Before I continue with this, let me just say that I don't think of personality as an "act", a social mask that you use towards women and to take her from A to B or "running game" or using "techniques". I don't see it as being "more sociable" either....just in case that was what you were thinking.
When I say PERSONALITY, I'm talking about being a leader, being highly influential, becoming somebody's mentor and being a highly developed person.
1. the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others.
2. a person as an embodiment of a collection of qualities:
3. Psychology.
- the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual.
- the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual.
5. the essential character of a person.
And stop thinking that I think the way you look and how much you earn aren't important...because I never implied that.
No, I believe that being efficient in your Looks, Personality and Money makes you attractive. When it comes to Money, you don't have to be a millionaire, you just need to have your basic shyt together in terms of having your own decent spot, a decent car, decent clothes, some money in the bank, and a decent job/career. Basically, just don't be a Bum and don't be Broke.
I agree with this and as I already mentioned I never said this wasn't important.
But ask yourself, do women really care if you have money? If you have a car? Or decent clothes?
I know you're going to say "yes, of course they do".
But that's not what I see, what I see is that women don't really care about those things in itself, but rather what it says about your character.
Say, you had all the things you described in the quote above, but they were giving to you by your parents and you did NOTHING to earn it yourself and every time you hooked up with a woman she found out about that, I bet many would no longer be interested....
Because it's not the things that you have, but what it implies in terms of your character.
Earning a decent income and having a respectable job requires having a certain PERSONALITY. Shallow personalities attract shallow people, but if you want a 3 dimensional person you yourself must become deeper.
I've seen and know plenty of people who have a decent income, but are still wussies in contributes to your character but it isn't enough. I see people who work out in the gym 4 days a week, but when they go to any social environment all they do is sit there and don't approach anybody because they're afraid of rejection...and they've become gym addicts because in the gym they're in control, but when they're out there in the real world and they have to influence OTHER people they just can't do it because they have little control over themselves.
I totally disagree that women don't care about how your body looks.
Never said that.
My dating and social media profiles all have my shirtless pics on them. If you think that doesn't help me pull chicks then you are sadly mistaken my friend lol.
I never said they didn't, I bet it does help. But what you're mentioning here is rather passive...after all you have to get women to look at your profile in the first place. And what if that picture isn't you? What if it was you 5 years ago? What if she has 10 other guys hitting her up who are just as fit?
Personally, I no longer put pictures of myself with my shirt off. In fact, when women ask to see a picture of me I pictures like this and tell them "I'm getting you hot under the collar right?", and if there's no reply I'd say "What? What's the matter?". I am beyond approval seeking especially random women on the internet.
This entire notion that all you need is a Personality but can be Broke as hell and Ugly/Fat as hell, but still pull Paula Patton, is complete hogwash sold by the Seduction Community because they know the guys they sell this stuff to are too damn lazy. Reminds me of those companies that sell Ab Belts lol.
I've made this point (above) already, but for the sake of argument show me where you read this?
It's as if some guys see everything as binary.
Handsome or ugly. Rich or broke. Muscular or obese. It may surprise you but most people are in between on these categories...neither or.
Is George Clooney a body builder or a billionaire? How about James Dean? Jon Hamm?