Lots of missing info.
1. What state do you live in?
2. What is your annual income?
If your individual annual income is above 50K in most states, you are shvt out of luck in qualifying for a Chapter 7.
Most states have a homestead exemption between $100K - $150K, whereas if you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your home is safe to the extent of the exemption amount.
For example:
Scenario 1: You have no mortgage. You are single. Your house is worth $120,000. Your state's homestead exemption is $150,000. You file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to extinguish your credit cards. Your house equity is safe.
Scenario 2: You have no mortgage. You are single. Your house is worth $300,000. Your state's homestead exemption is $150,000. You file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to extinguish your credit cards. Your house equity is not safe.
Big difference.
You don't want to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, as depending on your financial statement, you may still pay back most of your credit card debt in the filing.
If you have more equity in your house than the state exemption allows for Chapter 7, I suggest: Debt Settlement. Stop paying your credit cards. Wait 6-9 mos. and settle the cards. Most cards will settle between 25-50% of the total balance. If you don't have lump-sum monies to settle, you can work out a payment arrangement with the creditor on the settlement. It is easy: Like shooting fish in a barrel.
If the creditor sues, ensure you go to the local courthouse and answer the complaint. Attend each and every court date. You WILL settle in court.
Your credit score in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will drop 200-300 points. Your credit score in a debt settlement (because you stop paying these creditors) with approx two credit cards will drop 50-100 pts. Either way, your score will recover in three years. Choose your poison.
Don't debt-settle or file a Chapter 7 if you plan to refinance (pull cash out of your house) or buy additional property requiring a mortgage in the next three years. In this case, refinance/buy property first, then settle credit cards after.
Good luck.