Manipulating women through their insecurities.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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A Man is himself. He is proud of who he is, and not afraid to show it. He does not need to 'manipulate'. He may "play the game" because he knows the true nature of women, but he does not need to pretend to be something he is not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
'nice guys' are the most manipulative people out there. They are 'nice' for the sole purpose of manipulating women into liking them. They are not true to themselves, they are not themselves while being nice. They will let women walk all over them and will be their punching bags because they think, by doing so, that they will eventually be rewarded with female attention. It is these same nice guys that will eventually show their true colors. Their persona and act does have an expiration date. They will act out, and, depending on who they are and what they've been through, will eventually become the bad guy when-if their nice guy tactics are not rewarded.
This is kinda true but not an absolute..
I am a very nice person, if someone is nice to me then I am extremely gracious and nice to them. I am 37 years old and I dont have the effort to be fake or put on an act to get what I like. I have never had problems getting girls so if one isnt working I will go find another. As time goes on through a ltr I remain nice and composed, but if I begin to be mistreated then I make a stand and walk. I dont take **** and am not going to be a punching bag. I am very nice, do a lot out of my way for people who treat me well it is a way I show my appreciation. However I have been a fighter since I was 9 years old. I dont compete now but my spirit is still one of a fighter, I wont put up with **** especially from someone who has nothing to offer me. Yes I am very nice, but when the **** hits the fan there is the ****ing door. I will have a new better looking version of you here tomorrow night if I want. That is my nice guy persona. By no means a *****. I was married for 10 months and my wife became a lazy ****ty partner, I gave her time, tried to be loving and composed and work things out, she did not improve for a few months so one day I called her and packed her **** up and put it outside. Told her she is out and if she wanted to bring her dad or brother to help get her stuff no problem, if they cause trouble with me I would break their faces. She showed up shocked and scared, I didnt say a word, packed her stuff up and tried to get back with me for months. I went no contact and have not talked to her in 8 years, she called me crying, messages and emails for 5 years trying to get back with me, i NEVER responded once ever. NC for life, I am a nice and caring guy but if you cross me I wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire to put u out..............There are no absolutes .


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
'nice guys' are the most manipulative people out there. They are 'nice' for the sole purpose of manipulating women into liking them. They are not true to themselves, they are not themselves while being nice. They will let women walk all over them and will be their punching bags because they think, by doing so, that they will eventually be rewarded with female attention. It is these same nice guys that will eventually show their true colors. Their persona and act does have an expiration date. They will act out, and, depending on who they are and what they've been through, will eventually become the bad guy when-if their nice guy tactics are not rewarded.
This is partly true. Nice guys are using those methods in the illusion that they are the ones who manipulate the female . So in the end they are the ones getting manipulated by the women. As you said ,depending on the circumstances the nice guy will react either to change and become a bad guy or become a dj or stay the same for the rest of their lifes.

Its individual is choosing its own path .


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Poon King called you a beta.

And it buuurrrrned enough for you to write a reply. And the only thing in your reply is how much my insult DOESN'T bother you.

You're not fooling anyone.. my beta friend.
lol, it's hilarious how stuck you are in the alpha/beta mindset (which studies have proven to be false, prestige trumps all)

when it comes down to it, you really think you're a big bad "alpha" when you spend some of your free time whining about how terrible women are on a forum about being more successful with women?

but anyway, im about done here as this forum in general is stuck too much in the "alpha/beta thinking." I'm more in the camp that being fun, in shape, dressing well, respecting yourself matters way, way more than all these subconscious psychological theories the guys here believe in. attraction is not much of a choice, and women aren't any worse than men in the grand scheme of things.

read this:

anyway, what do I know? I am just a little weak beta male that is controlled by women :(:(:(:(:(

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Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
lol, it's hilarious how stuck you are in the alpha/beta mindset (which studies have proven to be false, prestige trumps all)

when it comes down to it, you really think you're a big bad "alpha" when you spend some of your free time whining about how terrible women are on a forum about being more successful with women?

but anyway, im about done here as this forum in general is stuck too much in the "alpha/beta thinking." I'm more in the camp that being fun, in shape, dressing well, respecting yourself matters way, way more than all these subconscious psychological theories the guys here believe in. attraction is not much of a choice, and women aren't any worse than men in the grand scheme of things.

read this:

anyway, what do I know? I am just a little weak beta male that is controlled by women :(:(:(:(:(

Cry more, b!tch.

I spend some of my free time educating men on this site. NOT whining about "how terrible women are".

You're welcome.