Girlfriend finding out about other plates.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
- I have a girlfriend of 5 months. She is 8 years older than i am (29).
- She's more invested in me than i am into her. She cooks for me & does anything i tell her to do on command. I've explained to her how an absolute monarchy works.
- She is getting her boobs done in a week. Will take her up a notch in terms of attractiveness. It's like when Tesla was in the low 80s 2 years ago. Invested in good value. She is into fitness and keeps herself in very good shape.
- I like the sex and the added benefits i have with her. She can stick around for a bit more.

- My other plates are a 40 year old Milf & 2 other women in their mid 20s.
- The milf is the star performer. She is a designer, very well known and my ticket to announce myself to other potential preys. Bagging her has been a true conquest. She also has some real estate connections i am interested in and some business dealings i want to get into.

So far i've kept everything under control. However, the girlfriend and i are fighting a lot because i have to jump from her bed to the milf's bed and sometimes with the other 2 girls.

I usually just stay home with the girlfriend and don't go out at all. This is because i am cautious of either of them 3 ever catching me with her. One time the milf saw me with her and i told her she was a family friend. The milf and her both go to the same gym, albeit at completely different times. I have people in the gym that inform me when each of them go, which i can use to program any misgivings.

Question: What's the next step to manage the whole charade? I feel i can't sit tight and not take measures to ensure that the milf & my girlfriend don't find out about each other (the other girls have completed their purpose and their utilities can be let go for now).


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
The gf knows what you're doing. But she puts up with it because your market value is higher than hers. I'm sure the other girl knows, too.

Women will stay with a man whom they are 99% sure is cheating on them. Just keep that 1% of mystery for her to cling to, and you're good.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Sooner or later the lies will collapse, when it does it's going to get ugly. You can continue to keep it up, but it becomes increasingly harder to maintain the lies when more has to be made to not reveal the other lies. This may continue up to a point where either you fvck up and the facade cracks, or until it's so difficult to keep lying that your superficial goods simply aren't worth it.

One day you'll learn, hopefully.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like youre doing a great job OP. Keep it going. I suppose you may have to sacrifice one or another here and there - but youll need to decide which one(s) that will be. And when.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
You've just gotta keep playing the game and adapting as you go. Best thing you could have done would be to not of gone exclusive with them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
The gf knows what you're doing. But she puts up with it because your market value is higher than hers. I'm sure the other girl knows, too.

Women will stay with a man whom they are 99% sure is cheating on them. Just keep that 1% of mystery for her to cling to, and you're good.
This is 100%'s why I'm still married, lmao.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
I've already cut most ties with the latter two plates.

I don't even know how she became my girlfriend. All i remember was one day her telling me she wants a relationship and me saying "uh-huh".

As for her knowing if i'm cheating on her, i'd be inclined to say no. Simply because i show a flawless image to her & to her family. I'm the "perfect candidate".

I'm continually playing the game. I've been adapting as the situation changes, but i feel i need to take measures to ensure my absolutism remains intact.

It's the moment when one feels secure enough, where disaster is most likely to strike. Getting too comfortable has been the downfall of many before me.

I'll end things with my girlfriend sooner or later, but right now i have 2 fantastic plates to spin. Both of them have announced my coming to other potential future plates. There is no better thing than your plates singing your praises about your exploits & skills to please them.

If women are good at one thing, it is definitely gossiping and doing so loud and clear.


Master Don Juan
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
- I have a girlfriend of 5 months. She is 8 years older than i am (29).
- She's more invested in me than i am into her. She cooks for me & does anything i tell her to do on command. I've explained to her how an absolute monarchy works.
- She is getting her boobs done in a week. Will take her up a notch in terms of attractiveness. It's like when Tesla was in the low 80s 2 years ago. Invested in good value. She is into fitness and keeps herself in very good shape.
- I like the sex and the added benefits i have with her. She can stick around for a bit more.

- My other plates are a 40 year old Milf & 2 other women in their mid 20s.
- The milf is the star performer. She is a designer, very well known and my ticket to announce myself to other potential preys. Bagging her has been a true conquest. She also has some real estate connections i am interested in and some business dealings i want to get into.

So far i've kept everything under control. However, the girlfriend and i are fighting a lot because i have to jump from her bed to the milf's bed and sometimes with the other 2 girls.

I usually just stay home with the girlfriend and don't go out at all. This is because i am cautious of either of them 3 ever catching me with her. One time the milf saw me with her and i told her she was a family friend. The milf and her both go to the same gym, albeit at completely different times. I have people in the gym that inform me when each of them go, which i can use to program any misgivings.

Question: What's the next step to manage the whole charade? I feel i can't sit tight and not take measures to ensure that the milf & my girlfriend don't find out about each other (the other girls have completed their purpose and their utilities can be let go for now).

I've read your Original post. I can only spot two problems. I'll state the problems and solutions.

Explaining an absolute monarchy is cool, but she is only doing it because that's what you say you want and she is trying to please. Don't confuse this with her actually understanding where you are coming from.

Problem 1: The arguing. You obviously have her under most of your control, but most of your control isn't enough if you want to stop her arguing. In a way, you allow her to argue with you by not putting her in her place in a firm but emotionally detached manner(without anger, but with authority). She doesn't care if you cheat or fvck other bvtches. She cares because you care that it matters to her. If you expected her to be okay with you sleeping around then you would tell her that you are going to sleep around much like how you would tell her that you want dinner in front of you by eight pm(firmly but detached). She will of course complain until you make it clear that you aren't budging and if she doesn't like your terms then treat her like you would if she wasn't down for your absolute monarchy idea. Women don't appear to know what is okay and what isn't. Their reality is based completely off of your reality.

Problem 2: You explained to her what an absolute monarchy is and what you would like for her to become while she is under your leadership. Kings demand respect, but they also enforce their rules to keep their followers in line. The problem appears to be that your repertoire for keeping her in line could use a bit of expanding, because not every infraction results in you walking away from the relationship.


Punishments - all women need to be kept in their place or they will lose respect slowly but surely. Kings punish their followers. I punish my wife whenever she gets out of line. Read up on: punishments for a child, punishments for a submissive, what it's like to be punished from a woman's perspective, and domestic discipline, guilt parents feel for punishing their children(eliminate that from yourself)

Love - Your women will do whatever you say with a smile on her face if she feels in love. It's very easy. You will need to offer love in random intervals. To make her willing to give you her soul(lol) read up on: sunk cost theory, helper's high, making her invest in the relationship, making them love you by taking not giving, be selfish by boldanddetermined

Let me know what you think, bro


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
strong game going on in this thread gents...i dont have anything to add


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
- I have a girlfriend of 5 months. She is 8 years older than i am (29).
- She's more invested in me than i am into her. She cooks for me & does anything i tell her to do on command. I've explained to her how an absolute monarchy works.
- She is getting her boobs done in a week. Will take her up a notch in terms of attractiveness. It's like when Tesla was in the low 80s 2 years ago. Invested in good value. She is into fitness and keeps herself in very good shape.
- I like the sex and the added benefits i have with her. She can stick around for a bit more.

- My other plates are a 40 year old Milf & 2 other women in their mid 20s.
- The milf is the star performer. She is a designer, very well known and my ticket to announce myself to other potential preys. Bagging her has been a true conquest. She also has some real estate connections i am interested in and some business dealings i want to get into.

So far i've kept everything under control. However, the girlfriend and i are fighting a lot because i have to jump from her bed to the milf's bed and sometimes with the other 2 girls.

I usually just stay home with the girlfriend and don't go out at all. This is because i am cautious of either of them 3 ever catching me with her. One time the milf saw me with her and i told her she was a family friend. The milf and her both go to the same gym, albeit at completely different times. I have people in the gym that inform me when each of them go, which i can use to program any misgivings.

Question: What's the next step to manage the whole charade? I feel i can't sit tight and not take measures to ensure that the milf & my girlfriend don't find out about each other (the other girls have completed their purpose and their utilities can be let go for now).
If you were truly gaming these women, they would know about each other and might not like it, but would accept some time with you over none.

Acting like you are exclusive with one woman when you are not isn't game at all, it's weak. Real men never need to hide or lie, everything is out in the open.

You are a grown man, stop with the charades and man up.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
So a lot has occurred since i posted this thread.

A) The milf found out i had a girlfriend and was overwhelmed by her distorted, emotional senses. She dug around and found the information by herself. She was furious and threatened to tell my girlfriend about everything.
B) I decided to take a calculated risk and tell my girlfriend the truth, while telling her i would change and really show my feelings for her.
C) My girlfriend forgave me and took me back. I have since gone into "hibernation" with her. She thinks we are exclusive now, but i am using this sedated period to establish intel on two other women i have my eye upon. My girlfriend has not figured out that i do not engage in any activity or make any decision by chance.
D) The milf knows i'm a cheater, called me the "worst kind of the male race" & said that she'd warn every woman about me. The irony..... And... She still wants to see me. Fvck them right and you'll always get a free pass. I still haven't lost sight of my plan to do a threesome with one of her girlfriends.
E) This whole experience has only enhanced my skills & built up the folklore of my success. Since i met both of them at the gym, the whole affair has only boosted my standing. One of the trainers told me the following, "this only benefits you and at the end of the day, women will be left wondering how you bagged both of them and the reason they are fighting over you."

I didn't think i'd emerge victorious out of this, but even when i underestimate myself, i always show myself that i possess the dexterity to come out unscathed & bathed in glory like Hannibal during the Punic Wars.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
So a lot has occurred since i posted this thread.

A) The milf found out i had a girlfriend and was overwhelmed by her distorted, emotional senses. She dug around and found the information by herself. She was furious and threatened to tell my girlfriend about everything.
B) I decided to take a calculated risk and tell my girlfriend the truth, while telling her i would change and really show my feelings for her.
C) My girlfriend forgave me and took me back. I have since gone into "hibernation" with her. She thinks we are exclusive now, but i am using this sedated period to establish intel on two other women i have my eye upon. My girlfriend has not figured out that i do not engage in any activity or make any decision by chance.
D) The milf knows i'm a cheater, called me the "worst kind of the male race" & said that she'd warn every woman about me. The irony..... And... She still wants to see me. Fvck them right and you'll always get a free pass. I still haven't lost sight of my plan to do a threesome with one of her girlfriends.
E) This whole experience has only enhanced my skills & built up the folklore of my success. Since i met both of them at the gym, the whole affair has only boosted my standing. One of the trainers told me the following, "this only benefits you and at the end of the day, women will be left wondering how you bagged both of them and the reason they are fighting over you."

I didn't think i'd emerge victorious out of this, but even when i underestimate myself, i always show myself that i possess the dexterity to come out unscathed & bathed in glory like Hannibal during the Punic Wars.
Actually you came out looking like a dumbass because the entire situation could have been avoided if you simply would have been honest with them all from the beginning and not sneak around like a 5 year old kid trying to get a cookie out of the cookie jar in the middle of the night from on top of the refrigerator.

No offense, but there is nothing manly or "cool" about lying to a women. It's weak. The only reason a man would do that is because he is afraid once a woman finds out she won't stay with him. Otherwise, you wouldn't give a fvck if she knew because you would feel confident she wouldn't go anywhere.

You pretty much begged your GF to take you back. Sounds pretty chumpish to me.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
I see four women, one regularly, the others on and off. Each of them knows that I go out.

Marmel is right. You're a chump. You call it victory. Heh. Meanwhile you're sneaking around like a 9-year old.

Your wannbe status is solid now. Enjoy your 'victory' Hannibal.

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Don Juan
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
It's actually simple, tell the one broad you aren't looking for a committed relationship, then you don't have to run around lying to every plate you are spinning. The only reason people lie is out of fear, there is nothing masculine or alpha about that. Had you told the one chick you weren't looking for a committed relationship then she would still continue to see you and you allow her to chase you, holding your frame and not folding and going into "hibernation" with her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Actually you came out looking like a dumbass because the entire situation could have been avoided if you simply would have been honest with them all from the beginning and not sneak around like a 5 year old kid trying to get a cookie out of the cookie jar in the middle of the night from on top of the refrigerator.

Wrong. Honesty? Everyone wants it, but very few people can handle it. Women aren't one of them.

No offense, but there is nothing manly or "cool" about lying to a women. It's weak. The only reason a man would do that is because he is afraid once a woman finds out she won't stay with him. Otherwise, you wouldn't give a fvck if she knew because you would feel confident she wouldn't go anywhere.

Fear is not the right word. I do not hold fear towards anything. I don't really lie. I simply distort the truth to mold their reality into a vanishing charade. My insignia is unique. My whole world revolves exclusively around myself. I hold no interest in whatever these women want to do, albeit only after they serve their time and purpose. Women are a lot like stocks. Buy at the right time and cash out when it's convenient for you. It would be foolish to sell before it reaches its peak.

You pretty much begged your GF to take you back. Sounds pretty chumpish to me.
I didn't beg my concubine. I told her I cheated, I told her I would change ( not really. It was just for her to believe. The art of war is based on deception.) and I told her that I knew she couldn't be without me. I did all of this because I knew if she found out through the milf, it'd be over for me. One must be a wolf to recognize the traps.

Other responses in bold.

It's actually simple, tell the one broad you aren't looking for a committed relationship, then you don't have to run around lying to every plate you are spinning. The only reason people lie is out of fear, there is nothing masculine or alpha about that. Had you told the one chick you weren't looking for a committed relationship then she would still continue to see you and you allow her to chase you, holding your frame and not folding and going into "hibernation" with her.
My girlfriend is looking to marry and the milf wants to get married. Both of them aren't going to play the game I want.

I'm not folding at all. I calculate my every decision and every move. I'm using this settled period to regain her trust (she keeps thinking I'll cheat again), while sneakily working on my two prospects.

It's a chessboard. I have no rush to win if I can take all my pawns across and transform them into more useful components. Patience is a virtue.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
I didn't beg my concubine. I told her I cheated, I told her I would change ( not really. It was just for her to believe. The art of war is based on deception.) and I told her that I knew she couldn't be without me. I did all of this because I knew if she found out through the milf, it'd be over for me. One must be a wolf to recognize the traps.

Other responses in bold.

My girlfriend is looking to marry and the milf wants to get married. Both of them aren't going to play the game I want.

I'm not folding at all. I calculate my every decision and every move. I'm using this settled period to regain her trust (she keeps thinking I'll cheat again), while sneakily working on my two prospects.

It's a chessboard. I have no rush to win if I can take all my pawns across and transform them into more useful components. Patience is a virtue.
You are in your early 20's, the word marriage should not even be in your vocabulary, or a part of a discussion with your plates. Enjoy life, don't commit unless you are truly ready for a relationship, plenty of broads out there, you have one chick approaching the wall (29) and is looking to settle down with marriage and kids. The other one as you called her a "MILF", let me tell you, the only guys that brag about f*cking women in their 40's are men that are in their 60's & 70's.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
You are in your early 20's, the word marriage should not even be in your vocabulary, or a part of a discussion with your plates. Enjoy life, don't commit unless you are truly ready for a relationship, plenty of broads out there, you have one chick approaching the wall (29) and is looking to settle down with marriage and kids. The other one as you called her a "MILF", let me tell you, the only guys that brag about f*cking women in their 40's are men that are in their 60's & 70's.
Marriage is not in my vocabulary. It is in their vocabulary. Like I said before, they can talk about having their wedding in an old Spanish Inquisition castle for all I care. In an absolute monarchy, the commoners are only an annoying chirping sound, while being tuned out by king's lightning.

I learn my terrain first and I'll tell you it's a very conservative society. Appearances are well kept and guarded here. Women want official boyfriends. I am indeed enjoying my life and "being in a relationship" has not hindered my ability hunt down other preys. It is merely a facade to enthrall her in her own insecurities. It's all about what is and not what you thought was but really was just an illusion of what really is.

This milf is very well kept. Goes to the gym every 6 days a week and is stunning naked. A hunter is only as good as his prey was.