Chubby chasers they are a very small minority of men. They like what they like, I do not look down on them for their choice. We all have choice in life, and choice is what defines our life. Without choice, we are just an animated instrument without a will.
But this shame thing is all about envy. They wish they were desirable, they want to feel as if they are desirable. So the idea that they can be desired gives them hope. But it is a false hope. They envy the beautiful people, they envy the desire that beautiful people get. So because of that they create shame in those who love beauty, they shame those who desire. Instead of being secure with their life, with who they are they instead seek to create insecurity in others through shame. Yet in truth, the only thing that they shame is themselves as they are showing how ashamed they are at themselves. They lack the fortitude to live with who they are and love themselves. No amount of desire from others will ever fill that void they have, the void of shame they have for themselves. Pathetic... it is weakness, and I hate weakness.