Pretty much like logicallefty, except I don't text. I don't text because I don't like it, I know it works for some guys but does not work for me because I am not comfortable with it... I hate texting because I can't read interest in vocal tones or body language. The lesson here isn't don't text (even though I don't think anyone needs it), or DO ANYTHING, if you are not comfortable with it. Women can read you like a book and if you are doing stuff that you are not comfortable with she will know and will read this as weakness on a sub-conscious level. This is why it is really hard to take what other people do and incorporate it into what you are doing. Some guys need an awful lot of self improvement before they can pull off what others with a ton of experience can do in their sleep.
Advice that will work for everyone:
- ABR... Always Be Ready. Dress well, be in the best shape you can, clean, smell good... Even if you are running to the hardware store. Carry breath mines and use them liberally.
- Learn to read body language. This will help you ID women who are interested in you and those that are not, this way you can focus on those that like you and not waste time on those that don't. I laugh my head off at guys you are trying to hit up women that are giving them OBVIOUS sight of disinterest.. they are completely fvcking clueless. Work on this until you can get to the point where you can walk into a room and within a minute ID all the women you have a chance with. TRUST me ANYONE can do this, but it takes a lot of work and practice. This is the most significant factor in my success. I can't get every woman I see, but I will get whatever woman I want that indicates interest and is not otherwise in a relationship, body language will tell you all this.
- Smile be friendly when you first meet, if you can be funny and joke about something around you , go ahead and do that but if you are not naturally funny and charming don't try it... you'll come off as a creep. But everyone can be friendly.
- Make sure she understands you are sexually attracted to her. You do this by making strong eye contact, and imagine in the back of your mind that you are fvcking her. I know you think this is nuts, but it works.
- Ask for her phone number, or go ahead and make a date right there if you are getting strong IOI. I'll always ask her out on the spot if I know she is strongly attracted. If I'm having doubts, I'll ask for her number as a test. Then listen to what she says and her body language. If she gives you the number without any hesitation, then call her in a couple a days and make a date... the less confidence you have in her interest the longer you wait, but regardless if you ask for her number you MUST call her within a couple of weeks. You do it because it helps you keep your frame as a man that always goes after what he wants.
- When you get her on a date, she should be doing all the talking. She has to believe she is selling herself to you. And when she starts selling herself, you MUST acknowledge it. She'll say something impressive about herself, and you have to agree at some level that it's a good thing. I think this is where most men screw up on first dates, they don't realize a woman is selling herself to them and don't except this. When you don't accept what she is saying she will lose interest in you because subconsciously she will believe you do not want her.... at some point in the date, you have to build rapport on something emotional. This isn't a technique of game, it's what you do if you want to build interest. Find something she said and communicate emotionally that you connect with her on this, be honest, and don't make anything up. I don't know how to tell you how to do this except to say you have to communicate emotion with description and analogy. Do this on as many topics you can... do this well and you will ensure you will get other dates, that she will answer your phone and return your calls... this is how you build rapport. Rapport keeps her interested and gets her to chase you.
After that everything just sort of works out. Try to make a date once a week keep doing this, and once her interest level is high enough she will be reaching out to you, then all you have to do is make dates and fvck her. She starts losing interest another dude pops in she'll contact you less, just let her drift away, load in another one. She comes back, great go ahead and fvck her. If not, well she's not the only woman in the world... besides while all this is going on you should be seeing other women.