Squirting is almost entirely p*ss. Look it up.
A girl does that on my bed, she's not coming back.
That said, I read a great piece some time ago by a male escort. I can't find it right now, but the crux of it is that women pay men for sex because they want men who will commit to making them orgasm.
A lot of male escorts have sex and never climax. It's usually dinner, a backrub, and some gentle fingering. Hell, I've done the same. Often.
You read that right.
It's worth it to me to forgo the occasional orgasm in order to have 20-something hotties beating down my door. They call and
text and invite themselves over because I go that extra mile to make sure they have headboard-slamming, glass-shattering, neighbors-calling-the-cops orgasms. And that doesn't happen by "making sure my shoulders are in line with her chest" or whatever the ****. And sure as hell it doesn't involve her p*ssing all over my sheets.
Sure, they can go get some spiky-haired, musclebound, mouth-breathing, lowered-Civic-driving retard their own age to pound them for two hours nonstop or lick them until they're raw, but that doesn't mean they enjoy it. If they did, they wouldn't be chasing a guy my age.
Young girls f*ck older men because we can make them come until they hyperventilate and their eyes roll back in their head. There is no other goddamn reason for them to be in your bed.
If you truly have no idea how make a woman come, you don't belong in a forum called "The Mature Man." Quit watching porn, quit getting your advice off the internet, and FFS, THEY'RE ALL F*CKING DIFFERENT. ASK HER WHAT SHE LIKES AND THEN DO IT. SLOWLY.
Then make notes so when she comes back you remember what she likes. I seriously have an Excel spreadsheet going right now; I consult it before a date.