I like your style but months and even years? My IL wont last that much.
I like your style but I cant wait that long Hahha
Attraction fades with time. I mean last year I have so many crushes, too many chicks walking around in my hunting zone.
The year+ ones are a rare occasion, reserved for the cases where I've lost the most frame--and no, you won't have oneitis-type feelings that last that long. And that's fine. But for me a hot girl you want to have sex with is still a hot girl you want to have sex with (unless they get fat or something), and the only reason to convince yourself you don't is to protect your ego. I look at is as plate insurance and a great way to observe my growth as a man over that time period. Plus, I'm not at a stage in my life where I'd be willing to settle for girls that aren't smoke shows; yeah, it's more work--but it's not really their fault they have a ton of options and huge amounts of attention--it's
my responsibility to get their compliance, like breaking a wild stallion.
But for most guys this'll be impractical--hence my advice to build space from Day 1. If her IL is high off the bat (which won't always be all that obvious--see
@Yewki's post), then yeah, move quickly; strike while the iron's hot. But the minute
you feel yourself starting to lose interest or
she displays behavior you don't like, take some time off to focus on your life. It's a funny thing--when your life is awesome,
most of the girls you meet will be awesome. When your life is fulfilling, most of the relationships you have with girls will be fulfilling. You know the feeling where everything in your life's going right and every girl you meet is compliant and pleasant? That's called state--and it's something you can create for yourself.
I'm a thrill of the hunt guy as well--and a huge part of my game, probably the biggest aspect of it, is gaming myself. I'll take the time to make sure that I only
text girls from a good place; I'll take 5-10 minutes to monitor my motivations and state of mind before texting her anything--A
m I doing this to elicit a reaction? Am I doing this because I'm afraid of losing her if I don't text back quick enough? Am I doing this because I'm bored and looking to her for entertainment? Am I doing this for a validation fix? Or am I doing this because I want to?--which is the only way any action you take will be satisfying in and of itself. If I'm feeling bad, I won't text a girl back until I make myself feel good.
Feeling good is my responsibility to myself and not something I can look for in any girl; and to the extent that you look to girls for entertainment, for fulfillment, for validation, etc. is the extent that you'll be disappointed and lose interest. I used to be the most ruthless nexter of nexters. Take two hours to text back--NEXT. 'Disrespect me' (but really I didn't respect myself so they couldn't possibly disrespect me, only my ego)--NEXT. Have a boring conversation--NEXT. Go out of town for a weekend--NEXT. But really, the reason I lost interest was because they didn't live up to
my expectations; deep down, I needed them to fulfill the needs of my ego and 'make me happy.' And guess what? The only type of girl who can possibly live up to that type of ego-based expectations is a BPD in her idealization stage.
Have fun with that