What part of "and asks to see you" didn't you understand?
She likes your attention. And that's all she likes. Unless she asks to see you, say that you are busy, that it was great to hear from her, that you need to go, that she should keep in touch and goodbye.
But are you sure she just wants my attention? You may be right, but to me it is inconclusive, or may be a combination of things.
A part of me thinks she is trying to keep tabs on me. Like after I went silent last night, she asked if I were out. Perhaps a part of her worries this erstwhile ultra-available guy is becoming a scarcer commodity. While I am dating and pursuing other women, it would be an unfounded worry on her part (since I am clearly wrapped up in her) but it doesn't take much to stoke the insecurities of many women.
Women also speak in code. Not all but many do. She may not explicitly ask to see me but her saying something may suggest I propose something. Like on Monday (when she was around) she texted me:
"Thanks for hanging today. Beth is going to the gym instead of hanging with me tonight. Ugh"
While she didn't come out and say let's do something, it was clear what she wanted.
I would love to be the mythical manly man Atomsmasher puts forth, but I am afraid I am not. If I were to feign it, it wouldn't take long for the facade to crumble. When I really like a chick (which is, mercifully, not often) I tend to think about her a lot.
I could work hard at ejecting but I rather cling to the modicum of hope I believe I have in salvaging my situation with her. It's not a matter of pride, I over-pursued and what woman wouldn't lose interest. I will go on living my life, seeking out other women but when she comes around, reaches out to me, I may come here to seek feedback ... or more obstinately defend my position.