Hi guys
I have been talking to this girl for the past month and a half and everything has been great (sex, conversations, just hanging out with each other) and she has basically mentioned things indicating she wants exclusivity like "are you seeing anyone else" and when im gone "no one is allowed to sleep on my side of the bed (playfully)"..... now we have not solidified any exlcusivity as far as i know.
So she is currently in Cancun for a week with her good friend (female) and we have talked here and there and still the same kind of banter and messages have occurred. Well, last night she went out to this club and she was posting stuff on her general snapchat story which she knows i can see, and there were a couple of pictures of her and her friend and then this one guy they must have met, and then there was a picture of her and the guy with what looked like he was behind her dancing?.....then several others of after the club where it seemed to be just her and her friend and her waiting on a bus to get back to the hotel for awhile.
It seems as though nothing happened with this guy, but should i dig any deeper and see. I feel like i am being insecure about this situation and i want to maintain a strong frame and personally not feel like something has happened, but sometimes these things keep bothering me. I havent talked to her since like 2 pm yesterday and she hasnt texted me since. I was just going to wait to see if texts me and what its like. Now, if she mentions something about her hooking up with the guy, my response is simple that I will more than likely end the communication with her, but if she doesnt bring it up, Im not sure I should in order to not look insecure or girlish. I know I am the ****ing man, and she is lucky to be with me when she is, but I just dont want to be disrespected by her doing what she wants not caring if it has an effect on me (that is if she did fool around with this guy). Any advice or thoughts are appreciated!
I have been talking to this girl for the past month and a half and everything has been great (sex, conversations, just hanging out with each other) and she has basically mentioned things indicating she wants exclusivity like "are you seeing anyone else" and when im gone "no one is allowed to sleep on my side of the bed (playfully)"..... now we have not solidified any exlcusivity as far as i know.
So she is currently in Cancun for a week with her good friend (female) and we have talked here and there and still the same kind of banter and messages have occurred. Well, last night she went out to this club and she was posting stuff on her general snapchat story which she knows i can see, and there were a couple of pictures of her and her friend and then this one guy they must have met, and then there was a picture of her and the guy with what looked like he was behind her dancing?.....then several others of after the club where it seemed to be just her and her friend and her waiting on a bus to get back to the hotel for awhile.
It seems as though nothing happened with this guy, but should i dig any deeper and see. I feel like i am being insecure about this situation and i want to maintain a strong frame and personally not feel like something has happened, but sometimes these things keep bothering me. I havent talked to her since like 2 pm yesterday and she hasnt texted me since. I was just going to wait to see if texts me and what its like. Now, if she mentions something about her hooking up with the guy, my response is simple that I will more than likely end the communication with her, but if she doesnt bring it up, Im not sure I should in order to not look insecure or girlish. I know I am the ****ing man, and she is lucky to be with me when she is, but I just dont want to be disrespected by her doing what she wants not caring if it has an effect on me (that is if she did fool around with this guy). Any advice or thoughts are appreciated!