The beta-ness is everywhere


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
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A good healthy dose of the red pill has kept me chugging along lately and just reread the rational male. Lately my friends have made me duck to my stomach. One is in a sexless marriage and won't take charge. Another flew to Norway to hang out with a girl that isn't even his gf, but they're casually dating. My sister had a guy fly in from Philadelphia for a whole week to hangout with her this week. He's a cool dude, but beta.....talking about cooking her pancakes and the next year of blah blah blah. I'm not crazy right, these dudes are lying to themselves? If you travel any amount for a woman, she already controls you and any sex you'll have.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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It's tempting to try and "unplug" people, but it's really an ego-inflating way of saying "I'm right and you're wrong" AND you're effectively telling people that they are much further from puzzy that they think they are. By convincing anybody of any "red pill" truths, there's NOTHING in it for you (except maybe an ego boost) and it will almost always fail.

I recommend ONLY to attempt sharing "red pill" (that term is become pretty mainstream, btw) ideas with CLOSE FRIENDS that you genuinely care about.

Certainly it's important to understand the world as much as you can, to get as much as you can get, but wasting time talking to other dudes about is an exercise in futility.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
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It's tempting to try and "unplug" people, but it's really an ego-inflating way of saying "I'm right and you're wrong" AND you're effectively telling people that they are much further from puzzy that they think they are. By convincing anybody of any "red pill" truths, there's NOTHING in it for you (except maybe an ego boost) and it will almost always fail.

I recommend ONLY to attempt sharing "red pill" (that term is become pretty mainstream, btw) ideas with CLOSE FRIENDS that you genuinely care about.

Certainly it's important to understand the world as much as you can, to get as much as you can get, but wasting time talking to other dudes about is an exercise in futility.
I agree completely. But it's also one of those things where it's all out frustrating to see it. A couple are close friends I just want to shake them silly and ask "would she travel that distance to see you" and "how long will this last and how much money do you want to waste on this silly endeavor?" Year ago I would've been the same, listening to women and traveling to see them for snatch.


New Member
Jun 1, 2016
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Yeah, after having read the Rational Male, the Book of Pook and browsing these forums, I've come to notice the beta-ness in my relatives and some of my friends. Reading the Rational Male was seriously eye opening; now I understand what I've been doing wrong in my past, and I can often tell what others are doing wrong and why their relationships are failing.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Men who have these traits always have options... real options.
Not always, no.

Nothing wrong with travelling for women. 30 million men in China will go without women their entire lives if they don't get out of the country. No amount of 'game' or 'money' will save them. It can be applied to anywhere in the world where the quality or quantity of women is low, no amount of game/money will fix the problem, just go look elsewhere.
If you travel any amount for a woman, she already controls you and any sex you'll have.
This is 'stupid think'. A woman only controls you, if you let her. If your sisters are that crap, just imagine the quality of local women that exist for those men.

Anything you can do to increase the odds in your favor, you should do. The ability to leave the safety of one's local surroundings in search of foreign resource takes guts, I don't think you give these guys enough credit.

One is in a sexless marriage and won't take charge. Another flew to Norway to hang out with a girl that isn't even his gf, but they're casually dating.
Have you offered them the red pill? Don't hate them for their level of game, maybe they don't know any better?! Look at it from their perspective, no game and no idea how to make their relationship better, they fall back on the only behavior that makes sense to them. Having read the book of pook, and found this forum you are at an incredible advantage than that of the common man. Don't hate your friends because they are ignorant, hate them for denying salvation when you offer to teach them.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
Not always, no.

Nothing wrong with travelling for women. 30 million men in China will go without women their entire lives if they don't get out of the country. No amount of 'game' or 'money' will save them. It can be applied to anywhere in the world where the quality or quantity of women is low, no amount of game/money will fix the problem, just go look elsewhere.

This is 'stupid think'. A woman only controls you, if you let her. If your sisters are that crap, just imagine the quality of local women that exist for those men.

Anything you can do to increase the odds in your favor, you should do. The ability to leave the safety of one's local surroundings in search of foreign resource takes guts, I don't think you give these guys enough credit.

Have you offered them the red pill? Don't hate them for their level of game, maybe they don't know any better?! Look at it from their perspective, no game and no idea how to make their relationship better, they fall back on the only behavior that makes sense to them. Having read the book of pook, and found this forum you are at an incredible advantage than that of the common man. Don't hate your friends because they are ignorant, hate them for denying salvation when you offer to teach them.
Thanks for your opinions. I'd say my sister is a definite catch, but going out of your way to hangout with her....The guy is from philly. There isn't an abundance of decent women there to date?

I offered a little advice to the sexless marriage friend to judge how deep his blue pill went. I asked, "isn't your wife's Robles to make you sexually satisfied if you're not?" He needs to speak up. I then asked, "what would happen if you told X that you're not happy with the amount of sex you're having?" He said she'd be pissed off and he wouldn't get any for a long time

Now the other buddy that went to Norway. He talked about a gal he went on a few dates with that was from Minneapolis and was in Norway for the summer to do pharmacy technician stuff or w/e. He never told me point blank he was going to Norway. I saw him Monday, he was posting pics from Norway Weds morning. He's done this a few different times flying off to distant locations to hang with a girl he's not even exclusive with. I just told him before I left, you live in s city of 2 million if you can't find a girl close by and decide to chase girls 1000's of miles, that's fine. But I think it's s waste of money and your precious time


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
There isn't an abundance of decent women there to date?
I would say no but then again I think most American women are feminist slags. If a man can find a woman who supports Trump, well she may be a good catch indeed.

But I think it's s waste of money and your precious time
I went to Mexico and allowed a girlfriend there to fund almost my entire stay at her father's hotel/resort. In another town in Mexico a young woman paid for my apartment and showed me around the entire area for free. So you never know what your friend is doing, he might be saving loads of money and getting a free tour. Time spent doing what you want to do is never time wasted. I met a girl off the net from China, traveled to said province and she set everything up for my arrival including jobs/apartments and sex. Then I married her and she's been busy helping out in every other facet of my life since. The sex is still good after 5 years of marriage, I just finished banging her out actually and I never have to ask. She goes where I say, follows my every word and we are both Trump fans. My wife's current favorite hobby is to spoon feed me breakfast/lunch/dinner out in public. Pretty hard to meet a girl in Philly like that.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
You cant let it get to you. These men are usually a lost cause unless they hit rock bottom and come seeking help.

That's how most of us got here. There has to be a life-changing experience. You cant really proselytize the red pill on anyone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
I would say no but then again I think most American women are feminist slags. If a man can find a woman who supports Trump, well she may be a good catch indeed.

I went to Mexico and allowed a girlfriend there to fund almost my entire stay at her father's hotel/resort. In another town in Mexico a young woman paid for my apartment and showed me around the entire area for free. So you never know what your friend is doing, he might be saving loads of money and getting a free tour. Time spent doing what you want to do is never time wasted. I met a girl off the net from China, traveled to said province and she set everything up for my arrival including jobs/apartments and sex. Then I married her and she's been busy helping out in every other facet of my life since. The sex is still good after 5 years of marriage, I just finished banging her out actually and I never have to ask. She goes where I say, follows my every word and we are both Trump fans. My wife's current favorite hobby is to spoon feed me breakfast/lunch/dinner out in public. Pretty hard to meet a girl in Philly like that.
Your opposite side of the spectrum is refreshing. He may be doing that exact thing with the gal in Norway, free place to stay and sight seeing while she stays there.

My sister on the other hand is a feminist. Stubborn German. We were all raised Catholic and she's held true to the church indoctrination. She's 27 still a Virgin and will not budge about it. She's all about female empowerment. So any man that wants to date her has to choose celibacy or fall into her frame. She won't be anyone's submissive anytime soon.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah, when I first found redpill I thought I had found religion. I wanted to 'help' all my friends. They could see it working but I was a smug ass.
I was a chump, a nice guy, but my world had to explode before I was willing to accept redpill 'truths'. Before then when things went wrong I did what I had been doing wrong but harder... It is a big ask saying to people everything they have been taught about society and women is wrong. Changing the habits of a lifetime is hard work. If you want to visit another country and already have Simeon lined up then congratulations. Going after someone is pretty beta. I know, I did it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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An old high school buddy recently posted on social media about his aniversey with his wife & 'soulmate'.

NEVER in a million years did I think I would see him say that. It was so cringe worthy to read.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Does she complete him? Before her did he not know what real love is? Is she the cream in his coffee, the wind beneath his wings?

Honestly though, who are these people trying to convince, her, himself or everybody else? Its like a dog telling its friends how great it feels to be nuetered...


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2016
Reaction score
Southern Nevada
Brother I had a girl drive to Las Vegas from down town LA for a booty call! My current gal drives and hour one way to reenact the battle of the bulge on a regular basis!

For every hundred betas there is one of us!

It's a good thing!


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Yup, I feel the same way about the 'obesity epidemic as well. The more fat ****s there are out there, the better I look. ;P