Feminists like to think that 'culture' is the reason for everything, because culture can be manipulated. They won't accept that biology is the reason we act like we do, because biology cannot.
Culture allows for a woman to live in a delusion for a short while, but that delusion always breaks.
It surprises me that you think fat girls don't feel inferior. Why do you think women go to such lengths to push the delusion that 'fat is beautiful'?
Competition will always cut through propaganda. The hot girls will always get the most attention, and that is a reality that fat girls have to face daily.
I see your point and I believed the same as you did for a long time, then I realized that evidence and reality has no weight on a woman mind given enough emotional and social feedbacks.
You see if we all tell fat guys that they should be proud and confident and that if women ignore them its their loss, they will simply compare what we say with reality then accepting reality and disregard what we told them, for women its the other way around.
We decide if we like a woman according to our biology, they decide if they like a man according to other women opinion about that man, do you agree that a skinny fat guy surrounded from women at a party is more desidered from women than a tall well built guy who went there alone?
How many old ugly actresses you see chased from men? how many old actors you see having fan clubs full of women?
As much as its annoying to think, we have to acknowledge reality, women are creature based on social connections not calculations, biology or evidences, the same survival of women from stone age to now has been based on being part of a herd and being able to fit into it.
Im not denying the role of biology in what women find attractive but despite it would make sense, they value social feedbacks much more....according to biology a skinny hipster guy should be a prey to bigger violent males yet you see this hipster skinny guys with women while the strong fat guy at the gym has none.