Had my first meeting with councilor today. It is going to be a long road. She told me that I hold in my feelings,,,,yep....She also said that I bet you don't laugh. True again. I very seldom laugh. That is a weak part of my game. Making women laugh. I am working on that. Anyway as I told her my laundry list of issues ehe seemed shocked. Her face looked like wth? I have issues. She said I have had a lot of loss in my life and need to deal with it. I may do two times a week. I want this over and I want to be whole. I am getting pissed on OLD reading all of the bull **** women write. I saw one today where she said she wanted a woodsman with a penchant for poetry. What planet does this ***** live on? I called her on her Bull**** and she sent a note and blocked me. She got the last word in. I figured that my note would either work or bomb. I was right. I am at a point where I think I will just go monk and work on me. I have no patients for women and their crap. They are what they are and I cant change it but at this point they piss me off. I will work on myself and continue to better my social skills. I need to learn how to make myself happy. I am still thinking about my ex and she is pissing me off. When will all of this **** end? It won't unless I do something about it. Counseling, meds, self improvement....