I think this is the BIGGEST QUESTION of getting girls - HOW DO YOU PURSUE, BUT NOT CHASE
If a girl is in your social circle, you can run into her frequently/accidentally and play it cool (be a challenge). This works great on college campus when you see her daily without trying! But if you meet a girl outside of your social circle and live in a big city, you may never see her without reaching out. So the challenge is: how to reach out/stay in touch without chasing when girl is outside your circle?
I don't think there is any magic solution to this and being a challenge to girls you never run into is nearly impossible. You either become out-of-site-out-of-mind challenge after time or you must contact them somehow. Rarely will an HB9 be so turned on that she keeps chasing/initiating contact. In a big city, these girls are getting invited out 10+ times a week. (maybe being the one guy that never reaches out makes you stand out from others - but most likely they just forget eventually)
The consensus here is contact them and then go NC if they don't want to meet within 2 tries, but even this is still acting much needier than casually seeing her on campus. My friends say keep contacting HB9 because nothing ventured/nothing gained, but I doubt this works either. Plus asking a girl out more than twice is pathetic. What if you have two great dates but go out town for a few weeks, you want to reinitiate contact but that is not being aloof/DGAF?
You could try to bump into each other by lurking where she hangs out? You could try to find out where she is going by friends? But all of this is trying too hard and creepy stalker. I think you just have to reach out to them but do it confidently and slowly. Maybe you play it super cool/disinterested and then bump into them 6 months later (prob best/easiest but risky that you never see again and magic may faded).
(Interesting side note - I'm new here but noticed the psychology of being a challenge transcends all socio economic classes. Girls that live in trailers and Taylor Swift all want a guy that's a challenge.... and rednecks to Tom Brady both need to have game. Even professional athletes need game. You might say 'they don't' but in my experience we are all competing, but on different levels. I know several good looking professional athletes that just have no game. They usually get the first date okay but then elite quality girls think they are boring, cheesy, meathead, not as cool as the other athlete, etc. For example, Ben Affleck needs just as much game to try and get Taylor Swift as BibleBelt needs to get the hottie he met at the mall. Affleck's competing against other A-List and also Swift needs confidence/humor/challenge/etc to be naturally attracted. Guess we are all humans.)
If a girl is in your social circle, you can run into her frequently/accidentally and play it cool (be a challenge). This works great on college campus when you see her daily without trying! But if you meet a girl outside of your social circle and live in a big city, you may never see her without reaching out. So the challenge is: how to reach out/stay in touch without chasing when girl is outside your circle?
I don't think there is any magic solution to this and being a challenge to girls you never run into is nearly impossible. You either become out-of-site-out-of-mind challenge after time or you must contact them somehow. Rarely will an HB9 be so turned on that she keeps chasing/initiating contact. In a big city, these girls are getting invited out 10+ times a week. (maybe being the one guy that never reaches out makes you stand out from others - but most likely they just forget eventually)
The consensus here is contact them and then go NC if they don't want to meet within 2 tries, but even this is still acting much needier than casually seeing her on campus. My friends say keep contacting HB9 because nothing ventured/nothing gained, but I doubt this works either. Plus asking a girl out more than twice is pathetic. What if you have two great dates but go out town for a few weeks, you want to reinitiate contact but that is not being aloof/DGAF?
You could try to bump into each other by lurking where she hangs out? You could try to find out where she is going by friends? But all of this is trying too hard and creepy stalker. I think you just have to reach out to them but do it confidently and slowly. Maybe you play it super cool/disinterested and then bump into them 6 months later (prob best/easiest but risky that you never see again and magic may faded).
(Interesting side note - I'm new here but noticed the psychology of being a challenge transcends all socio economic classes. Girls that live in trailers and Taylor Swift all want a guy that's a challenge.... and rednecks to Tom Brady both need to have game. Even professional athletes need game. You might say 'they don't' but in my experience we are all competing, but on different levels. I know several good looking professional athletes that just have no game. They usually get the first date okay but then elite quality girls think they are boring, cheesy, meathead, not as cool as the other athlete, etc. For example, Ben Affleck needs just as much game to try and get Taylor Swift as BibleBelt needs to get the hottie he met at the mall. Affleck's competing against other A-List and also Swift needs confidence/humor/challenge/etc to be naturally attracted. Guess we are all humans.)
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