Be too busy for your princess for a while, even if it means all you are doing is sitting at home reading a book. Nothing raises your value like being seen with other women. If and when she reaches out to you than make a little time. You are doing her a favour. She can work to get you.
Right, agreed thanks


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Too bad for her I had already moved on so I did nothing. Crazy thing is everytime she saw me on campus she would literally run to me just to say Hi, I had deleted her on any every form of contact and she would invite me back, she tried by any means necessary to keep me around.

Which is why I'm saying you need to stop talking to her altogether, absence makes the heart grow fonder. She will come back to you, if she doesn't it's not a big deal there's tons of quality woman out here you just have to look.
Sounds right on. Thanks man