I have always had a lot of female acquaintances. I work in the health sector so pretty much 90% female. I can't complain. I've friend-zoned a load more than have friend-zoned me. The thing is, it doesn't really bother me. If there's a girl I want and she doesn't want the same, pfft, I just ignore her until she does. Sometimes they never do, pfft. Who cares, maybe one day they will bite.
Facebook is a feeding frenzy for the female imperative and beta orbiters alike. In the last while I have noticed a lot more old flames, 'friends' and random women adding, liking,
messaging out of the blue. I have at least 20 women liking my profile picture etc. And most of them are not bad looking. It's quite good social proof actually.
It's like they're saying, 'This one is ripe now'. Again not complaining. For fck sake, I literally have married women coming out of my ears at the moment, figuratively speaking. Some random bint added me the other day, I have no idea who she is, pretty sure I've never met her before and have no mutual friends. Clearly married, two kids..... I just don't know where women get off. I mean I am extremely eligible, but there is just no sense of loyalty whatsoever.
@Poon King
I think it's easy to harp back to the early days of game and see everything as black and white. It's fair to say that game has moved on since the days of Strauss et al. I picked up an old copy of 'The Game' recently and just thought how old fashioned it is. A lot of that stuff wouldn't work any more and women even employ those strategies themselves. That's not to directly criticise our esteemed predecessors, they did the human race a great services with their early teachings.
Sure, a massive beta who has never been laid and is a white knight feminist with the intent of banging his 'friend' is simply naive and kidding himself. His 'friend' is also taking him for a ride, using him for attention and other non-sexual favours, for sure.
However, for a successful man, it is possible to have female friends and in fact work the situation to his benefit. The secret for me is agree and amplify. No point being butthurt about it. Though I'm not particularly proud of the fact, and try to avoid it these days, I have lost count of the number of 'friends' I have had sexual encounters with. It's a lot anyway. Though complications and drama can easily ensue, so best avoided in the long run.
As I say, if some bird friend-zones me, it's a challenge, rather than a rejection. I'd say one in two of them wants to be more than friends really. Like all challenges in life, it's about perception. As the old cliche goes, problems are just opportunities in disguise.
I give you the except from my 2016 Journey; a philosophy on the friend-zone I realised over the last while....
*The Benefits with Friends Zone*
As mentioned in March, I had a slight epiphany about the whole friend-zoning thing and why it is sometimes being immediately dumped in the friend-zone is not always the terrible thing. It can be re-worked in favour of the friend; as the old theory goes - 'agree and amplify'. I have dubbed this phenomena, The Benefits with Friend Zone.
Being in the friend-zone can afford many and varied benefits; those being time (to escalate), the access to other women (her girlfriends), practice time, social proof (when you socialise) and female insight. A skill that many men lack is the ability to think like a woman (that, by the way is very different to ACTING like a woman) . Ask yourself how many women you have seduced by drinking beer and chatting football with your mates. My guess is, not too many.
Women will friend-zone a bloke for one and rarely more than one of the following three reasons:
1) Don't like you AT ALL (sexually)
2) Don't know if they like you or not yet
3) Know they like you already and will fall in love very quickly; the friend-zoning is merely a feeble temporary, measure of self preservation. Probably she's been dumped and/or heart-broken in the past and this is protection at least in the short term, but she's already attracted to you on more than one level. This is where you enter the Benefit's with Friends Zone - 'agree and amplify'. An example of this is how this older married woman initially approached me - she later told me she knew exactly what she wanted from the outset (i.e. me).
Now, in order to realise the benefits, one must be at least be in the second group there. And you must be savvy enough to decipher which group of 'friends' you are in. I'm not going to go on about this, but long story short, just because a woman tells you she only sees you as a friend, there's no reason to necessarily believe her and automatically assume disqualification. She may in fact be using it, so you disqualify yourself. A little persistence pays. Pursuing what you want is not only flattering to her, but proves your worth as well; shows you don't fold at the first test. Observation of her behaviour after the fact is what is key - immediate nexting after being friend-zoned may result in a loss, because of impatience.
Two requirements for this to be worthwhile:
A) There has to have been decent ground work laid to bother continuing in the faux 'friend-zone'. Flirtation, indicators of interest, physical contacts and weak resistances should be flowing. As described, one must have a fairly decent idea of being in Friend-zone 2, borderline zone 3 and know that it will take only a little more time/effort to cross the finish line.
B) Once in the friend-zone, the 'friend' must not waver from the flirtation/personality from before the zoning, and should push-pull escalate. Being in the zone pertains to the zoner liking the flirtation and wanting it to escalate at least in part .
4) The Fourth and final term upon which friend-zone is applied, is when a man friend-zones a woman FIRST. The benefits are seen in the story of 'Skittles Man'. I am definitely going to be trying this approach.