Your dammed if you do and your dammed if you dont


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
As I’ve started getting older and more wiser with women I’ve come to realise that the vast majority aren’t the delicate little flowers you assume them to be

Most women you will meet and speak too have

1) Been fvcked in most positions imaginable
2) At some point been some guys *** dumpster
3) Masturbate a lot more than you would like to believe
4) Are a lot hornier than you would like to believe

There is no social pressure for a woman to be “ladylike” anymore they talk to each other about how well they’ve recently been fvcked , how big john does c0ck was blah blah blah trust me I’ve heard it several times straight out of the horses mouth so to speak

So it dawned on me , why am i bothering to speak to these women in a civilised manner it gets you nowhere lmao unless you want to go to the freindzone , all it does is pedastalise them and makes it even harder for the next guy

on apps like tinder now I don’t even bother with an introduction i just go straight for the jugular and see what the response is

my favourite is

“so whats your stance on being treated like a lady in the street and a w1hore under the sheets”

The attention w1hores simply won’t respond it’s not really the type of attention they want , but the girls who are actually DTF will usually respond really well compared to the usual

“Hey how are you”

Ive also become a lot more risqué in my real life encounters , i aim to sexualise virtually every conversation i have with a potential mate these days

I love throwing stuff out there that rips them out of their comfort zones another favourite has got to be

“hey have you ever done anal ! “ ?


You can only start doing sh1t like this if you have had your daily dose of red pill , if you give to many fvcks a woman will pick up on it and it will backfire badly


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Yes... all women are slvts. They like and want sex a lot more than most men, look at the muli-billion dollar sex toy industry... You think men are buying that stuff???? So congratulations on coming to an obvious conclusion. They hide their nature because of slut shaming... and you are right, the bar for behavior is very low, but you do not have to play to the lowest common denominator. Women will always be more attracted to men who intent is clear, but not their feelings. Women should know you want to fvck, but they have to believe you're not quite sure you want to fvck THEM.

You don't have to be overt about your sexual interest like that, because you come off as an unsophisticated dolt and the quality of women you will attract with that approach is painfully low. You can and should make your sexual intent clear, but women like is SOOOO much better if you are subtle about it... because then it becomes a teasing game... which they love.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
yea valid points

but to be honest i think it all depends how much time you got to waste on women

theses days about 10% of my total time goes on gaming women, i dont have time to faff around teasing and playing games ive done all that ive got the t-shirt and the mousemat

now i just want to know whos DTF and when thats it no strings no emotions no nonsense

i have far more important things to worry about now like making my first millon and writing my book


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Oh yea... I totally get that trying to bed women takes time. And you can definitely cut to the chase and get what you want. I've used the direct approach and it does work especially with young women.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Again.. why I constantly tell men to stop being pandering faggots with women and start doing, acting and saying whatever the f*ck they want!!

There are no rules anymore. YOU make the rules. Women are naturally submissive and will follow.. provided they are being lead. But most men don't lead anymore because they are too busy worrying about what reaction they will get or how the woman will feel about it.

Can you believe some morons still buy flowers? Men are just clueless as a group. Which is why most live lives of beta submission and slavery to women who have men on the side they are f*cking more often.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Again.. why I constantly tell men to stop being pandering faggots with women and start doing, acting and saying whatever the f*ck they want!!

There are no rules anymore. YOU make the rules. Women are naturally submissive and will follow.. provided they are being lead. But most men don't lead anymore because they are too busy worrying about what reaction they will get or how the woman will feel about it.

Can you believe some morons still buy flowers? Men are just clueless as a group. Which is why most live lives of beta submission and slavery to women who have men on the side they are f*cking more often.
there are certain eastern countries where buying flowers will score you points with a woman, especially in the beginning. i'm talking countries where women are below men and women out of necessity need to find a man to secure them.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
This is very true observation. Most are not even thinking about being "lady-like" anymore, and they masturbate, fvck other girls not just guys, talk about guys' c0cks like you say and on and on. Many more girls are tomboyish than they used to be and this is due to we-can-do-everything-man-does society (and movies, teevee) they've grown up around. But of course this in all reality is NOT the case as NONE of them can be SEALs and a whole host of other hard-nosed professions. If there's no D!ck hangin between their legs, they just can't do certain things and that's a fact.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
This is very true observation. Most are not even thinking about being "lady-like" anymore, and they masturbate, fvck other girls not just guys
What's wrong with masturbation? and would you prefer that by the time you found her your little flower had been out getting railed all over the place instead of lying at home with her vibrator? is there something inherently wrong with them fvcking other girls or do you mean that takes them away from the pool of women who will fvck men?