It's been a while since I did some cold approach. I was out at the mall today without the intention of approaching. Then I went into this store to check things out and happen to see this HB9 and I really wanted to go talk to her. Then I paused and over analyzed and ended up poosying out. Feels really bad man. The feeling of intense disappointment lasted for about half an hour and I felt really discouraged from approaching women throughout the whole day because I was so stuck pondering "what if". I would rather get that definite rejection then to forever wonder how she might've responded. Also, I had an empty stomach so I was kinda out of it. The whole time, I was thinking of something clever to say through observation but couldn't think of anything, also I was giving too much of a fux what others around would think or say. It was a small store so it was a really congested area with lots of people crowding around. How do you guys overcome this sh*t?