Hi everyone, I'm back with another question, there is this Jewish woman I'm dealing with, we've been 'together' for a while, talking on the phone for hours every night, going out for drives and Dines, and it ain't working.... We always talk about sex and stuff but when I try talking about us having an affair she's all like 'oh I'm shomer' which means she doesn't interact physically with strange men or a man she's not married to, she even let's me know her bra size..... she's very shy, we're even going to the gym together, and it looks like we're both into each other, but what to do? She hints me here and there that she's horny but when I get at it, it all blows..... maybe I should try make a move? Or maybe it's against her wishes since she's religious.... She'd EXTREMELY nice, never raises her voice to me, never looks me straight in the eye etc., so it's not arrogance or her just trying to lead me on, pls help